The bath and the conversation-Pt 1

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The minutes Ram spent in taking the 17 steps that led to the first floor and walking down the corridor till he reached their bedroom were spent by him in wondering how to start a conversation with Priya. In three years of their marriage, if there was one thing that hadn't changed even a bit about Priya was her lack of will to talk and express openly. She was still an introvert, who didn't easily open up even to him about her most vulnerable feelings. But he also knew in that moment that a one-on-one conversation with Priya was the need of the hour... that too without any intrusion or influence of a third person over their senses... he had no doubt about that.

What he really wondered, though, was "where, when, how" about the conversation, until something came to his mind, making him to widen his eyes a bit and press his lips together in determination as he headed to the bathroom. She was taking the bath he drew for her... bare to the air around, with no fabric layers shrouding her body. If he were to join her in, bare and without any layers covering his body, he would come across as vulnerable and raw as her. And that perhaps would make the most convenient ambiance for them to have a heart-to-heart conversation—  them being physically connected with no barriers between them to symbolise a deep and meaningful connection and water around them to symbolise fluidity he wanted to ascertain in their conversation.

Back in the bathroom, after Ram left to talk to Tarun, Priya had a complete meltdown with fresh tears making their way down her face as she recollected her irrational behaviour from moments ago. She wasn't able to fathom what was wrong with her. She couldn't understand why she was behaving in a way she normally wouldn't . If she were to share it with anyone, they'd probably tell her it was because of the probable pregnancy hormones. But she knew better. It wasn't her hormones, it was her inner turmoil and her apprehensions that were talking a toll on all her senses. But in all this she was probably now making it seem to Ram that she didn't love their baby. And that was a scary thought for her. How could she hurt the one man who she loved and who loved her truly, madly, deeply. How could she ever even imply that she didn't love their child. She gently placed her hand on her stomach and, as if talking to the baby, as she said, "I am sorry, baby! I am sorry if I made you or your dad think that I don't love you... that I am distressed to know you exist. I am just scared and..."
"...and? And what, Priya?"

It was Ram who walked in into the bathroom at the exact same time as Priya chose to talk to their unborn child. True they didn't know yet if it was true or not, but a mother's heart was starting to beat inside Priya telling her that she was nurturing a little life in her womb. And Ram was simply relieved to see Priya, for the first time, acknowledging that. They would still take the test, even though their hearts said they were expecting a baby... but that would just be a confirmation to what they now already know. But before that, seeing Priya talk to their unborn child like that, made Ram to move with determined steps towards Priya, who was looking at him with teary eyes. The minute he reached near the brim of the tub, he sat down on his haunches , looked her in the eye and asked again, "And what, Priya?"

Priya— a distraught Priya riding with the guilt of behaving so rudely with the man who was trying to hold her and support her "in sickness and in health" like he promised at the wedding altar— just couldn't take it anymore as she half-leapt out of the tub and into Ram's arms, soaking him in water and taking him by surprise, "...and I am sorry, Ram! I am sorry, I shouted at you and made you feel bad for celebrating that what might be our own little ray of sunshine. I am sorry!"

Ram just held her in his arms and tried to console her, "shhh! Stop crying, Priya. It's okay!"
"It's not okay, Mr. Kapoor. It's not okay!"
"Hey, hey, hey! Baby, look at me....", said Ram breaking their hug and holding her face in his palms making her to look at him. "You did nothing wrong. I was the one who shouldn't have added to your stress by doing my looney dance or taking that joyride. I understand you are going through a lot that is not even remotely concerned to your hormones. And to help you resolve all those things going on in your head, I think we need to have a heart-to-heart conversation. We gotta bare it all to each other..."

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