Breaking Barriers... With Love

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"Not before you've had a taste of your appetizer." Priya said assertively as she let her hand glide down to the top of his lower, tugging only a little at the strings of them, "I want you naked, NOW."

Priya moved her head closer to Ram's lips as if seeking a kiss. Her sweet breath rushed from her parted lips and bounced against his as he drew the scent of her freshly loved body into his lungs. Oh, she could have just lunged at him and taken his lips into hers, but oh, those demons of her past—of her ex mocking her for "being a pervert pumped up pumpkin" even when all she'd go in for was what he called a clingy hug— lurked in the corner of her head. Ram might have healed what he hadn't broken with his words and actions, but the hesitation was yet to entirely leave her soul. Even though she even chose to ask him to do things to her in bed for this rendezvous session of theirs was progress she was glad she made for both their sake, she decided to break yet another barrier of hers with her next move—she would meet her man where he stood, not waiting for him to meet her halfway.

Ram, being Ram, understood her apprehension as he always did. He knew now what exact scars covered her soul, but he knew he had to assure her he would always match her willingness and enthusiasm for anything in life—a kiss or a cake—and meet her halfway for every advance she'd make his way. The hesitation before letting it all loose in bed was something he had always noticed in her and had tried to soothe away the best he could. and the fact that she was boldly asking him to do things in bed, then thought that his demand was enough progress for the day for him to feel happy. He had seen her several times in the past three years moving in for a kiss and then stopping halfway as if calculating her move and had always chosen to complete the task on her behalf, and he was determined to do that again and again till she finally didn't choose to come along the entire way to kiss him or at least peck him before he could take charge. And so he started to close in the distance between their lips when suddenly he felt his wife place her soft petal-like lips on his own in a feather-light peck, making him smile against her lips as he couldn't believe his luck for having finally broken yet another wall his wife held in her heart. Happily, then, he decided to take charge from that point to make Priya know how profoundly happy he was to have her come forward and kiss him without waiting too long for him to do the task. So he let his hand, which was previously wrapped around her waist while he held her trembling body in his arms, brush her naked back with feather-soft touches as it finally came up to slide to her nape, drawing her closer as he slanted his lips and took complete possession of his wife's mouth.

Sure, it had just been a few minutes of him being devoid of the feel of her lips on his, but even those few minutes felt like an eternity to his body that was on fire, ablaze with his prurient desires for his beautiful, beloved wife. He'd hungered for this kiss, and in that one moment, he was thankful to Priya for taking charge. While he wanted her to get out of her shell, he was also too scared to start another round of having Priya sweat it off in bed in her delicate condition, wanting her to take it easy and at her own pace before they touched the crescendo of titillating orgasm. And so the moment he felt Priya's lips touch his, he knew that this kiss was everything he'd ever imagined—and more, it was a symbol of his wife shedding another layer of her inhibition on one hand and of her being comfortable taking things to another level on the other. The press of her warm lips was determined to comfort him of his worries; the slide of her tongue against his smooth and without hesitation of lurking insecurities It was a kiss that felt new and exotic, like that of two people who recently chose to be lovers. Yet at the same time, the contact was electrifying, like it should be when you kiss your soulmate, which she sure as hell was. With every stroke against Priya's tongue and with every lash against her lips and teeth, he poured into her more of the lust and love that he'd bottled up inside him for far since last evening when he found out that they might as well be stepping into new roles of parenthood that only escalated when their doubt was turned into reality with the positive pregnancy tests. He hadn't had an outlet for expressing his emotions and love for his wife accurately up until the moment Priya's lips touched his, showing him that she was now liberated of all her worries and had joined him in celebrating their love, and it's a symbol that they procreated together.

Priya was a changed woman in that one moment. someone who was more sure of herself, of her husband, and of their love, which is why she kissed him with reckless abandon, like a woman who knew no boundaries and pressed her alluring body against her husband's aroused body while she gave herself over to his kiss. He was not anything like Neeraj, who mocked her, nor like her father, who abused her mother in bed. Ram was, in fact, the epitome of a man written by a woman—a man who knew how to not just live but worship his woman, how to get her guard down with his sheer love for and confidence in her, and the bond that they shared. In that one moment, she only immensely thanked her fate for bringing Ram into her life.

Maybe the fact that their lips were connected was a factor in their synced thoughts, or maybe it was something else, but co-incidentally, at the same moment when Priya was thanking her fate, Ram too was thinking of his fate, which would sound weird to anyone who knew him all his life, for, before Priya came along, Ram never believed in fate or destiny, but as their kiss turned from passionate to scorching hot and sent flames shooting through his body that threatened to incinerate him from the inside with all the joy of impending parenthood and of their unhindered love that was filling his heart, he rethought his conviction. Maybe there was such a thing as fate after all, and he was the one blessed with the most precious fate to have the opportunity to hold this beautiful lady close to his heart and call her his own.

Happy and lost in his thought and his wife's kiss, Ram suddenly felt Priya's soft hands start to caress his naked torso as she moved her hand down to the edge of his lower and boxers, which was an indication, as always, of her wife having forgotten all her inhibitions and having joined him wholly in that moment. Sure, he wasn't a well-built Greek God kind of man; he had no seizure pack abs or well-shaped pecs, but he still was a very handsome man with his lean body perfectly in shape—the shape that Priya loved to bits and was made evident with the trail of kisses she was landing in the route that her hands just covered from his torso to the V that led to her treasure.

With her tender fingers, Priya brushed the elastic of his lower before hooking her fingers on the side, looking up to his eyes and motioning for him to raise his hips a bit for her to slide the pieces of clothing covering the lower half of his body. Ram, dazed as he was by the onslaught of soft caresses and kisses his wife just showered on his body, silently complied with Priya's silent order and raised himself a bit to let her tug in his bottoms and boxers, and not even five seconds later he was lying there in their bed in his naked glory, exposed completely to his wife's appreciative gaze that was settled as a stare in the impressive length that had sprung out of his boxers.

To Priya, he was magnificent—beautiful in the most primal way. The sight of him lying on their bed, in his all-naked glory, with his left arm neatly tucked under his head to help him prop a little and gaze at her as she sat kneeling between his legs, was a sight that literally stirred everything feminine inside her. Sure, he might have had girlfriends before he met her. But, at that moment, seeing him gazing at her with so much love in his eyes, she was sure no woman—including Vedika—that he was involved with before her showing up and making a permanent place for herself in his life had seen him in a form as raw as she had been blessed to witness. It wasn't the physical rawness that she was thinking of. But rawness of what lay beneath that skin... a heart made of pure gold with love for her that was deeper than the deepest ocean of the world that made him make those extra efforts to win her heart, made him do things for her that she had not seen most men around her do for their women, and, above all, made him work with extra tenacity to break the walls of insecurity that she had erected around her heart like a fortress to protect herself from getting hurt after being repeatedly hurt for a better part of her life by instilling a faith in her that he would not break his heart but also protect it from others who try to harm it in any way. She had found her gem, and that was a feeling like no other.

"Like what you see, Mrs. Kapoor?"

Priya heard the teasing raspy voice of her husband that sounded a little husky at the moment, probably a sign of his arousal, apart from the very evident sign of it that lay straight in the line of Priya's vision. She looked up into his eyes to see him gazing at her with a teasing look. On any other day, Priya would have cowered or lowered her gaze, being too shy to meet his teasing one. But today was not that kind of day. They had shared a lot throughout just a night, going from being a couple in love to a couple that looked forward to welcoming the symbol of the love that they created. They had shared their insecurities, and their fears, and bared parts of their souls in that span of a few hours. To hesitate in that moment would have been like taking ten steps back, and Priya was not about to do that. He had made every effort in his power and even beyond to comfort her, make her happy, and give her a sense of security against all her inhibitions. She had to meet him halfway; she knew that. And so, trying to mimic her husband, Priya said in an equally teasing voice, "Why, now, Mr. Kapoor, maybe I do! Or maybe not! I will have to take a closer look at what I am seeing to be sure."

She held her breath as she waited for Ram's reaction to the unconventionally bold statement she just made, and sure enough, in only about five seconds, she heard his breath hitch and get caught in his throat for a few seconds as his mouth opened into a perfect O and his eyes widened with surprise. His look pumped confidence into Priya's heart, and she calculated her next moves with sheer precision and started working on them.

With both hands, as she sat between his legs, she slowly kept both her hands on his knees, circling them in slow, soft movements before letting her right-hand fingers glide their way up and down his thigh in a slow, soft, and seductive motion. All along, even though she kept her eyes locked onto Ram's face to take in his every reaction, to say the least, his dazed state and eyes rolling up to heaven gave her a sense of feminine prowess that she held in her hands to turn her husband into a putty of his hands with just some caresses. She smirked a little, thinking about this, before moving up and reaching for his erection.

She heard Ram noisily suck in his breath once again as Priya's fingers grazed over the tip of his shaft. "Priya, this isn't the right time to—aarrgh!" He whimpered as Priya, emboldened by his venereal reactions to her ministrations, let her hand cup his cojones and massage them gently.

Smirking to herself, with her bent at an angle that blocked Ram from seeing her mischievous smile, she then said, "It's never the right time, Ram... But a lady's got to return the favor her man bestows upon her, no? After all, you did say that ours is a relationship of equality. Now did you not?"

It seemed like she asked him a question, but rhetoric it really was, something that Ram realized by the way Priya let her hand work its way on his hardened Salami, while she smoothly, in a single movement, moved from sitting between his legs to lying on his right side with a leg wound around his right leg, her one hand still wound around and moving in determined circular motions on his shaft while her hand went over to caress his curls as her lips found their way to what she knew was his weakest point—his nape.

"Priya...", a rather brain-frozen Ram, tried to say something, but to no effect.
"What, Ram?" She asked, knowing completely well that she had rendered her man speechless and incapable of answering her at that moment in any capacity owing to her sensual moves. "Tell me, na, isn't our relationship about equality?"
"Ahhhh... yes! Yes, it is, Priya." He huffed a little, then puffed a little more before groaning like a lion kept in a cage as he breathed through his next set of words: "Will you, for God's sake, slow down with your movements? I won't be able to hold it together, and I am sure you don't want this to end this way, Priya."
"Ummm, hmmm..." he heard her say as she mischievously licked her tongue up the line of his neck and tugged on his earlobe once again.
"Yes! Yes, we are equal, Priya. Please let me go now."
"Hmm... good to know, Ram." Said Priya with a smirk as she traced the rim of his ear one more time before moving her face away from there and letting it rest on his chest her hands too slowed only for a moment as she pondered if she should try a trick she read in one of the not-so-innocent books she had in her library.

Ram, clueless about what was going on in his lady's head, pulled his arm from beneath Priya and wrapped it around her shoulder as he struggled to catch a breath. "You play dirty when you do, Jaan." He said a few seconds later as he caught his breath and rested his chin on top of her hair, thinking her ordeal over his aroused body had reached the helm of it while preparing himself to take in the reins once again.

Priya knew he couldn't see her face, and so she blushed a deep shade of red, knowing she had, for the first time in three years, gone above and beyond in showing her affection to her husband in bed so blatantly. However, it was the thought of what she was about to do next that made her blush turn into a naughty smirk as she moved her head from his chest and took it closer to his face once again.

"Well, dear husband... Someone once told me that sometimes you have to play dirty to get what you want." She breathed into his ear, repeating the words back to him that he once said to her while being mischievous to her in a similar way as she was at that moment.

As she had moved her face from his chest to his face, her nipples, chilled from the air, had skimmed over the taut skin on his chest, making him chuckle low and deep, and she had his eyes alight with humor because, at that moment, he knew he wasn't the only one affected by her ministrations.

In her heart, Priya smirked, knowing his humor would last only a few seconds and transform into a heady surprise with her next move. And with that thought, she slid her other hand down his chest and watched him watch her hand make its way down to his treasure island to join her right hand. He looked at her and raised his eyebrows, curious as to where she was going with these moves.

While he just continued to stare at Priya, Priya focused on remembering and executing what she had read in her book as she gripped the base of his shaft with one of her hands and twisted it up and back on his length while she let the pad of the thumb of her other hand pay special attention to his crest.

"Oh God, that feels good, Priya," he moaned. The look he gave her in that moment smoldered her so intensely with need and lust that it was just enough to ignite her insides. Emboldened by his reactions, once again, she stroked him a couple more times, enjoying the game she was glad she chose to play and enjoying the fact that she could create such a visceral reaction from this man. She was lucky to call her husband, who was right now lying with her in their bed, giving the reactions of a man enamored and affected by the only woman he claimed to have ever loved intensely, letting those reactions be the proof of his claim.

Suddenly, she was struck by a thought—more like a recollection of the little chat they had before they brought matters to their bed—and she chose to talk about it to Ram at that very moment when he was putty in her hands and would probably concede to whatever she was about to ask of him. Thinking that, she stopped all her motion and let Ram's fuzzy mind register her halt. Sure enough, in a few seconds, she saw his eyes, which had closed partway in pleasure, fly open to meet hers, making her smirk slowly at him.

"I just have to ask you for one thing, Ram." She could see the confusion on his face, his jaw grinding as he silently begged for the pleasure to return. Devilish as she had turned in that moment, having steered his attention to her words, she continued her motion again, altering her grip and angle of stroke, creating a difference in the sensations that coursed through Ram's entire body, making him hiss and groan, his head rising slightly and falling back against the pillow. Priya stopped again, but only for a moment before cupping his balls in her hands.

"I understand you want to prove yourself worthy of my love by being good in your actions and also by looking handsome 24*7. But, Ram, you have to understand. I love you for who you are. I'd honestly love a raw Ram more than the Ram who fakes "I woke up looking like a Ken doll" with gelled hair. I want to wake up and be able to skim my hands through your unkempt tresses as you kiss me every morning. I want to brush the strand of your golden hair that falls on your face when it isn't combed to perfection. So, I want you to promise me that moving forward, no more waking up before me specifically to fix your looks because I want to see the raw you first thing I wake up every morning. And let me remind you that pregnant women are highly hormonal, so if you choose to defy my words, let me assure you that I won't be responsible for the consequences you might have to face."

Her words make his mouth slide into a ghost of a smile. The fact that his shy wife had chosen to have him by his balls, genuinely, to express her love-filled desire, only made his chest sweep with a sheer sense of gratitude for being blessed by the best in the form of Priya. He also knew he had to give her his word to do as she wished. Clearing his throat, then, he said, "Well, it seems you have me by the balls both literally and figuratively, Mrs. Kapoor. Don't you now?" he taunted, mischief dancing in his eyes.

Priya knew he was teasing her, but she was in no mood to be teased before she had his word for the promise she asked him for. So, she squeezed him softly, fighting the smirk that wanted to play at the corners of my mouth, knowing he'd cower to her desires in any case, but especially in this case where his balls were quite literally involved. "Have I made myself clear and have your word for it as a promise? The non-negotiable way or not, Mr. Kapoor!"

"Crystal clear, sweetheart and you have my promise," Ram said, holding his one hand out in the air as if in surrender, with his eyes conveying sincerity in his response. Satisfied he understood what Priya was telling him, Priya stroked his hard-on one last time before letting it out of her serpentine grip and letting her hand come up to cup his face to turn it towards her a little and give him a little peck. "Now, will you please make love to me, Mr. Kapoor?"

Ram smiled his most charming smile at Priya as he lifted his head a little from the pillow to make a gesture of bowing in front of Priya as he said, "Your wish is my command, my Queen." And with that, he got up from where he was lying on the bed, and in one swift yet careful motion, he had Priya under him.

He took her lips into his for yet another kiss as he let his hand stretch to his side table in his deft practice of opening the drawer without seeing to grab a condom from it. Priya knew what he was doing but was confused about why. So she chose to break the kiss by distancing him a bit from her by keeping a hand on his shoulder as she asked him what confused her at that moment.

"What are you doing, Ram?"
Priya pointed to his hand that was in the knob of his bedside drawer and said, "This? What is this that you are doing?"
A confused Ram looked at her and said, "I am sure we are not doing it the first time, and you know what I am doing."
"Ya! That's why I asked, "What ARE YOU doing?"
"I am grabbing a condom from the drawer, Priya. What else? Why are you asking these silly questions?" Ram asked while he concentrated on opening the drawer and fetching a condom out of it, only to have Priya's hand reach out and grab it out of his hand. "What are you doing, Priya?"
"What AM I DOING? Mr. Kapoor, what are you doing?"
"Grabbing. A. Condom. Priya."
"But. Why? Mr. Kapoor?"
"To. Wear. It. While. We. Do. It. Duh!"
Priya couldn't help but laugh out loud at the confused reaction her husband was giving her at that moment. "You really are very poor in biology, Ram."
"Don't you think it's a little too late for condoms? That would be like shutting the barn door after the horses ran off."
"What? Priya, what is this horse talk now? First, you had me in your death grip; you made me make some really stupid promises, and now these horses talk. Let's do what we are doing. I can't wait any longer. And I bet you can't as well." He said it with a naughty smile covering his face.
"Ram, what is 8942 divided by 41?"
"Ya right! See, you can do mental math with lightning speed but can't get this simple thing. You are bad with biology stuff." Priya said as a chortle broke out of her stomach.
"Care to explain?"
"I am pregnant, Ram. We definitely don't need these for the next few months."
As realization dawned upon Ram, he couldn't help but feel silly and ended up giving her a silly laugh. "Ya! Ya! So what. I knew that. I just forgot! I know everything. I... woh... I just forgot because... because of what you did to me a while ago."
"Oh, really, Mr. Kapoor."
"Yes, Mrs. Kapoor. Now, please don't disturb me. We can keep it aside while I love my wife." With that, Ram towered over her once again.

He kissed her one more time as he positioned himself between her legs. But before he proceeded, he had to ask her one little thing, which was not so little to him, and he couldn't proceed without knowing her answer to that.

"Priya, if anything hurts, you'll let me know, won't you?"
Hearing Ram, Priya felt confusion coursing through her head. "Why would anything hurt?"
Ram sighed and slid his palm over her stomach. "I don't want to hurt you or the baby. What if I do it too hard or too rough? What if that harms you or the baby in some way, and we haven't even consulted the doctor yet? I... I can't let you both be hurt, Priya. So, please, can you just assure me before we move forward that you'll let me know if I hurt you at any point?"

Priya couldn't help but smile. Here was Ram—her husband—the man who was on the brink of exploding with his aroused state, and yet all he could think about was her and their baby. He cared not about his physical relief; he cared more about her physical comfort. Unlike her father, who ill-treated her mother in the bedroom, here was her man, who had worry lines furrowing his head at the mere thought of any prospective chances of him hurting her with this venereal rendezvous. She couldn't help but feel immense love for her husband fill her heart, but she also couldn't help chuckle at his not-so-biology-smart self asking her such questions.

To assure her and to make him continue what he was doing, she pulled Ram closer to her. "I've read that a pregnant woman can have coital encounters well into the final weeks of her pregnancy without hurting the baby in the slightest, and it might be even helpful in labor and stuff like that."

"But..." Ram tried to spell out more of his concerns, only to feel Priya's hand reach for his erection. He was as hard as an iron rod, and it was exactly what she needed from him right now. She needed to feel him inside her, showing her how much he desired her. How much he loved her.

"Don't think too much, Ram. I need you. You need me. It's alright. Me and the baby are fine. And you won't ever hurt us, we know. So, please. Make me yours once again."

Overcome by his immense love for her at that moment and willingness to give her what she was asking of him, Ram then said, "Well, if you put it that way." He then gripped her left thigh, urging her to open up to him. Without breaking eye contact, Priya guided his erection to her wet folds, then released her grip on him. An instant later, he thrust forward and sliced into her in one continuous stroke until he was seated balls-deep in her.

She pressed her head into the pillow, her back arching off the sofa cushions as she received him. "Oh God!"

"Too hard?" Ram asked, startled by Priya's moan, thinking he had hurt her. He started to withdraw himself from her, but before he could do that completely, Priya had already slung her legs around him and crossed her ankles below his derrière, imprisoning him. "I am fine, and you're not going anywhere. That was just the sound of a happy woman—a very happy woman whose husband loves her a lot."

Ram shook his head, happy as hell to know his wife acknowledged his love like a sermon in the Bible. He let his eyes devour her, and his heart adored her. "I don't deserve you." Despite his words, he plunged back into her. "But I'm not giving you up."

"You'd better not," Priya said with a soft smile playing on her lips as she pulled his head to her and pressed her lips onto his mouth, kissing him with all the pent-up passion and love she felt for him, while also at the same time pouring all her hopes for a happy future into the reverential kiss of profound love they had in their hearts for each other.

As they lay on their bed, making love, the light of the sun that had now risen to an almost overhead position shone through the curtains on their glistening bodies, moving as their bodies moved. In the semi-lit state of their room, Priya felt renewed by the knowledge that Ram would always be there for her, care for her, and, come what may, never let go of her. And with his body, he showed her that he desired only her and that his heart beat only for her. She felt it. With every thrust of his shaft, she felt his heartbeat reverberate in her womb. With every kiss, she felt warmth spread in her heart.

"I love you, Ram," she whispered between panted breaths and strangled moans, only to have her husband plant a sweet kiss on her forehead as he continued to thrust into her with the speed of a man on a mission but also with the care of a man on guard of priceless treasure.

The room was only filled with mere echoes of Ram and Priya's sounds of pleasure as he took her more passionately and yet more tenderly than ever before. There was something reverent about the way he loved her tonight. As if he worshiped her, that made her entire body hum and vibrate under his ministrations more intensely than she had ever felt before, and she knew she couldn't hold her climax back any longer. "Now," she urged. "Now, Ram!"

He gazed into her eyes, and she could see it so clearly there: the love that needed no words. Then his eyes shut, and he threw his head back. His jaw clenched, and the cords in his neck tightened when he drew back and delivered another thrust. With a moan, she let herself go and felt the waves of her orgasm wash over her at the same time as she felt the warmth of his semen flood her. His thrusts slowed as they rode out their climax together.

When Ram finally stilled, he kissed her softly on her lips and then on her forehead before pushing a strand of her damp hair away from her cheek. He looked down at her as if he wanted to say something, but there was nothing that needed to be said. She could see it in his eyes. Together, they had found their paradise in one another, and there was only ever going to be divine light in their lives henceforth.

Ram moved to lay by Priya's side as he gathered her in his arms, kissed her forehead, and said with sheer love filled in his voice, "I love you, baby mama!" And then, much to Priya's surprise, he moved from where he was lying beside her to propping himself on his elbows and moving a little down south to her stomach and kissing it, as he added to his declaration of love, a word of love for the tiny nugget that was cocooned in Priya's womb, "And I love you, too, Princess."

His mention of Princess made Priya frown a bit. "How can you be so sure it's a princess, Mr. Kapoor?"
"I know... it's my sperm after all!"
"Ram!" Said a bewildered Priya, acknowledging that her head didn't have a filter.
"What Ram? It's truth, no?"
"Shut up!"
"No, you shut up! You got what you wanted; now let me talk to my princess," said Ram, making Priya blush a crimson shade of red, knowing what Ram meant when he said she got what she wanted. Her blush, however, transformed to a shade of love-induced pink as she heard what Ram was muttering to their baby while caressing her still-flat stomach.
"You know, baby, your mother is very stubborn. She made me work out so much and worked out herself too, along with Papa. Now she must be tired, and you and I need to get her to sleep soon, but before we do that, let me tell you and your mom that I understand that while you are cocooned inside her, you'll grow, and as you grow, so will mumma's tummy burgeon considerably. But tell your mom to never be conscious of her burgeoning stomach, for that would only make her look more beautiful in Dadda's eyes. The fact that she is carrying you, nurturing you, and going through all this to bring you into this world makes her the single most beautiful and precious woman in Dadda's heart. Ya ya! I know you are also there. But you will be the most beautiful and precious girl to me! Also, tell your mom that from now on she shall pick no stuff—heavy or light doesn't matter. We'll say her favorite word, "no," to her for all that! Also, no bending—from wearing sandals to picking up anything that falls on the floor—me, Shubhu chachu, Tarun chachu, Pawan chachu—we'll do it for Mumma while she should only sit back like a true queen because that's what she is to us and that's how she shall now be treated. Non-negotiably. Tell her all that, and now we'll let her sleep because she needs rest after the marathon; she just made Dadda and herself run. You too should rest up, baby. I love you," he kissed her stomach once again before he moved back up to lay beside Priya.

When he turned to look at her, she had a smile on her lips but also tears in her eyes. His eyes, which were soft with love a moment ago, turned wide with bewilderment, seeing her tears as he turned to her side, propping up on his shoulder once again to look down upon his crying wife. "Heyyy! Priya, why are you crying? Did I hurt? Are you in pain? Should I call the doc..."

Before he could complete his sentence, a rather bold Priya—thanks to their just-finished session of making the beast on two backs—pushed him by his shoulder and climbed up on him with naked legs straddling his naked body. To say Ram was shocked by her bold move would be an understatement, but what followed next was what completely blew his mind away. Priya placed her lips on his, and this time it wasn't a peck but a full-blown kiss that was not just full of love but also full of raw passion. He smiled into the kiss and let his wife kiss him the way she liked. After a few minutes, Priya let go of his lips and said, "Why now, dear wife? How do you find these new ways of making your husband clean-bowled every so often?"

Priya gave him a wicked smile as she said, "Why now, dear husband... don't you know I'm being trained by the best man in the business of making others—especially his wife—clean bowled?"
"Hmmm! He sounds like quite a talented guy. Who might this be, by the way?"
"Well, it's a certain Ram Kapoor from Bandra, if you might know him."
"Awww! It sounds like I have to stalk the guy who is teaching such stuff to my wife with such conviction."

His words made Priya smile wholeheartedly, which in turn made Ram smile too, as Priya, who still sat straddling him, laid down on him, keeping her head on his chest. "What good did I do to deserve you, Ram?"

Ram kissed her over her hair and said, as he placed his chin over the place where he kissed, "Well, let's see! Perhaps it's the good that you did by taking in a broken child who grew up to be a broken man and working your magic on him to make him whole again. The good that you did by choosing to be Mrs. Kapoor to this, Mr. Kapoor."
"I love you, Ram."
"Huh!" Ram sighed a satisfactory sigh. "I love you too, Priya. Will always do." He then turned her over and made her lay in bed before he continued speaking, "And now off you go to sleep, Mrs. Kapoor, for my queen and princess need their rest."

Princess? Again? Huh! Now that was something that needed to be discussed, thought Priya with a playful frown on her face. But she kept silent as she closed her tired eyes and let sleep take over her exhausted body as she found herself wrapped in the warmest place on Earth—her husband's embrace.

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