5.Posters and Fanfictions

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I looked over the screen one more time, scanning carefully the words written on it? Would the story be liked by my readers? I pondered every sentence with a strict judgment, wondering what could have been corrected or descripted differently.
I wanted perfection. You may ask why I was so carefully writing since it was just a fanfiction, it wasn't even a famous fandom as Harry Potter or Hunger games, but I read some other fictions, many of them were all the same and I got angry and bored by them, I mean, why authors can't be original? Why can't they be less mainstream and play a bit with theyr fantasy? That's what bothered me.
And there were also my dear readers that liked and commented that I didn't want to disappoint. They are mainly the reason I want this to be perfect, since I can make something good for other. Something that will make them(and me) smile, cry or anyway touch the strings of the heart to compose a melody of emotions.
I wanted the fluff parts to make people squeal, I want angst parts to make people cry, I want funny parts to make people laught andmake them feel what I feel when writing them. I want it to be as good as possible becouse I want it to be worth to be called an Hunter x Hunter fanficion.


-[Name], you have been on that pc for the whole day.... what are you doing?- My principal subject, the cause of everything, the fault in my stars, asked. Or for being more accurate, his poster.
-I'm writing a fanfiction Killua, as usual!-
I bought that poster at my last comics, the vendor was an Italian girl named Giulietta, she said that this poster had magical powers, but I didn't belive her since I posted it on my wall and the poster started asking me question as if when last I cleaned up the room . At firts I tought I was crazy, then that the Italian girl drugged me or something, finally I accepted the fact that Killua's poster was alive.
-I'm boreeed!!- he pouted, as I scuffed again, at loss of ideas for my story.
-Maybe if you stop complaining and actually do something, you will losen up some bore.- I said, trying to get him do something better than bothering me,but no.
-You really are a meanie!- he answered:-You never take care of me! Always writing here and there, but what are you writing I can't ever know!- I felt a bit guilty about this, but I couldn't let him read my stories, mainly becouse they were all about him!! And some were not exactly all love and innocence.
-I'm sorry....so.... what do you want to do?- I asked, since I knew he already had to stay at home alone when I was out.
-I don't know, what about an Ice-cream?- I smiled at his idea: and grabbing the keys and my wallet, we headed towards the ice-cream parlor.


Now you are asking how he, from a magical poster glued to my wall, can walk out and go to the ice-cream parlor, when I said I only heard him talk at first.
Well, that's a good question.I will repeat exactly what the Italian girl said:-When you give love, you also give life. And as you give happyness, you'll get love.- so I guess that the more I love Killua, the more "alive" he gets....
I still remember when he started going out from the wall: I was changing in my pijama with my back facing his wall, and suddenly I felt cold hands on my waist circling me and hugging me.
I screamed bloody murdered so loud I knocked him out, so when I saw him laying on the groud passed out, I knew that my trubles only began.


-Hey [Name], you are spacing out a lot lately, are you all right?-
-uh? Yeah... sorry, is just that... I'm blocked with my main fanfiction. I reached the end of the first two arcs and now I'm on writers block!!- I said slamming my head on the table as he seemed worried.
-Maybe if you let me read that I could help you...- I instantly recovered to say no!
How would he react when he discovers what I write about?
-but why?- I letted the question fly away unanswered, but then I decided to do the most out-of-character and sudden thing I ever decided to do:-I love you. So I write about you!- I said standing up, putting the chair asaide slowly:-I write about you becouse is the only think that will stay on my mind for much long as I need to write.-
Oh, awesome. I confessed, I revealed that I write about him and that I can't think of anything else in just... 3 sentences? That's a record. I turned away ready to go from embarrassment, but then....

-Y-You love me too?- asked him smiling wide, then he too stood up and ran towards me: hugging at first, then he spun me around and finally he placed his lips on mine, while all the people in the allway and from the parlor "Aww"-ed and said we were the sweetest thing that happened that week.

So now I'm dating my poster.

- new year upload!!-
Said like that sounded orrible. Gosh, I really needed improvement as a writer last year!
-Yes. You did.- is saying me my boyfriend from behind me as he read what im writing.
-Killua!!- oh, magically awesome. He just stated to lift up my t-shirt.... I will say some last news and go.
Now I let him help me with the fictions, and guess what I bought this year at the comics, at a certain Italian's stand?
Yup, the other three main hunters, and Hisoka. Becouse everyone need a wild Hisoka to appear every time in a while.
We are all a happy big family now, and I finally got to write my own book, next summer it will be on sale, I can't wait!
Well, now I have to go before Killua gets bored again! See you next Fanfiction time!!

Is a short story, but I mean every word I said.
The great worries you read up there are the mine when I have to write anything not school-related, and I'm really on a writer block for my other story, so if anyone read also that and has some ideas, I will like them to share...if possible I mean.

And the Italian crazy poster-vendor would be me. Even if I am not named Giulietta...^^"

This is story is specially dedicated to Bubblegumgirl-sama , flying_gerbils, jani_hearts, and many many more of my affectionate readers, I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!!! *virtual hug*

Thank you and a biiig hug for everyone who is commenting and liking and enjoying my stories, I really love you all!!♥♥♥


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