Chapter 7 - Defies All Odds

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It was hard to fall asleep that night. Not only was I up thinking about every little thing we did and said. I was up thinking about what Alex had said to me. It had been a month since that night, and I still can't stop thinking about what he said. With each day that passed, I started to believe him more and more. The rest of that week in Colorado was spent sneaking into different hotels with Alex's help, and when we had to leave each other again Alex was the one to hold me while I cried. He and I were very close before but this made me feel even closer to him.

Now that Jake and I were dating we both had to learn to get better at communicating. It wasn't easy always being so far from each other, not knowing when we would see each other again but we were making it work. Tour has been going amazing for both of us except it brought more attention to us than we were expecting. Now we're doing talk shows and even performing on them. It was a crazy experience, to say the least. The craziest part of this all was when Elton John's team reached out asking me to perform with him at his AIDS Foundation party. I immediately called Jake to tell him when he said they were also asked to perform with us. 

The driver had just told me we'd be arriving at West Hollywood Park in twenty minutes and I tried my best to hide how excited I was. Everyone just assumed it was because I get to play on the same stage as Elton John, and it was. But that wasn't the only reason. Jake and I had made a plan on where to meet last night when he got there and was able to scope out the area. We decided on a small building behind the venue that was fairly secluded. I told Alex so he was prepared to run out with me as soon as we got there. That's exactly what I did, I didn't wait for him before charging out of the bus as soon as we stopped.

I stopped for a minute trying to find the said building and once I saw it there was no stopping me. I threw open the door to it and saw Jake leaning against the wall on his phone. He lifted his head when the door slammed shut behind me and I threw myself into his arms. We stood there holding each other trying to savor the contact we've been deprived of before pulling away slightly just enough to look into the eyes of each other.

"God I've missed you so much. Having to sneak around just to hold you is torture," he said, giving me the biggest smile.

"I know, I know. I missed you too, love." I smiled back.

We didn't get to talk much because we both had to get ready for tonight. We didn't mind though, we knew we'd make time for each other when we could. We said a quick goodbye and went our separate ways. My makeup artist, Mack, and my hairstylist, Angie, got to work as soon as I sat in the chair. They ended up doing a gorgeous brown and gold smokey eye with a nude lip and put my hair up into a half up half down hairstyle with loose curls. I never got to see what Jenna made for me until it came time for me to get dressed. She came in and pulled out a beautiful beige jumpsuit that hugged my curves in all the right places, along with a pair of white chunky heels.

After I finished Layla came in to tell me Elton wanted to meet us. The nerves I had pushed aside all came to the surface immediately. I have looked up to him for so long and I was about to be face to face with him. Better now than on stage. They started leading me to his green room and right before we got there I saw Jake and the boys coming the same way from the opposite end of the hall. Even more nerves hit me when I realized Jake and I would have to act completely normal around everyone. When we got to the door I hugged all the guys and said hi. I didn't know what to do with Jake so I just said a simple hello with no hug. Way to make it not obvious.

The entire meeting Elton was a blur as I was a pool of nerves. Though I did remember when everyone was distracted meeting him Jake leaned in to whisper in my ear that I looked beautiful. I gave him a playful dirty look because he refused to stop complimenting me even after I've told him many times not to. It came time to go on stage and we all walked there together. The boys went to one side of the stage while Elton and I went to the other. 

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