3.How long is forever?

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Killua x vocaloid!reader
Killua and Gon were I a bar, watching boringly the news as they promoted new kinds of robots.
-A brand new kind of intelligent robots is taking over the market!!- the announcer said:-What is the secret behind these singing angels?- he plateally pointed to the five figures that stood up lifeless on the stage, but as he stopped talking a striking music begun and the five robots started to sing and dance to the song. All the ones that were watching felt amazement and interest in that marvel of ultimate robotics: they looked like any other human, and also moved like on of them.
-Hey Killua, you have stared at the tv for quite some time, are you ok?- asked Gon to his friend that eyed intently the five figures dancing and singing.
-Hey Gon, aren't you curious about them?- he pointed to the robots that the announcer was calling "Vocaloids" and more specifically at the telephonic number written on it.
-Yeah... why don't we buy one? It will be fun! - answered the black haired boy as he dialed the number.
-Hello?- asked Gon at the computerized voice that answered him:-Good afternoon, I'm Juliet, your A.I. waitress, what do you wish to know?-
-uh... I wanted to buy one of those Vocaloids...- Gon answered gesturing at Killua to take his place, not realky knowing what the mechanical operator could have asked next:-We have ended the "common ones" model, but we may have some of the "Hunters only" version, if you have a license we could keep on with the bargain.- the robotic voice said, and they sended the fabric a photo of killua's hunter license.
-So mr.Killua wants to buy the "Hunters only" version. Ok. The price is five million Jeni, and the vocaloid will be delivered in two weeks. Do you wish to have the [Name] model or the Heyes model?- killua tought for a bit, and knowing that there wasn't much difference between the two. He choose [Name].

-And lastly but not for features, we will announce the two Hunter Vocaloids: equiped for singing as for fighting, they can learn every technique and produce theyr own version in less than five seconds!- the host of the show kept talking about them ,until he got more specifically at a feature that [Name] and [Name] only, of the Hunter Vocaloids had:-She has implanted also the consciousness and the heart of a human, making her the ultimate A.I!!-


Two weeks later as Juliet said, the vocaloid arrived and Gon and Killua were utterly courious to find out what she was exactly.

-For activating.... yes! She has a vocal recognition phrase by her owner, that works also for suttin her off.- Gon read on the instruction book, as Killua tought about some phrase:-I'll always love you.- he said, as it was the promise he made with Gon when he bought the Vocaloid, and [Name] opened slowly her eyes as the main program started and she finally was fully functioning.


[Name] stayed with Gon and Killua for several months, in wich she had the fun of her life, they tought her to sing, to fight and to be friends, and finally she learnt something even more compressed than fun, she learnt Friendship and Love.

Yes, the little mechanical [Name] fell in love with no one else but her owner. They spend most of the times Gon was away to some father-son errands or he was at Mito's home, she sang for him, they talked for hours about his family, his life and his dreams, and she asked him to explain her the marvels of the land, sea and sky, never getting enought to hear and be with him.

As also some years passed and [Name] never aged, she started to think if her master and Gon will ever grow tired of her, and sometimes she isolated herself to think about that, asking herself also if she should have confessed her feelings for her master, but since she was a robot after all, wasn't that just attachment to her owner? One day, she decided to ask that:-What will happen to me when master and Gon will be bored by my presence?- she asked them, as Killua admonished her by calling him master:-There is no way we will grow tired by you [Name], you are our friend!-Answered Gon smiling, but then Killua came near her and taking his hand he lead her away from Gon, that looked at them at first surprised, then just smiled sadly at himself, saying that he knew that it would have happened someday.


-Master? Where are you taking me?- [Name] asked, getting flushed by the touch:-Do you have feelings for us?- he asked, looking at her expectantly but whitout other expression showing:-I...- began [Name], not entirely sure what to answer:-Master and Gon are my friends...- she said:-I mean...Do you love one of us?- he asked again, tightening his grip on the vocaloid.
-I... I love you master.- she finally said, blushing.
-I told you countless times to not call me Master.- he said coldly, then he smiled:-But I love you too, [Name]!!-
The little robot cried for joy as the boy first hugged her tightly, then he pulled her in a sweet kiss.
But all the good ending stories have a true ending hidden behind them, and this story is no exception, so after years and decades of love and happiness in theyir happily ever after, the end of the road came for him, but not for her, that even if the time passed, she was still like she first opened her eyes.
-Killua... don't leave me!- She cried, hollding his hand tightly:-Please!!- but he just smiled weakly at her, then said his last words, that were exactly the fisrts words she ever heard from him:-I'll always love you.-
And then they both fell like heroes do.

Glom... and to think I was listening to happy songs when I wrote this...This story came up yesterday night as I listen to some Vocaloid songs suvh as Romeo and Cinderella, Sembozakura and The snow White Princess Is... if you want to heard them you can find them on youtube.

Vocaloid and the song listed up there don't belong to me, even if I love them.

Thank you for reading, liking and Bubblegumgirl-sama for always commenting!♥♥

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