Tumblr fanfic stuff

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Hey everyone. Sorry about the last chapter. I shouldn't have forced you guys to get out of your comfort zones if you didn't want to. I just wanted to feel like my other stories were being read. That being said, I do want to explain a new book I'm making.

So awhile back, Wraith-Immortale and I worked together to make an OC that was more or less based on me. As a result, he made an Eevee named Gia, pronounced Guy-ah, that can produce serotonin to calm her enemies but has a hard time controlling it when under stress.

After she was released to the world, we started talking about what she's like and how'd she act in certain situations, which caused me to have it approval and honor to make fanfics based off of some of the scenarios and such.

They're only on my tumblr right now, the username is the same as here if you want to follow me there too, but I'm planning on transferring them here too so that they can be seen by a bigger audience. It will be titled "Tumblr fanfics" and should be out in a bit. There's only one made right now but I'm hoping to make more.

I know this could've been an announcement but I wanted you guys to see the notification. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter I write.

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