Chapter 14

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"Where are we going now?" Violetshadow asked as Darkmoon rounded up a patrol.

    The deputy glared at her. "I suppose we should just let Aster keep thinking that his whole family hasn't been murdered?"

    Violetshadow didn't say anything else. She saw reason in his words, but she had better things to do than go on another useless mission with EchoClan's deputy breathing down her neck. She knew that he thought she was suspicious, but what was he really going to accomplish by bringing her along?

    They were joined by Mousesqueak and Amberpaw, the gold striped apprentice throwing daggers at her with his eyes every few moments.

    Violetshadow almost rolled her eyes. Relax, I was only responsible for one of your sister's death, not the other one's.

    Darkmoon led them out of the camp and through EchoClan's forest. When they reached the back edge of it, where it met a large expanse grass, and beyond that, the Town where Aster lived, it was already sunhigh, and they left after dawn.

    This is such a waste of a morning, Violetshadow thought miserably as she set one paw in front of the other. I don't need to be on this patrol, none of us do. Who cares if Aster knows or not? she certainly didn't.

    They reached the town after what felt like days of walking and came upon Aster's den. Darkmoon leapt up onto the fence post and called for the tom.

    Violetshadow had never actually met Aster, but she had heard stories of him, like how he had gifted the cure to the Clans during the flamecough outbreak. She had never been super impressed as a kit, and she certainly wasn't now upon laying her own eyes on him.

    He was a pale gray, plump cat with a smile too wide for his face. Violetshadow knew his life was easy, but now she realized how it easy it actually was. Just from looking at him you could tell this cat had never faced a single hardship in his life.

    "Darkmoon!" Aster greeted with a surprised look on his face. "What brings you here? And who have you brought with you?"

    "This is Mousesqueak." Darkmoon flicked his tail at the dusky she-cat and she gave him a soft smile. "My son, Amberpaw, and. . . Violetshadow."

    "Nice to meet you all," Aster said, and his genuineness irked Violetshadow for some reason.

    "I'm afraid we do bring bad news," Darkmoon said. He paused. "Phoenixwing has been killed, we think by rogues. And Foxflame and Lilacsnow have gone missing, although they have probably met a similar fate."

    Aster stared. He opened and closed his mouth, once and then again. And then he finally managed the words, "Are you sure?"

    Darkmoon nodded. "Stonestar just wanted you to be aware."

    "I—Well, thank you, I suppose," Aster said. He sighed, but it came out choked and shaky. "So the rogues are back then?"

    "We think so," Darkmoon said. "Although they haven't caused us any trouble other than that, so we're not completely sure."

    Violethshadow honestly found this conversation a little amusing. You will all see what's coming very soon.

    "I hope they don't cause any more trouble for you," Aster said.

    "Me too," Mousesqueak said quietly.

    A rustling sounded from the den and a strained female voice called, "Aster?"

    "Coming!" Aster said sharply, his eyes going a little wider.

    "Who's that?" Amberpaw asked, craning his neck to peer between the fence posts. Aster stepped into his line of sight.

    "No one. . ." he said, "Just. . . another cat that my housefolk adopted not too long ago."

    "I see," Darkmoon said with a flick of his tail, although Violetshadow caught a slight suspicion in his eyes. "We should be heading back now, may StarClan light your path."

    "And yours," Aster said, not looking the slightest bit confused by the Clan cat saying. Violetshadow supposed that Phoenixwing must have told him about it when they were mates.

    As they were walking away Violetshadow kept replaying the strange voice in her mind. Something about it seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't figure out why. She shook her head. It doesn't matter, I'll worry about it when I'm leader of EchoClan.

Lost Hope: Book 5: Forest of VipersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora