Charpter 2: Wangnan's Annoyingness, Bathrooms, and Clubs

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Authors AN: hi guys thansk for reading last chatrpe and if you didnt thats okay too.Anyways read and review for more!

DISCLAIMER: I still dont own Tower of Gof and i probalby wont ever but you never know maybe i''l get isekai one day and go to another world where i own Tower of god

Tower of God Highschool

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Charpter 2: Wangnan's Annoyingness, Bathrooms, and Clubs

September 20, 8:00 AM, At Tower Highscool

Jue Violet Grace got to school right on time. Not early, not late.

Nothing really happened on the first day during class, the teachers just gave out syllabuses and made them do dumb ice breaking activities like say there names and favorite colors and stuff.

It turned out that she had the yellow haired guy, he was name Ja Wangnam, and some of his dumb friends,in her PE classes. Ja Wagnan had found his clothes which were good so that he was not naked and afraid anymore. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt now.

Wangnan was not very good at PE compared to his friends or Viole. He kept tripping over and falling down onto the cold hard ground.

"No wonder he was getting beaten up" thought Viole as she watched him fail loser-ly.

After PE during lunch he kept trying to talk to her and his friends kept glaring at her and Bam was tired of it all so she took her lunch into the bathroom to get away.

But inside the bathroom there was a bunch of...GUYS!!!! Voile was so mad and also grossed out because GUYS were NOT supposed to be in the GIRLS BATHROOM. At least there was no one else was in the bathroom except for the guys. But it was still REALLY BAD.

"Why are you in the girl bathroom!" Viole said angrily. "You are all guys! You aren't supposed to be here!"

She threw the closest thing she coud find at them, which was a paper towel. "Get out of here you weirdos!!!!"

"I guess you are new here, right?" said one of the guys, dodging the paper toewls like in that one scene with Neil doding bullets from the Matrix movie except with paper towels and not bullets. "So you don't know."

"Know about what!" said Viole, still throwing paper towels as hard as she could at them.

"Nobody uses this bathroom. It is the FUG Club unoficcial meating room"

"What! A Club?" Viole asked. "Inside a girls bathroom?"

"No one uses it though, the plumbing is always broken," said the guy.

"Ewww" thought Voile. "So gross and creepy! Why would anyone want to go to a club with a bunch of GUYS in the GIRLS bathroom?"

"I do not want ot be here anymore," Viole said disgust like she was a customer at a restrant and there was a live tarantula in her soup moving around and getting soup and tarantula pee everywhere. "This FUG Club is so weird and gross. I am leaving."

Viole would rather deal with 7843596942041387 Ja Wangnans and his annoyingnessesness instead of the disgustingness of FUG Club.

"See, I told you it was a bad idea to do meetings in a bathroom. Especially the girls bathroom." said one of the guys as Violet was leaving.

"Shut up, it was a great idea! The Jahard Fans club will never think of looking for us here!" another guy ansered.

Then Viole went outside and ate her lunch which was a ham and cheese and lettuce and tomato and bread sandwich, a thermo with soup inside, and a cookie. It was chocolate chips and not oatmeal raisin which was the best thing that had happened all day. She also drank some water.

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