10.Out Of The Gravity

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I look down the skyscraper, wondering if I would have been able to fly down or I would have fell breaking my neck. my new air gear was ready, the vendor said it has malfunctioned for a Hollywood star so they decided to sell it. I was sure it would help me to this flight to.
"I'm going to reach you this time!"


I was running away from the streets, he was running away from his twisted family, we were both without a place to stay, without somewhere to come back to, but in the second we met, we knew that we had to be toghether.
I was chased by thiefs, he was chased by assassins.
At first I tought he was even more dangerous than the people who were following me, but after he skillfully removed them out from the list of the living, I started to admire him.
I wasn't scared by the claws, neither by the cold look his eyes had when he was trurly angry, becouse I knew better the nice and carin nature he hood behind, I loved the gleam in his eyes when we were able to catch something he wanted, the sweet smile he gave me when, after a day full of dangers, I lied my head on his shoulder to sleep.
I tought him how to survive in the streets, he tought me how to live in them and be able to love someone in the same time.


I step closer to the edge, as down there some people walk by, not bothering to look up at me, only interested by their own problems. Some cops pass by too, they are running behind some kids, a boy and a girl, they shot, the boy is hit and he falls down, the girl come back and reach for him, only to be shot at too. The two bodies fells limp on the ground, and the other people just pass by without noticing.

Is it becouse they are a daughter of thieves and a son of assassins?


-[Name] run! don't care about me! I'll take timefor you, but you have to run!!-
I look at the boy I love with despair: was he really going to sacrifice himslef like this?
-Have you heard me? Run!! fast!- I'm trying to do anything, but I'm trapped in tears:-I don't want to...-

-Please [Name]!! they're coming, you have to run away!- he said to me, embracing me in a last hug:-Please... you have to save yourself...- but...
-I can't live without you! we will fight toghether! we can manage to win again! we will fight as usual and we...and we....- tears started to fall, as my sight trembled, he stood up and walked to the cops, getting ready for the fight as I lend him my hand to stop him.
-Please Killua! don't!! I LOVE YOU!!-


At firts it wasn't so tragic, we were an amazing quartet: Gon, Killua, Alluka and me were always together and we soon became friends, we cared deeply about each other as we were a family, something that the robotic guards or the egoistical people that live this century in rich houses could never understand.

They couldn't even leave a kid to live, as they killed Alluka for asking an old noble why the guards killed her beloved brother.
I couldn't do anything about it, as the other guards kept me far from her as one of the robots shoot directly at her head. I screamed and cried, but it was too late.

-big brother!! sister! what there is beyond the wall?- asked us Alluka, as me and Killua were preparing the bags for the voyage.
-There is an amazing wordl, where everyone is happy and where good people get always sweets for being good.- I said, as killua smiled at us:-Tomorrow you will see, we are going there!- we putted her to sleep toghether, as we did everyday, smiling to her as we did to each others.
-The guards will not let us pass that easly, the wall is untouchable...- said Gon as Alluka started to snore a bit, and either me and Killua prepared the plan whou could have lead us to freedom.


How foolish we were back then, I see now, we had a death wish: the wall was untouchable, and now all the people I ever cared about are deceased.
I stepped beyond the boundary that divided the edge of the skyscraper and the air, then I left me to fall down.


-One day I'll fly away, I'll be an angel and I will fly up to the sky, beyond the wall, I will discover what there is outside. Then I will come and take you there too, we will be happy and free forever!- I said loud as we talked about our dreams: Gon's father escaped through the wall ten years ago, and Gon was sure he could have found him once he would have been able to cross it.
Killua on the other hand wanted to keep us safe and sound, but mostly he wanted all of us to be free: free from the evil and selfish people that lived as nobles, away from the dangers that we were bound to live everyday.

We found out our dreams were all a bunch of childish desiers after Killua's death. They threw him as they did with all the people without anything were thrown, and as I cried for my lost love, Gon found the bones of his father.

We looked in face at the reality, we could never be free, neither safe, we couldn't find any family nor fly away. We were hopeless.


I open the wings of the air gear, but only one has opened fully: malfunctioned, broken, as I could say I am now.
They stole away everything precious I ever had and cherished, and now I decided to crown my dream as people started to watch the sky where I was falling down, fast and faster every moment.

-That girl is going to kill herself!-
a woman yell, scared, but not for me, but for the bloody sceen that will come after, as the people around us didn't cared when he died on me.


-[Name], you have to promise me you will fight for your dream, and when you will fly away, I sweat I'll be there to watch you!-

-No! please Killua!! don't leave me!!-

-Promise me you'll take care of Alluka and Gon for me, please!-

-NO!! NO KILLUA?!Don't you dare die on me! don't you dare! don't!!-

-And remember.... I'll always watch over you... I love you too [Name]...Don't forget...-



I fell down, the wings didn't open, I fell down to my destiny, but not too sad, I would have soon seen Gon, Alluka and Killua, and I would be able to answer him that I love him too, and we will finally able to live our dreams.


Wookie's crying corner:

ok, I know many of you may start to hate me for this sad story, but I cried too while writing this. I tought that between all this happy ending, I needed something different, so here this came.

dedicated to Bubblegumgirl-sama and StephHXHSAOpoke and Tacocheeks and AlliahZoldyck for always commenting, thanks also to Natsuki-Kuraiko for always being the first to put the star on my chapters! ^^

thank you to all the silent readers and the other one who comment and like that I didn't mentioned! ^^


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