Chapter 13 - Flustered

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Four Months Later

Usually, I would be sad that the tour ended - and I am. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't counting down the days until I got to see Jake again. We face-timed every morning and night but it wasn't enough. I made sure to call him during every doctor appointment so he didn't miss a thing. 

I still refuse to talk to Layla. Even when she would tell me what I had to do that day, I would simply listen and move on without a word being said. 

I now have a little bump so Jenna had to try her best with making clothes that hide it. In the last month of the tour, it was nearly impossible so she just ended up making a couple of cute sweatshirt dresses to get us through. Before I came back from Michigan I thought I only had Alex on my side. That couldn't have been farther from the truth. Everyone on my team has been incredibly supportive, mostly Mack, Angie, and Jenna.

Angie has a daughter and she's always there to give me advice and keep me going when I have my doubts about it. I struggled a lot in the first three months. I kept getting in my head about how I'm supposed to be a good mother to my child when I didn't even have a mom to set an example for me. But then Jacob popped into my mind, the memories I do have of him are what really keep me going.

I was anxiously waiting outside of a cute cottage-type house for Jake to arrive. The real estate agent had given me the keys so we could do a walk-through with just us. I kept checking my surroundings waiting to see his car pull into the driveway. When it did I had never jumped out of my car so fast.

His car door flew open and I threw myself into his arms, "You took forever."

"I know I'm sorry there was traffic," he laughed before looking at me with wide eyes and slightly pushing me away from him, "You grew so much."

"Jake, you've seen my stomach over the phone multiple times," I giggled.

He smiled placing his hands on my bump, "Yeah, but you look so much bigger in person."

"Stop trying to tell me I'm getting fat in a nice way."

"But you're my fat girl," he brushed his nose against mine.

I giggled shoving his shoulder, "Fucker, let's go see the house already."

He grabbed my hand as we walked up the wooden stairs leading to a porch that wrapped around the house. I took a minute to look around at the fields of tall grass surrounding us before opening the front door. We walked around mostly in silence trying to take it all in with little comments here and there. We had just finished looking at the master bedroom and moved on to the room right next to it.

I opened the door and stood in the doorway feeling tears pooling in my eyes. Jake noticed and wrapped his arm around me placing a kiss on my head.

"Soon enough baby girl is going to be sleeping in here," he said.

I giggled at him saying baby girl, "Oh so you've already decided? You don't need to see the other houses?"

"I don't care where we live, I just want to live with you already. And I can see us raising our little family here," he smiled.

I wiped my tears away, "Yeah me too."

We took one last look around before going to walk around the land. When we got to the backyard we sat on the grass while watching the sunset. Immediately the tears came back to my eyes.

"Oh god, what is she doing to you?" He laughed.

"I don't know but my emotions are fucked up."

He brought me closer to him as he held me, "Have you still not felt anything yet?"

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