Chapter 8 - Not Me

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As I changed I heard muffled voices before the door slammed. I quickly fixed myself up before walking out of the bathroom. I found Alex sitting on the couch looking at me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this," I said, breaking eye contact.

"Don't be, I signed up for it when I agreed to take you to him. No matter how much people treat you like you aren't, you're a human being like the rest of us and you should be able to enjoy being in love not have to hide it."

"Yeah well, try to make her understand that." I scoffed while putting my clothes away.

"She'll come around eventually, she'll have to. In the meantime, you have somewhere you need to be," he smiled.

"I almost forgot," I giggled.

"I know you just changed but you need to change again. Jake brought this for me to give to you," he said, handing me a tight-fitting short red dress with black heels. "He seems like a good kid, but don't think I forgot to give him the dad talk."

I smiled, "I expect nothing less, and he is really great." I went to change again. He grabbed the rest of my stuff telling me he would take it back to the bus for me. He then led me out the back door and to a car.

"The driver knows where to take you," Alex said, smiling at me.

"What about Layla?"

"I'll take care of that, don't worry. Go have fun for once," he chuckled.

I thanked and hugged him before getting in the car. We drove for about 15 minutes before pulling up to a small cabin. The driver opened my door and when I got out I saw Jake standing by the front door with flowers. He was dressed in the same outfit from our date at the hotel. 

I smiled while walking up to him, "What are you plotting, Jacob Thomas?"

"Oh no, not my full name," he joked, "And you'll see, but you look stunning."

"I swear to god if you don't stop-"

"I won't stop so you'll just have to get used to it," he smiled.

I giggled while he opened the door for me. I walked in and was surrounded once again by a beautiful candlelit dining room. I turned around to look at him; all he gave me was a sly grin. He pulled out my chair before telling me he was going to get the food. He came back with a shit ton of Italian food; placing my plates in front of me. 

"What is all this for?"

"Just wanted to do something nice for the both of us," he smiled, sitting down in his chair across from me, "Oh I almost forgot the music." He said, walking over to a record player and putting on a Sam Cooke vinyl.

"Sam Cooke? So you remember my obsession?"

"How could I forget," he grinned, "Speaking of music, that song-"

"I know, I should've talked to you about it before I did that. I'm sorry," I interrupted.

"I was going to say I loved it. No one's ever written a song about me before," he said shyly.

"Who said it was about you?" I joked.

"Don't play that game, I saw the way you were looking at me. I thought you were going to jump my bones right then and there."

"I would've if there weren't that many people watching us," I laughed.

We continued to talk and catch up when Bring It On Home To Me by Sam Cooke came on. 

His head shot up from his plate to me with a grin spread across his face. He stood up making his way over to me with his hand out. I giggled before taking it and starting to slow dance with him. We danced in a comfortable silence taking it in for a while, I felt him pull away slightly so I followed.

He looked at me in my eyes differently than he has before. We stared at each other for a moment, "I love you, Lani."

I wasn't expecting that so I just stared at him for a moment before looking down at my feet, "Are you gonna leave?"

"No," he said, gently grabbing my chin and bringing my face back up to his.

"Everyone always leaves."

"Not me," he said, pulling me into a slow passionate kiss. He lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt him walk blindly around the house before gently laying me down on a bed. 

I pulled away slightly, "I love you too."

He smiled before pulling me back into the kiss.

I woke up the next morning wrapped in his arms; feeling his slow breaths against my neck. I smiled to myself remembering last night's events. He loves me. He really loves me. This was the first time someone has told me that and I actually believed it. 

I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard a loud banging on the front door. Jake and I both jumped as soon as we heard it. Jake told me to stay in bed while he went to see what was happening. I heard the door creak open before I heard footsteps rushing in and Alex's voice.

"Where is she?"

"In the room down the hall, is everything okay?" Jake said as the bedroom door flew open. I brought the blanket up on my body as high as I could to try and cover myself.

"Get dressed we need to get you out of here now," Alex said urgently, handing me the clothes I put on after the show.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Somehow the paparazzi found out where you were. There is a shit ton of them outside. I have a car pulled up out back, now get dressed. You to Jake, I'll drop you off at your bus."

We frantically got dressed before Alex helped sneak us out one by one. Jake and I both sat in the back, sinking into our chairs as we drove past the paparazzi. We all let out a sigh of relief once we were far enough from them. We had our heads leaned against each other's while I held his hand in my lap. 

We pulled up to his bus and before he got out he gave me a quick yet passionate kiss, "I love you, I'll see you soon."

"I love you too," I smiled before he got out of the car running onto his bus.

I crawled over the center consul to be in front with Alex. I smiled childishly to myself.

"See, I told you," Alex said grinning.

I giggled, "Told me what?"

"You're in love."

"Yeah...I really am."

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