Chapter 6

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Forestpaw gasped as the ground beneath her and her surroundings shimmered, disappeared, and were then replaced by new trees and landscape.

    Viperfang stood in front of her with her usual smile and there were several different cats behind her. They weren't all rogues though. Some were Clan cats. Forestpaw recognized Tarantulaclaw and Dahliapetal amongst them, but there were a few others she didn't have names for. None EchoClan as far as she could tell.

    "Welcome Forestpaw," Viperfang said. "Are you ready?"

    "Ready. . . for what?" Forestpaw asked timidly, shrinking a little.

    "For training of course," Viperfang purred. "Why else would I keep you here alive?"

    Forestpaw felt a chill run down her spine at this. I guess that makes sense, but still. "Alright."

    "Tarantulaclaw, you're up first," Viperfang instructed. And then she nudged Forestpaw right into the big tom's path.

    She's going to make me fight him? Forestpaw felt panic creeping up her body. But I can't fight a fully trained warrior!

    It was too late to wonder whether or not this would be her last fight because Tarantulaclaw was already bounding toward her at full speed. She tried to swerve out of the way, but she did it too soon and he was still able to change direction and tackle her to the ground.

    Forestpaw wriggled underneath his paws, struggling to free herself. But he was too strong and she realized that she would have to be a little smarter if she wanted to defeat someone much stronger than her.

    Relaxing her body, she feigned defeat, and Tarantulaclaw moved to get off her. But she sprang up sharply and jumped onto his back. The tom yelped in surprise as she dug her claws into his shoulders to stop from falling off. She only dug in harder when Tarantulaclaw tried to throw her off with some violent movements.

    And then, evidently getting an idea, Tarantulaclaw threw himself onto the ground in a roll and Forestpaw only just managed to jump away before she was crushed.

    She was now sprawled on the ground and Tarantulaclaw towered over her, casting a large shadow over her and the ground surrounding her.

    "I win, little one," he said smiling.

    "You're less than a moon older than me!" Forestpaw found herself saying indignantly.

    "Good thing strength isn't decided by age," Tarantulaclaw said and the backed away from her.

    "How splendid," Viperfang said. "Dahliapetal, your turn."

    Forestpaw tried to catch her breath as she stood up, watching the black and white she-cat approach her. She wondered why she was training here, she always looked so nice at Gatherings. She'd even seen her talking to her mentor before so she was obviously friendly with the other Clans.

    Dahliapetal didn't really seem enthusiastic about fighting her, but she readied her stance all the same and leapt forward. Forestpaw did a better job of dodging and was able to avoid being tackled for awhile before Dahliapetal got ahold of her and held her to the ground. Forestpaw tried to same trick of going still, but the she-cat wouldn't be fooled.

    "Well, that's all for tonight," Viperfang said, sounding slightly disappointed, and then Forestpaw was back in the little damp den. She took in rapid breaths as she recovered for the sudden shock and the racing of her heartbeat.

    I might not get so lucky next time, I'd better find a way to free StarClan and get out of here fast!

Lost Hope: Book 5: Forest of VipersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz