Chapter 5 - Room 315

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My eyes fluttered open as I heard gentle knocks on my door. I was going to ignore them when I realized the bus was stopped, meaning we'd made it to Colorado. Today was the day I got to see him. I practically jumped out of bed and ran to open my door.

I saw Layla standing on the other side waiting for me, "Good morning, Lay," I said happier than I meant to.

"Good morning? You seem...better?" She said, looking at me confused.

"Better? When was I not? It's just a good day today."

"Okay? Well, we have a busy day today. We have time for a short breakfast if you get ready now, then you have 5 press interviews, and a fitting for both of the shows, after that we can check in to the hotel." She said, sitting down and pulling out her computer.

"Layla, I just got home can't we do interviews tomorrow? I wanted to visit some friends," More like a friend.

"If we get done early enough then you can go see them after you settle into the hotel, but Alex is coming with you."

"No! I mean, no. Why does someone always have to be with me now I just want to hang out with my friends, ALONE, like a normal human being." I said, walking over to start a pot of coffee.

"You think we like having to smother you? We don't, but neither of us has a choice."

"Fine, I just won't go out then," I said, leaving the coffee pot going and storming off to the bathroom.

I slammed the door shut behind me before turning on the shower and undressing. During the entire shower, I was basically plotting my escape from everyone. I decided on just begging Layla to let me get my own room since she always prefers to stay with me. After almost crying to get her to agree she finally did. 

After many hours I finished all the interviews and my fittings. Of course, the day goes by so slowly when you have something to look forward to. Finally, it was time to go to the hotel but Layla insisted on going out to dinner first. Dragging the night on even longer than it already was. I rushed through it so we could get to the hotel already. They went and checked me in while I waited on the bus, then they came out to help me into the hotel. How people always find out where I'm staying is beyond me, but there was a mob of people outside.

After rushing through them and into the elevator I finally got to my room. Layla was being paranoid even after I assured her twenty times that I would be fine. She finally left to go to her room on the floor below mine, and I was stuck trying to figure out how I'd get out of the hotel without anyone seeing me. I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard my phone go off.

Jake: Room 315 at The Brown Palace. I'm already here so come when you're ready.

Me: Perfect, I'm trying to figure out how to get out of here, and then I'll be on my way. See you soon <3

Jake: Can't wait :)

I threw open my suitcase looking for the baggiest clothes I had. I settled on a pair of grey sweats and threw on an oversized black zip-up jacket. I slipped on my black converse, threw my hood on, and put on a random pair of sunglasses I had. The sunglasses might be too much seeing as it's dark outside but I couldn't take any chances. I took a deep breath before opening my door and starting toward the elevator. 

I got to the main level and when the doors opened I saw a good amount of people still waiting out front. It felt weird being out without people standing over my shoulder, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a nervous wreck. I tried to pull it together as I headed to the main doors, luckily there was a group of people walking out before me so I got as close as I could to them making it look like I was a part of their group. I kept my head down slightly enough to where people couldn't see my face but also to where I didn't look suspicious. 

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