Chapter 6 - Room 225

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"Where the hell have you been? I have been trying to get ahold of you for hours!" Layla yelled, standing up from my bed.

"I just went on a walk," I said, taking off my sunglasses and jacket.

"Just went on a walk? Do you know how terrible that could've ended?"

"Yes Layla, I'm not dumb and I was careful." I know I should care about how mad she is, but it was so worth it.

"Clearly you are, I can honestly say that's one of the dumbest things you've ever done. We don't have time for this get ready we need to get you to the venue for soundcheck." She said, walking out of my room.

"Listen, I understand how irritating it can get to always have us around you but it's only because we want to keep you safe. She means well, but you're like a daughter to her. You have to understand that making sure you're safe is her top priority," Alex said.

"I know that, it's just...I want to feel normal again. Even if it's for an hour alone outside. I promise to take you with me next time, but when I do can you stay back a little so I can feel like I'm alone?"

"Of course, I can. See communication is key, sneaking around is not," he laughed, "Get ready I'll see you in a bit kid."

The rest of the day was a blur as I was on a high from last night. I couldn't wait to see him again. I was putting on my outfit for the show which consisted of a white cropped shirt that had long flowy flair sleeves paired with white jeans that hugged my curves. I was debating on what shoes to wear with it before Jenna, my clothing designer, came in with these beautiful white chelsea boots she made. She knows I love wearing heels on stage to make me appear taller so she made the heels a little taller. 

Layla threw open my dressing room door telling me the opening act was finished and it was go time. I had my whole team walking with me, everyone making their final touches before I went on. My touring band walked on first before I followed. I always get nervous before shows but as soon as I strum those first chords all the nerves are gone. It's always so surreal performing in front of such huge crowds, so much to the point where I feel like I black out during. 

We finished the last song and I said goodnight before walking off stage. We followed our usual post-show routine and got into a car to take us back to the hotel. When we got there you could tell everyone was exhausted and most people went to their rooms and fell asleep. I didn't of course and was waiting for Jake's text. As if he read my mind I picked up my phone to see his name.

Jake: Room 225 at The Cosmopolitan hotel. Wear something nice, I'll be waiting.

I simply hearted the message before looking for something to wear. Why would he want me to dress nice? It's not like we can go out together. I decided not to think much into it and settled on the dress I wore to the label's party hoping it would lead the night somewhere else. I know how much he likes it. I still had my hair and makeup done from the show so I didn't need to do anything else. I put on black heels and a beige trench coat to cover up my outfit. I didn't want to risk getting in trouble again so I went and knocked on Alex's door hoping he was still awake, luckily he was.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked.

"Um, yeah I wanted to go see one of my girlfriends from here. Could you come with me so I don't get yelled at again?"

He looked me up and down analyzing my outfit, I prayed he wouldn't question it. "Yes, let me get my shoes and we can go."

We headed to the elevators carrying on a normal conversation. He led me through the crowds of people and to a car. I gave him a confused look and he just told me to get in. When I told him where we were going so he could tell the driver he gave me an even more confused look but still didn't ask questions. I made sure to send Jake a text letting him know I was on my way. When we got to the hotel Alex said he would walk me in and wait outside of the building.

I got into the elevator and went up to the second floor, butterflies filling my stomach. When I got there I walked down the hallway, and when I turned the corner I saw Jake waiting outside of the room. My jaw almost dropped at the way he was dressed. He wore a black satin button-up, left a little un-buttoned as always, with black jeans and his go-to chelsea boots. 

"Hey beautiful," he said, as I walked up to him.



"I'm not usually sentimental, but there's just something about the way you look right now," I said looking him up and down.

He laughed, "I could say the same about you. I see you wore my favorite dress, is that for any specific reason?"

"Mm, maybe I guess we'll have to find out," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a soft kiss.

"Well, I know we can't go out to a restaurant together so I decided I'd bring the restaurant to us." He opened the door to reveal a beautiful candlelit room with a table and two chairs. There was a small vase of flowers in the middle of it with two plates of food surrounding it. "These flowers are for you, but I know on tour there's no way you'd be able to keep them alive so I got you fake ones," he giggled handing them to me.

"So thoughtful of you, they smell amazing," I joked pretending to smell them.

He slid my jacket off of me before pulling my chair out. We sat and started eating carrying on a conversation. He pulled out a bottle of wine that we flew through. We finished eating very fast, obviously knowing what came after. 

I took off my heels before standing up from my chair, "This is so uncomfortable," I said, as I slowly unzipped my dress. I had my back turned to him but I could feel his eyes lingering. I let it fall off my body as I stepped out of it. I laid down on the bed as I brought my eyes to meet his lust-filled ones. "Are you coming or did you just want to stare?" I grinned.


I traced shapes on his stomach as we both tried to catch our breath. I rolled over to look at the time and it was almost 1 AM. I felt bad making Alex wait any longer so I got up and started getting dressed

"Alex is waiting for me so I should get going, but I really enjoyed tonight. No one has ever done something like this for me, so thank you."

"You deserve it," he smiled as he stood up, "I'll see you tomorrow after our show?"

"Mhm, can't wait," I said, walking up and kissing him goodbye.

He walked me out of the room and I made my way back down to the lobby. I walked out the front doors to find Alex leaning up against the building. 

"You ready?" He asked, I nodded silently saying yes, "I figured we could walk back so you can see some home again."

I smiled at him as we started walking, "Thank you for coming with me."

"Well, it's my job but you're welcome," he laughed before pausing, "So who's the boy?"

My head shot to him, "Boy? There is no boy."

"I'm not going to tell Layla if that's what you're worried about. That's your guys' business, but I think if I'm going to be taking you to and from him I should at least know who he is."

I paused for a moment, "His name is Jake, and he's fucking amazing. We started seeing each other before we left on tour. Layla also manages him and his brothers that's one of the reasons I don't want to tell her. But they're also signed to the same label as me and you know how they feel about relationships between clients. Usually, I wouldn't sneak around or hide this from you guys and I know I'm not allowed to be with him but something tells me he's worth it."

"Not that you care for my opinion, but you don't choose who you love and no one can choose that for you either. Maybe it'll piss some people off but if you think he's worth it trust your gut and be all in."

"I do care for your opinion, you're like a father to me, but no one ever said anything about love you're getting ahead of yourself," I laughed.

"Allani, I'm well beyond your years. I've been in love and have watched people fall in love, you don't have to believe me but you're definitely in love."

Was he right? I mean he's one of the people that know me best so how could I not believe him. Did I even want to be in love? It scares the shit out of me. Everyone I love always ends up leaving, and that's the last thing I want him to do.

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