Satiating the soul's desires

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"You are enough, Mr. Ram Kapoor... You are enough the way you are."
Priya assuaged him with her firm but soft voice. She cushioned his bearded jaw with her soft hands and smoothed it while he looked into her eyes like a baby boy who had found his way back to his lost home.

"I LOVE YOU, Priya. I love you more than I can tell you, and not even your unkempt hair can change that." A small smile, as that which gets to one's face whilst talking to a small kid, makes its way to Priya's face as she continues her dialogue. "In fact, when your curls fall on your face, AAP BADE ACHE LAGTE HAI," said Priya as she moved a curl away from his forehead before snaking both her arms around his neck, looking him in the eye, and presenting him with her demand, which was, in fact, the demand and need of both their bodies, minds, and hearts. "And now, Mr. Kapoor, I want you to take me to bed." With that, she took his lips in hers for another soul-searing kiss as her hands found their way around his neck and into his hair, tousling them as a gesture of proving what she just said.

The kiss was intense, involving an otherwise shy Priya coaxing her unsure husband to open his mouth for her. It took Ram only a few seconds to understand that the rabbit in bed had transformed into her rare form of a lioness to seduce the lion. How could he then refuse the rare form of his lioness? With a determination in his heart to be careful as they divulged in the world of their passion, Ram then took over the kiss and turned it into what would ignite the fire of love and lust for each other in their hearts.

Ram's lips tugged on Priya's, suckling on her lower lip and pulling it into his mouth as he swept over it with his moist tongue. He nibbled gently on her until she parted her lips, inviting his keen tongue inside her, expecting him. Priya's hand clutched the nape of his neck as she pulled him closer when he couldn't get any closer than he already was.

Ram, too, let his hands wrap around her waist as he held her so close that it felt like her body was crushing onto his body, even as he mindfully remained cautious of not being too rough or cutting down her oxygen supply.

But Priya didn't care.

Who needed oxygen when she could inhale his scent instead?
Ram tasted like a fresh flower in the middle of a rainforest— woodsy, vibrant, yet so dark, with layers of hidden treasures piled one on top of the other. And with every twirl of his tongue, he released yet another flavor for her to savor, making her eager to capture his tongue with hers and imprison him within her.

To Ram, on the other hand, the way Priya's lips and mouth tasted had him feeling intoxicated. Ram deepened their kiss, plundering his wife's mouth and playing with her responsive tongue.

Every time she moaned, the sound reverberated through his chest and filled him with eager anticipation of the magic they were about to recreate for the millionth time to rejoice at the news of their little bundle of joy finding its way to their lives.

This moment, that followed both of them shedding off yet another layer of complex consciousness they felt around each other to replace it with a newfound sense of comfort, evoked in them a passion that they never felt before. They felt more in love with each other... felt their carnal desires touching a new horizon that was fred as yet another wall of consciousness broke between them. 

Priya had effectively found a way of turning him on as no other woman, not even Vedika, had ever managed to. He was a sexual guy, all right, but he generally needed more than two seconds of kissing to get fully aroused. She'd, however, managed to arouse him with just her words of reassurance that he was in fact enough for her... her words that she substantiated by following then with the gentle massage on his mane that she'd given him as she kissed him before he took matters into his own deft hands.

He hadn't even touched her naked skin yet. He hadn't even kissed her breasts yet... but he was as hard as an iron rod and yearning for release but he was in no hurry at the moment. He wanted to let himself seethe in the fire of desire that his wife was emanating from every single cell of her body.

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