Felix X Hyunjin

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Top: Felix
Bottom: Hyunjin


Tonight was a rather peaceful night, the birds sleeping, the wind blowing, the trees flowing, and the moon shining. You would think that on a typical night like that you should have amazing dreams, but that was the exact opposite for Felix. Felix had a nightmare where Hyunjin, was crying his eyes out. You may think that's a sad dream, well it was a nightmare for Felix the reason for him crying was because he felt like Felix hates him for hugging him and just being clingy. Recently Felix hasn't been clingy with Hyunjin like how he usually is. Therefore Felix woke up with a headache, his hair slightly damped, him slightly sweating, and him panting. He is hurt when he sees Hyunjin hurt, and to know that he was the reason was just a nightmare itself even if he wasn't sleeping, while rethinking his dream a few tears fell down from his eyes and down his freckled covered cheeks. He decided to call Chan and talk about since he knows Chan is usually awake at 12:37 AM usually writing song lyrics.

Call Start 12:37 AM with 🇦🇺Aussieboy number 2 Bang Chan The Bang Man🇦🇺 🟢

Chan: Hey Yongbok wassup? You usually aren't awake at this time?

Felix: Dude I need to know if I'm in love?

Chan dropped his pen when I asked that looking like a shock corn on the cob with his yellow beanie on.

Chan: I'm taking a guess and saying it's Hyunjin?


Chan: You're always with him. You two are like two magnets, you guys have the same hobbies, and you two are inseparable when it comes to everything. Also you're really scary when you see him with the other members. Now hit me with how you're feeling.

Felix: Fine...

After 25 minutes on talking

Chan: so what're you gonna do now?

Felix: I'm going to his room because I need his company right now, bye Chan goodnight.

Chan: Alright bye Yongbok

Call ended with 🇦🇺Aussieboy number 2 Bang Chan The Bang Man🇦🇺 at 1:08 AM 🔴

Felix POV
I crawled out my bed and walked quietly down the hall and went into Hyunjin's room. He slept so perfectly. His chest moving up and down slowly, his hair still being perfect with no flaws, his face looking as if he still had makeup on, and his eyes are closed as if he didn't have any care in the world. I walked carefully after slowly shutting the door behind me and walked towards Hyunjin. He shook him slowly watching his eyes slowly flutter open like they were little butterflies.

Hyunjin: Yongbok?...Why are your eyes puffy?

He asked as he slowly sat up and asked with such an innocent sounding voice.

Felix: I just had a nightmare and was wondering if I could sleep with you?

Hyunjin: Yeah! Of course

I got into his bed as I wrapped my arms around his waist, while his arms went under my arms, and our legs tangled up with each other. We started to fall asleep listening to the wind hitting the window, the slight light from the moon shining through the slightly opened curtains, leaving a slight path of light hovering over us, with some relaxing music Hyunjin had on made us feel as we were in a movie where we were in a garden with beautifully flowing leaves from the trees helping us relax and feel as if we were in a lovely fantasy.

Head Canon you probably discovered in the end: Hyunjin listens to relaxing music to help fall asleep at night to help relax his mindset and all the nerves in his body.

Word count including this: 624

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