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The morning smelled fresh for some reason. 

Maybe it was because Thomas Clover was dead, probably because he and his entire crew were dead. At least those who were not smart enough to survive or those who were unfortunate to not learn the useful skill of swimming.

Maybe because the sea salt was in their noses. It was most probably the first one because they smelled the sea every day. Today, for some reason, it was different, and I suppose that some reason is because of recent deaths. 
Recent deaths brought a smile to the faces of both the crews that were aboard the Red Dragon this morning and many mornings before ever since the colliding aftermath of a storm. Maybe there will be many mornings to come and maybe not. That all depends on where the sea will take them. 

"For some reason, there's a strange, sweet smell in the air tonight," James Potter came to her first, as he always seemed to be doing that lately. 

"Maybe even the sea admits the death of Thomas Clover is a good thing." 

"The sea has always been on my side," he grinned proudly. 

"Ah, yes, like the time it collided you with us and you ended up hostages on the Red Dragon. Which, let's admit it, almost killed you." 

"But you fell in love with me and acted stubborn about it and had to make this deal while you dealt with your feelings." 

"That's not true," Lily stared at him. 

"I'm telling our kids that!" 

"Kids, aye?" she questioned him. "I think I saw a shark nearby. Maybe you can have kids with that instead." 

"Don't think that's possible, Evans." 

"Well I'm certainly not carrying your child let alone children," the redhead scoffed. 

"We'll see, Evans," he wiggled his eyebrows. "You never know what the future has in store for you, for us."

"Go have a chat with the Fates," she rolled her eyes as she steered the wheel of her ship. 

"If you come with me." 

She ignored him and called for the anchor to get ready. 

"So, Evans-" 

"Go help the anchors. They need a strong man with them." 

"Oi! You admitted I'm strong!" 

She rolled her eyes and spared a moment of her time to kick him in the shin while simultaneously hitting the back of his head. 
"Get to work before I have them drag you again."

"I'm not drunk!"

"And I'm the captain of this ship!" she argued, a glare in her eyes that made him salute and head straight to work. 

She grinned. 
Maybe, just maybe, she liked having control sometimes. Especially if it meant having the upper hand against James Hayward Potter. 

⊱⊰ ⊱⊰ ⊱⊰

"ANCHOR DOWN!" she ordered. 

"Ay ay, Captain!" they saluted as they worked together to lower the piece of metal meant for stabilization. 

Lily Evans called both her First Mate and Second Mate. They stood on either side of her.

"I want you to prepare necessary equipment," Lily ordered, her voice kinder with the two men she might as well count as brothers. "Not all of us are going down, just like last time, but this time it'll be a smaller group. Me, Meadows, Marls, Claws, & Remus Lupin. James may think he's going to be deputy Captain, but you two have always been deputy captains on this ship. Of course, Tawny's always looked above you for any upcoming danger." 

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