Pondering Priya

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Her mom often told her, "Life gifts you many beautiful things, often wrapped in surprise packages, if you show a wilful zest for life and make it a point to live your life vicariously." Priya, however, having become bitter after her father's nasty betrayal, never took her mother's words seriously. She loved her mom but mocked her belief. She cared for her mom but cared not to even remotely consider her mom's faith in life. She took her mom to be her biggest source of guidance but never trusted her philosophy of "life can be a bed of roses, if you manifest it with a genuine heart."

But now here she was, lying in her bed, looking at the retreating figure of her excited husband who was heading out to fetch her some pregnancy test kits with a visible spring in his step. The man had always wanted to be father and he made that abundantly clear since the day next to the night when they consummated their marriage. It was a beautiful night when they surrendered to each other, gave into their feelings and let each other be engulfed in the whirlpool of passion that had been whirling in their heart long before they took that first step towards each other on that beautiful night. She never planned to fall in love with him when she married him, but, that night she realised how truly, madly, deeply and incandescently in love was she with her Mr. Kapoor, and, he echoed her emotions through his actions as he made sweet love to her. His eyes spoke of his love for her in immeasurable volumes that night as he looked into her eyes whilst they touched the zeniths of pleasure in-sync, moaning each other's name as if chanting the name of some divine entity. That was the night when she for the first time believed her mother's words about life giving you surprises when you chose to live life vicariously, for, that night was when she for the first time gave into the temptation of loving and being loved by husband, and, received the sweet surprise of ecstatic joy and immense love she received from her husband.

And today she felt those waves of emotions hit her for a second time in life. She was thinking a few hours ago about wanting to give something so special to her Mr. Kapoor that would be symbolic of her love for him and her life probably chose to surprise her by giving her exactly what she asked for in the form of a tiny little life that might be breathing inside her now— the symbol of Ram and her love... their baby.

The mere speculation even without any confirmation had her hands reach out and softly caress her stomach as she got lost in her train of thoughts about her baby... perhaps this was what everyone called unconscious maternal instincts— the instincts that had an expectant mother reach out for her unborn baby, even if it was just a speculation for the moment.

As Priya laid on her bed, in the same position that Ram left her in, tenderly caressing her stomach, she couldn't help but think about how her and Ram's life would change, if in fact, they were now expecting and would soon be having a baby.

The first thing that came to her mind was the phase of pregnancy she might have stepped into. If the symptoms of the past few days were any indication of things she would have to face during the course of 9 months, she wondered how would she be able to handle it all. She had seen her mom go through 2 pregnancies, and, while she was too young to understand anything when her mother was expecting Maitri, she was a grown up girl when her mother was expecting Sandy... she saw her mother retch every morning, saw her mother exhausting herself by working all day long, heave breathlessly climbing up and down the narrow stairs of their home, have problem sitting down and standing up at later stage of pregnancy, press her own legs when her feet would sweep after running around all day... she saw her saw her mother struggle through those nine months before her sister was born, while her father just scoffed at her mother, calling out her issues as her "dimwit charades to win his attention". She knew there was no comparison between her mother's state and hers... her mother had Mr. Sood as her husband who was absolutely nonchalant and uncaring towards his pregnant wife, while she was married to her Mr. Kapoor— the man who loved her beyond comprehensive measures and who, she knew, would stand by her side throughout the pregnancy and even beyond that. Unlike her misogynist father, she knew Ram would love their baby, regardless of the baby's sex, but definitely pamper the baby more if it would be a girl— cool daddy's pampered princess... a smile crept up on her face as she thought about all ways in which Ram would show his love, care and protectiveness for their baby in future and for her during pregnancy. And while the thought of facing physical uneasiness during pregnancy scared her, she knew he would leave no stone unturned to make her pregnancy as easy as he can for her, and, who knew he might even go to the extent of being over-protective of them because the world knew that when her Mr. Kapoor loved someone, he went to extremes to show them their love and concern.

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