Them And Their Love💓

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That's what Priya had been feeling for over a week. Perhaps it was the pressure of not just going to her college but also now helping her husband in running their business... She smiled as she thought about how far they had come from where they started, so much so that now everything in their life was conjoined and had the label of "THEIR".

Perhaps it wasn't the work overload but just a consequence of Ram's regular ministrations (that led to their night long activities under the sheets) that had her feeling so bone tired and weary. She blushed as the raunchy scenes from their first night played in her head when he made her feel like a goddess, not once but six times over. He was right in promising her that night that "it will only get better with time" because it indeed did.

Their intimacy, their heated passion, their eyes that held that evident can't-keep-my-hands-off-you fire— all this had led them to this point where even a clearing of his throat and simple triple-tap on the table after dinner by Ram made her lips twitch into a subtle knowing smile because that was their secret cipher to make love. They hadn't really talked about this being their code... but somehow, it just seeped into their system and their routine. Perhaps, it was their common incessant need to be as discreet as possible about their love life that had led them to establish and understand each other's subtle unspoken words and gestures.

Her Mr. Kapoor— as she still called him in public because he had demanded from her to call him Ram only within the four walls of their room— knew how to make her go weak in her knees with just one heated glance. He knew how to turn her putty in his hands by simply peppering a trail of sloppy kisses along the line of her nape whilst holding her from behind and pressing his mighty erection to her back. He often called her HIS VENUS... HIS GODDESS OF LOVE, and boy did he really enthusiastically endeavoured to prove that title by the way he worshipped her in their bed.

But were their love-making sessions just about portrayal of physical love? Was it just physical pleasure that he gave her? No... he wasn't a man of too many words but with the way he enraptured her, he pleasured and satiated not just her body but also her head, heart and soul... making their intimacy a beautiful and heady amalgamation of physical and abstract love- which made their love and relationship feel so beautiful and lovely and made their love to grow ten folds with every passing day.

In Ram, Priya found both— her soulmate and twin-flame. Her Mr. Kapoor knew how to make her fall for him every day in a new and a better way, leaving her entranced by his charm... He loved her beyond what could be considered humanly possible and while she loved him back, too, she didn't think she could ever even compete with him in matters of love. He was a special creation of God and she truly believed she could never win against him when it came to wearing their hearts on their sleeves, for, he did it far more effusively than her introvert self could ever even imagine doing so blatantly... She smiled, thinking that perhaps there would come a day when she could give him something so worthy and symbolic of their love, that he'd know how much he meant to her... to show him that to her he was more precious than the sun, the moon and all the stars he promised to bring to her feet if she asked for them. Perhaps, that day she could come equal to him, if not more, in loving him the way he loved her.

While she was lost in her train of thoughts, her body decided to remind her of how she was feeling so miserably sick and exhausted by replacing the smile on her lips with a yawn that escaped her lips followed by a sigh of frustration at her "under the weather" state!

It had been like that for the past two weeks...and it wasn't just exhaustion, she could also feel herself turning into a puddle of emotions, with her moods changing faster than one could blink their eyes.

Just last week, Ram had asked her if they could go out for a movie but damn! Her horrible exhaustion! She had refused him with her favourite word NO in quite a straightforward way because that day too she didn't have the energy in her body to go out again after coming back home from work and hitting her comfy bed. But when she said "no", Ram really got annoyed, made a grumpy face and passed on a few sarcastic remarks to Priya which made... "The Khadoos" Mrs. Kapoor from Bandra to cry like a baby.

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