16. Kiss Me To Wake Me Up

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If you ask everyone of earth that has less than 20 years if they hate getting to school, they will say yes, but not many of them know that the really worst part is getting home from that.

I have to take an 1 hour long ride to get home, but lucky me, I have my best friend Killua with me to cheer me up on this dreadful journey.
But as both of us were dead tired of the school day we had, and we fell asleep on our way back, my head on his shoulder.

Usually we both wake up before getting to our stop, but today I woke up just in time while Killua is still asleep.
I need a way to wake him up! But I don't have any chocolate with me, I used that all this morining to evade his killing spree towards teachers... what can I do now??

I look over him, he seems so peaceful for once, I already feel guilty to ruin whatever dream he was having... what should I do?

I near myself to his cheek, slowly and unsure, then as I'm just a breath away he turns his head to me and pulls it up, just the distance necessary to make our lips connect.


My eyes widen as he kiss back and wraps his arms around me, and I don't know what to do anymore. He's my best friend! Kissing should kook wrong to him!! I couldn't get away from him tough, as my brain was signaling code red alarms, in my heart I felt paceful and relaxed. He too soon got away and smiled at me, telling me that it was a nice way to say good morning  then he took my hand and we got down the bus, as I still stood speechless and con about what just may had happened.


A week passed from that kiss, and Killua didn't seem to care and neither he talked about that. I wondered why, since for me it had so much importance I couldn't think about anything else. I  couldn't concentrate on my studies or even get to have fun with my other froends, all tbat was In my mind was Killua and that kiss.
In this week that I passed I tought about what I may had felt towards him and I soon found out that I was hopelessly in love with the boy who had been my best friend for so long.

As I got in the bus, I walked up to our usual place to find it being already taken my killua and a dark-haired woman, they were smiling at eachother and laughing together, and suddenly, he kissed her just as he did with me a week before.
I felt my hear breaking in thousands of pieces as he wrapped his arms around her and deepenes the kiss, then I couldn't stop the tears to fall as I ran away, far from him and his newfound happiness.


I watched as Killua and Palm, his actually nre girlfriend, eaded towards my house for a film night. We used to have those just me and Killua, but now he has that bit... bit of heaven that he loves, so he need to take her wherever he goes... I'm so annoyed by her!!

She is always glaring at me whenever I talk or just look at Killua, and and always complains to him about how "out-of-space" I may feel from being with them or just about my newest t-shirt that she hates, I just want to punch her for stealing my friend, but I suck it up for him.
He seems happy with her, so I'll be happy for him. I won't be crying everytime I see him kissing Palm, I won't scream everytime she walks up to him with a smile... I will just shut everything up and be happy for him like a true friend should.


I've looked at the white-dressed girl as she smirked at Killua, another time he was going to marry some strange girl who just wants him for his family heritage and money I'm so sick of this... now that girl even left him before saying the "yes" becouse she met this strange prince of whatever, and I just hope we're going to never see her again like Palm did.
I approach Killua slowly as I see some tears beginning to prick up in his eyes, and I bent down to hug him tightly as he sits on the cold stone floor of the church.
-come on Killua, she was just another stuck-up ass... she wasn't righ for you!- I'm trying to cheer him up, even after this ten years, I still love him so much and it hurts me a lot to see him sad, and with girls like that! I'm just so angry at them... can't they see how perfect Killua is? He's sweet, handsome, nice, caring amd strong, but all they can see is his money. I hate, I loathe every one of them with soo much of my heart... but now I need to be there for Killua, I don't want to see him crying anymore.
-you know [name]...I'm so desperate I could marry you instead of that bitch...- he sais, as he hugs me so tightly I began to have problems breathing.
-please [Name]... marry me... you never tourned your back on me... you've always stayed by my side and you've always been so nice even if you hated every single girl I went out with... please... marry me!- he sais, but he sounds so desperate...
I gulp down everything he' sayings I prepare to make the choice of my life.
Would I agree to marry my desperate love of my life just for my selfish feelings, or will I take him back on earth and say no, and commit suicide later becouse he's gonna hate me?

-alright... you win.... I'll really marry you, if you want me to.- I say, hoping this wasn't just any prank of his but that he truly meant every single word.
-Y-you do?-
I nodded slowly, still unsure about what his reaction meant.
I looked at him just before he, once again after years, smashed his lips against mine and wrapped me in a passionate kiss.
I kissed back with the same intensity as we finally got eachother, and I finally heard his laugh again.
-you kiss exactly as you did at that time... did you really waited for me all this time?- he asked me, knowing exactly what my feelings were, and I did nothing but nod, and get him into antoher kiss saying than if that was the case, I just needed him to teach me better.

Happy Birthday Killua~♥

This is from the first story I ever wrote, for the beginning...

I hope you liked~♥ byeeee!!!! :)


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