Votes and Comments

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These are the current votes and comments I have on each book as of this chapter, in order as it is on my stories list right now:

Another Random Stuff Book- 5 votes, 4 comments.

Heavenly Love- Corrupted Mii x Eteled- Heaven and Heck AU- 7 votes, 8 comments.

Corrupted Mii Origin Story (Wii Deleted you fan origin story)- 52 votes, 9 comments.

Unknown Anxiety- 1K challenge- 1 vote, 1 comment.

Ask or Dare my OCs- 1 vote, 1 comment.

My "You in" books- 0 votes and comments each. (Then again, no one has read them so there is that.)

I love that you guys vote for my books and you guys read them. But I love hearing feedback too. Yes, I don't like the mean ones, but who does? I'm talking about constructive criticism, compliments, heck even theories as to what happens next. Yeah, my plots are pretty straight forward, but maybe you guys could help me by giving some tips.

I see all you're guys' books, and there are HUNDREDS of comments, people going "NU U HAVE THE BETTER ART STYLE. MINE IS TRASH." and then the person there talking to goes "NU U." back. I see people going "omg lol." in the comment section and then getting a text emoji from the writer. I've run across countless comment roleplays, done some myself even, all caused by a reaction to the situation done in the chapter.

And then I look and mine. And sometimes I don't even notice the ones that are already there. Because I'm too busy focusing on how to get more. Thinking "What am i doing wrong?", "Is something not happening that's supposed to happen?", "How am I supposed to get them?" There are thoughts going through my head right now about if you guys even care about what I'm typing or if you're just strolling past all these words.

How about this: next chapter or so of whatever you read, whether it's mine or someone else's, you leave a comment. It can say whatever you want. From random letters jumbled about to a coherent sentence to just about anything. But you can not say anything about this chapter being why. You must come up with a valid reason why. Especially if it's one of my books.

That's all for now, see you in the next chapter I write.

Another Random Stuff BookWhere stories live. Discover now