Archive of Our Own anyone?

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In case you don't know, Archive of Our Own, or AO3 for short, is like Wattpad but more secure and stuff. Recently, I started yet another AU book that takes place in the Amphibia universe. If you haven't heard of Amphibia I highly recommend it AFTER watch Gravity Falls btw.

Anyways, I've heard how Disney is able to get when people use their properties without permission and stuff and also how AO3 treats its creators, positively btw, and I was just curious how many of you amazing readers use it because I was thinking about moving all my stuff there and uploading in both places the best I can. My Amphibia story is really dark and it's hopefully only going to get darker and that's the main reason why I'm asking. My other books are also kind of limited in darkness level as well but not as severely.

So, if I were to do this, would anyone still be willing to read my stuff or no?

Sorry it's short. I was just scared to post this as an announcement is all.

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