Priya's Soulful Gratifiction

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Your wish is my command, my queen." And with that, he took her lips in his kiss, branding her and him.
The kiss was a sweet tango of their lips dancing rhythmically to each other's tune, as Ram deftly held Priya by her waist and turned around on the bed so that now she was lying on the bed while he was on top of her, for ease to get up for what he intended to do next— PUTTING UP A SHOW FOR HIS DEAR WIFE.
Now the real fun would start— the slow undressing, the teasing, and the seduction. Not that he hadn't enjoyed kissing and subtly making out with Priya... He enjoyed it more than any other woman he'd ever met in his life before Priya came in. But now she lay on his bed, and it was time to move a level higher, for as she lay on their bed, with her bare breasts exposed to his hungry eyes and her nipples hardened, she made him feel like the wolf, who wanted to devour the lamb, the very willing lamb.
Slowly, Ram got off her and stood tall against the side of their bed as he unbuttoned his shirt. Button after button of his shirt eased open with his deft hands working with an easy momentum on them as she watched him silently, as if fascinated by the simple action of a man— HER MAN— undressing. When he dropped the shirt to the floor, he caught her tongue licking her lips. He smirked at her and kicked off his slippers as he dropped down onto the bed, covering her body with his, mindful not to put even an ounce of his weight on her belly, where their little nugget rested.
Tucking a lone strand of hair falling on her face, he bent down to peck her lips as he asked, "Missed me, Missus?"
"I missed your lips," Priya confessed, a little boldly and confidently.
He didn't know why he always said ridiculous things to her, perhaps because he liked the way she responded. There was a truth and a simplicity in her answers that floored him. Things seemed to be simple with her—black and white, uncomplicated. There was not one thing about her that ever felt high-maintenance. No frills, just a pure woman.
Her simplicity appealed to his true, virile passions. It was a major turn-on for him from the minute they met almost four years ago to discuss their so-called "contract marriage". It awakened the side of him that, for most of his life, had been dormant. The side that lived for the hunt to satisfy his carnal desires—his need to love a woman one hundred percent and for her to possess him— something he had never let a woman do because he'd always held back, never given all of himself, never daring to do it. But with Priya, all he wanted was to take this woman, possess her completely, and give himself to her completely too, without anything ever holding him back.

With Priya, for the first time in his lifetime, he felt the need and the desire to love her with a passion that could not even be best defined by those classic authors his wife liked. The kind of love that had to evoke a sense of passion and possession in their hearts for each other over the years, the love that had just been rekindled with the news of their little one taking firm hold in his wife's womb, the love that found a new sense in the way they rode away each other's insecurities a while ago.
He suddenly felt the love surge like a high tide in his heart, making him want to declare his love to her yet again.

"I love you, Priya Kapoor. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I don't think it's humanly possible to love someone like this. I don't know and don't even want to imagine what life would have been had you not come to show me the light at the end of the tunnel. You made me who I am, and now you are giving me a chance to make myself a better version of myself by giving me an offspring to love, hold, and cherish. As I love you today, please know that it's not just love but a little prayer I'd be saying in your name because you are the Divine Being that came into my life and changed it to be so good that I couldn't even have imagined once upon a time in my life. I love you. Truly, madly, deeply."

There was a glimpse of something unmissable in her eyes that looked like acknowledgment and reciprocation. When she sought his lips, he knew what she was trying to communicate silently through her actions— a silent declaration of their feelings of love and reverence for each other being mutual. Her hands touched his back and stroked his hot skin as if to say "I'll always be calm in your chaos".
Priya's touch at that exact moment was more sensual than erotic, more full of love than lust, making Ram feel as if she had her intentions set on leaving a trail of molten lava on every inch of his body that she intended to touch.

Not wanting to take a risk with her or the baby, Ram rolled them to the side to relieve Priya's fragile body of his weight and to let his hands glide around her body. Pushing the fabric of her nightgown further down her back, he slipped his hands underneath it to find the gentle curves of her perfectly formed ass. The panties she wore were of simple cotton—no lace, no frills—yet so inviting. She was effortlessly a seductress to him and all his senses, and nothing in the world could have made him want to not get intoxicated by this drug named Priya.

A gentle moan escaped Priya's lips as Ram pulled her knickers down a few inches to rest them at the apex of her thighs, just enough to expose her twin swells that reminded him of Twin Peaks overlooking his beloved city of San Francisco. He ran his hand over them to feel the softness of her skin, and sure enough, it did feel the way he knew it would— soft and smooth like velvet.

He was in a rush and had decided in his mind to go slowly, taking his own precious time to explore every inch of her divine body before he consumed her. Ram separated his lips from hers and felt her groan as if in frustration, reflecting his sheer reluctance to break the kiss. But the moment his lips went lower to attend to her breasts instead, she let out another sigh—one of pleasure and need.

With his teeth, Ram gently but effectively tugged at one of her nipples, feeling her quiver beneath him before he smoothed the tender spot with his tongue and then placed a tender kiss on it as a way of telling her that he had not even for once forgotten that she was sensitive to any rough touches there and promising her with that one kiss that he'd take care of her every discomfort just as he had done by nipping and kissing her breast.

Surely he had decided to love her gently, but no way could it be deduced that he'd let her off without driving her insane with his romantic torture. He knew how to live with his khadoos wife, but he also knew how to gently torture this woman in his arms, how to elicit wanton reactions from her, and how to make her gasp with pleasure. Ram sucked her breast like a child that would never be weaned off, making Priya arch her back to ask for more, thrusting more of her breast into his mouth, demanding that he suck harder.

"Oh Ram, please, yes!" Priya begged him for more, digging her fingers into his shoulders to hold him close to her. He'd asked her what she liked, and it seemed she'd found her voice to tell him. Ram wasn't one to ignore his beloved's wishes, and he bestowed the same attention on her other breast, leaving her nipples tender to the touch.

And while he was focused on pleasuring her, Ram ignored his aching erection, which was begging to be let out of the confinement of his pants. He knew if he gave in, it would be over too soon. There was too much he wanted to do to Priya, so he suppressed his need for now, for he would be even sweeter to take her once he'd waited. He drove her and himself to the last point of the road of delayed gratification before plucking that checkered flag of ecstasy for both of them.

What Ram couldn't ignore any longer, though, was the aroma of Priya's feral arousal. Dropping his lips down to her stomach and kissing it once reverentially as if thanking their child for helping them find a newfound love, he loved a little lower and soaked in her tempting scent, inhaling deeply. There was something primal about her scent—something unspoiled and pure, something intoxicating and invigorating.

His hands grabbed hold of her night dress and oiled it off her body completely before chucking it away to where his clothes lay, exposing, in its wake, her body fully to him except for the small area between her legs still covered with the speck of fabric. With his teeth, Ram pulled at the fabric and nudged it down to expose her hidden treasure folds before his hands rid her of her knickers completely as she willingly let him proceed.

"Oh, God, Priya! Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? So beautiful that you could even put the angels to shame, and oh man! I am so lucky to have you." He glanced up at her. Her eyes were half closed, and her lips parted.
"I have to taste you," Ram said in a raspy voice, laden with pure and unhindered desire for her to take over his voice box. It wasn't a question or a demand, not even a request. It was just a statement of an inevitable action Ram had to perform as if compelled by a higher power.

As soon as he sank his face into her female centre and soaked in her enticing aroma, he knew he was lost.
His tongue lapped against her warm and glistening flesh, licking at the moisture oozing from her. Eagerly, he helped her spread her wiggly legs for him to allow him closer access. Ram felt his heart beating in sync with the gasps Priya made when he repeated his tender strokes. His fingers spread her before him as he greedily continued his quest to explore every nook and corner of her feminine folds with his tongue.
At the same time, Priya twisted and flexed under his mouth, and he scooped his hands under her sweet derrière to press her more firmly into him.

"Mine, all mine, only mine." Ram whispered into her flesh, making an ecstatic Priya shed a tear of pleasure from her left eye as she felt him plunge his tongue into her inviting honeypot.

Ram let himself bathe in the heat emanating from her centre, drinking from her moisture like a thirsty and famished animal while continuing to passionately inhale her scent. Over the years, she had become a part of his body, and he was now in possession of her charms for a lifetime. He knew he'd recognise her scent a hundred years from now if he were to live that long.

Withdrawing his tongue from her centre, he knew there was another place he wanted to taste. He'd left the best for last. His tongue moved upwards to the small but fully engorged nub of flesh hidden at the base of her curls. In slow motion, he grazed the spot with his tongue and instantly felt her tremble like a leaf on a windy summer afternoon.

The thought that his wife was more sensitive than a seismograph had Ram's lips curving into a smile. He resolved in that one moment that when he'd done with her, she'd have been through a 9.5-magnitude earthquake. And he'd also guarantee, he thought with a sly smile, massive aftershocks rippling through her. For himself, he loved the thought of his own body being caught up in each and every one of those earthquakes she'd be experiencing. The seemingly biggest earthquake that the world saw would register as a gentle ripple on a pond compared to what he would ensure she'd be feeling once he made her touch the ecstasy-filled crescendo.

"Mrs. Kapoor, you'd better hold on tight because you are about to be taken on a ride to the pinnacles of pleasure by yours truly," Ram said to Priya, as he thought it was only fair to give her a warning.

To Priya, the fact that she was completely naked in the arms of a gorgeous man who cared not a dime for what she believed was her unappealing body, who put his whole heart into worshipping her body with his own to unconsciously remove any doubts she might have about his love for her, and who seemed to have put it into his head to give her every conceivable pleasure in his power, seemed surreal. But it was real, as real as her husband's hot breath caressing her dewy petals before his tongue stroked over them again and again in a rhythm as old as time.

Ram's tongue was relentless, but when he explored her with his fingers and slowly drove one into her warm core, she almost leaped off the bed at the intense sensation.

Something was more intense and primal in the way he loved her on this occasion. Every move he made was familiar yet completely new and more invigorating to her senses than anything she'd ever experienced before. She wondered if his finger could create such an emotion in her; she could only guess what would happen when she'd finally feel his manhood inside her, and just the thought of it had Priya shivering with an unknown excitement, instinctively.

Meanwhile, Ram slid his finger smoothly in and out of her slick flesh. With every movement, more moisture pooled in her centre, and more heat built up within her. Priya felt like she was a volcano ready to explode, ready to blow its top. She felt completely and utterly vulnerable and didn't care that she was. He wouldn't hurt her. This wasn't just any man she'd seen in her life; this was the man she loved for loving her for who she was—the man with whom she would now be welcoming a new life in the form of their baby. How could she then be afraid of being vulnerable in front of him, who had been her whole life? Not a chance! None at all! There would be no embarrassment or possibility of ever being hurt by him. She knew he'd always be by her side or behind her to have her back. He who loved her for who she was would protect her and hold onto her tightly even in her moments of utter vulnerability.

"Come for me, baby," she heard Mr. Kapoor whisper to her.

Ram's fingers worked on her frantically. His tongue played with her wet folds, and he knew just the right rhythm to drive her to the edge. She felt her excitement build, and her breathing became more ragged. It was time to let go of her control and hand it over to him, surrender to him, and do what he demanded.

When his tongue lapped against her sweet spot again, synced perfectly with his finger hitting her g-spot at the same time, she was past the point of no return. Like a tsunami building out in the ocean, she felt a faint tingle start in her belly and ripple outward until it crashed against the wave that had started in her extremities, powering together in a gargantuan crescendo, exploding in the epicentre of her body, and flowing outward wave after wave as the ripples of pleasure didn't stop emanating from her body. There was no end to it, nor to the scream she heard in her ears—a scream of release coming from her own throat. Whether her orgasm lasted seconds or minutes, she was unaware of time and place.
She only knew she'd never felt anything like it. She'd never felt this free. She'd never felt this satiated. She'd never felt this cherished.
It was a moment of not just physical satisfaction but also of soulful gratification, and she had to give every bit of credit for it to the man she loved, adored, and cherished more than anything and over everything else in the world—her Mr. Kapoor.

As if in a fog, she felt Ram glide his way up her body before cradling her limp body, which was still reeling with the after-effects of the emotional and physical high she just experienced, against his chest until her body and breathing finally returned to normal.
She knew why, unlike every other time, he did not immediately move to the next step of their lovemaking. It was because even though he had agreed and flown in the passion of letting their physical needs take precedence as their form of celebration, he still was concerned for her, concerned that she might not feel too well to be taken immediately to the next point of feral pleasure, worried he might hurt their baby or her in doing so. So she knew she had to make him comfortable, assure him of her and their baby's safety, make him feel the love he just made her feel, and let him lose his tension the way she made him lose hers.

When Priya finally opened her eyes again with the calm after the high tide, her eyes held determination to make Ram feel as loved as he made her feel, and she peered lovingly at the smiling face of her lover, her man, her Mr. Kapoor— her all-in-one package of utter bliss.

"Oh. My. God. Thank you for that, Ram."
"I take it you liked the appetiser?"
"How could I not when I was in the safe hands of the man I love, who seems to be a man on a mission to make me feel every bit lived and cherished? I love you, Ram."

"I love you too, Priya," said Ram, as he took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers and kissing the back of her hand before he continued to speak with a naughty smile covering his face. "I'm glad you liked the appetiser. How about we move on to the main course?" He beamed unashamedly.
There he was, the goofy, testosterone-ridden man she loved back in his form. There was still a hint of worry in his eyes, which Priya was willing to ride away, which is why she followed his proposition with a declaration of her own.

"Not before you've tasted your appetiser." She said as she let her hand glide down to the top of his pyjama pants, tugging only a little at the strings of them, "I want you naked, NOW."

P.S: A little delay in the pre-written part... because your girl here had a little setback owing to her not being able to qualify a major competitive exam that she gave last month— that led to days spent wondering if I am even good enough or interlude t enough to qualify one of the toughest competitive exam of the world. Anyways, I apologise for the delay and promise to be back soon with a fresh part.

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