Chapter 20

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Forestpaw was hopeful that Amberpaw had finally managed to her get her body to the Startree. She settled down that night and closed her eyes. Upon opening them again, her brother was before her.

    "Did you do it?" she asked.

    He nodded. "I only got about halfway there before I realized I wouldn't be able to get all the way there and back before the Gathering was over though. So I'll have to wait until the next Gathering to bring your. . . uh, body the rest of the way."

    "Oh, I see," Forestpaw said. "But that's a whole moon away. . . ."

    "I know," Amberpaw said. "But you'll be okay until then, right?"

    "I suppose I'll have to be," she sighed. "Anyways, I can find out more information while I'm here. I just hope I don't get killed in the process.


Forestpaw was wandering again. This time she was trying to find where Viperfang might have her den and possibly be keeping the Star Pearl Meadowstar had told her about. If it would help defeat her then it was important that she find out if Viperfang had it and where she was keeping it if she did. She tried not to think to much about what would happen if she got caught.

    I won't get caught, just so long as I'm careful.

    She was near the main clearing where cats practiced battling. Even from this distance she could heard shrieks and hisses. If Viperfang was watching, then she could follow her back to her den, if she even had one.

    Forestpaw crept closer, keeping her paws light on the dead grass and her tail poised just above the ground. Taller blades of grass surrounded the clearing, making it easier for her to hide in. She peered out from between the stalks and saw a few rogues gathered around, watching a fight between a dark gray she-cat, Violetshadow, she realized when she saw the cat's face, and a tortoiseshell she-cat.

    Violetshadow was obviously winning, her reflexes unmatched, perhaps except for Viperfang, and her attacks precise and unpredictable. The tortoiseshell was putting up a good fight, but she was no where near Violetshadow's skill set.

    Forestpaw switched her attention to the gathered cats and spotted Viperfang among them. Forestpaw just had to sit and wait until the fight was over. Then, she could hopefully follow Viperfang back to her den and steal the Pearl. She just hoped it would be as easy as it sounded in her head.

    It wasn't long before Violetshadow pinned the she-cat to the ground and and Viperfang called that it was over.

    "That's all for tonight," she said. "Feel free to train more when you wake up. Maybe you could show your mom a thing or two about fighting, Vixen. You certainly did better than her."

    A cat from the crowd growled. Forestpaw saw that it was Jaguar. He was sitting beside a cut up she-cat that Forestpaw guessed was Vixen's mother.

    If Viperfang noticed, she didn't show it."Violetshadow, if you'll come with me, I'd like to have a word with you."

    Violetshadow nodded and walked over to her mentor, following her away from the crowd of cats. Forestpaw skirted around the circle to follow them at a safe distance. This would be her only chance. If someone caught her, she was over.

    "So, how are Griffinwing's kits?" Viperfang asked.

    Forestpaw perked her ears. She hadn't realized that Griffinwing had had kits. Although, she was sure that a lot had changed since she'd been in her Clan.

    "Growing fast," Violetshadow said. "But they're still only three moons old."

    Three moons? Have I been here that long? Forestpaw thought. I suppose it would be more time than that too.

    "You'll have to convince Stonestar to apprentice them early," Viperfang said. "We need you to become deputy as fast as possible."

    "I realize that, but—"

    "But what? Stonestar is fragile at the moment, what with his daughter and another cat dead and those two cats missing." Her mouth quirked up a little as if she found it amusing. "His Clan is in ruins. Your his best warrior, surely he'll see that training them a moon or two early is wise?"

    "I suppose. . . ." Violetshadow said.

    Forestpaw was leaning forward so far that she hadn't realized she was falling until her chin hit the ground. She bit her tongue to keep from whimpering and felt blood flood her mouth.

    Viperfang was on her in seconds. If Forestpaw had thought Violetshadow was good, then she really didn't want to go against Viperfang. Although, she thought, I suppose I just did.

    "I see we have a little spy," Viperfang said, smirking at her from between her paws. Forestpaw winced as she felt claws prick at her shoulders.

    "Abusing my lax security, are we?" Viperfang said. "Well, we'll just have to find somewhere better to keep you."

    Forestpaw shivered as Viperfang teleported her.

Lost Hope: Book 5: Forest of VipersWhere stories live. Discover now