7.School Life

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Everyone in my school loved the Hunters, a group of school idols that was born last year, they were four boys of the school, the older was Leorio-sempai, then there was Kurapika-sempai and Gon-kun, but the most popular and the star of the group was Killua-kun, he was loved by every girl in the school for his fliry attitude, witch I always criticized. I like the Hunters,  since Gon-kun, Leorio-sempai and Kurapika-sempai had always been nice to me and they are my friends, but on the other hand I can't stand Killua, with me he is a douchebag, he always say that I am annoying and he despise the thing that I, as a member of the disciplinary committee,  always got him to do some detention works.

As I said before, the whole school love Killua-kun, and that damage me more than some evil glares or talking behind my back, many fangirls try to hurt me both phisically and psychologically, and even if I have the prof respecting and listening to me, I don't want anyone to interfere.
They are my problem and mine only, I can't risk putting my friends and theyr dreams in danger becouse of some crazy mad-girls.


This was one of those days where Killua wouldn't put on the uniform right and I had to argue with him for finally making him learn to button up ALL the bottons of the uniform, and that even if his rebel behavior was sexy, he couldn't do that. WAIT. Did I just said sexy? I didn't mean that!! Not at all!! Well, maybe a bit, I have to admit that Killua-kun is really handsome and he has a really sweet and nice voice... but I can't let him pass by for don't wear the uniform right! It was a distraction to all the people in the school, and mostly by the girls! ...even me!

-Ah [name], you are always so stuck-up! Loosen up a bit and enjoy the life!- he answered at my warnings, and I as always got him in a room and cleaned him up by myself, brushing his uniform, and when he felt particularly rebel and he fully unbuttoned it(only when we were alone!!) I had to close it up, even if my fingers had to brush his firm abs, even if I got beef red and all stuttering instuctions for the detention he would have had to bear afterwards.

This was also one of the days when the fangirls would get mad at me for disrupting theyr Idol and after the lessons I had to endure theyr punches and kicks and theyir inappropiate and violent speeches about me stealing theyr amazing Killya-kun from them, even if they were far to low to bring me damage, I would always get to Leorio's house to get some band ai, and I said I was just clumsy, making my mother ask herself from who I took after this aspect.


But today was different. Moslty becouse I didn't found Killua-kun at detention but outside the school watching me being picked on by his fans. He reached to me and took one of the girl's arm that was about to hit me and yelled at them what they tought they were doing.
-But Killua-sama!- they said, as I slowly got up watching the scene of Killua glaring deadly at them.
-She always annoyed you and got you to detention, we have to punish her!!- they said, as I rolled my eyes at theyr weakness.
But what killua did after was so surprising that I tought this was just a dream of some sort: he slapped the girl hard and said that he didn't asked neither eber wanted them to do a thing like that. He said that he always broke the rules so I would argue with him, and as final words, he said he loved me.


-I love her, and that's why I always tried to get her attention by breaking the school rules, so don't even think of hurtig her again or I will personally beat your crazy asses down to a pulp!- he ended his speech, as the fangirls stayed speachless too, and after recovering from the shock of being hated by theyr Idol, they ran away, leaving us alone.

-All you allright? I'm so sorry...if I knew this before.... why didn't you told me?- hw said as he reached me and helped me out.
It was enchanting seeing him being so nice to me, and I got lost looking at the boy who brought me so much truble before. I couldn't believe thay his flirty and bold attitude was just to hide a shy and sweet behavior, witch I started to love.
-Why you didn't say anything about this [name]? You got me so worried!!- he kept repeatig it as he scanned my skin for any injuries and I wondered if I could have acted out of the school rules for once, I looked around and saw nobody, even if I did that, no one would have ever known apart for me and Killua, so I rushed to his cheeck and kissed him, but he just turned around before I could tuch him and our lips pressed together, as his hands held my waist and mine made their way to his neck, both melting at the new sensation.

-it's not all that bad, breaking the rules...- I said huskly, as he smirked:-Oh, since when you are a rebel then?-

-I don't know, but I want more!-


I looked at the white dress on te bed, I had to put it fastly since the event was about to start, but would I've been able to do it? I reharsed with him many times, but I still was unsure about this. I heard some knoking and I asked who was, it answered Kurapika:-Hey [name], don't be so tensed up, it's your night!- he said smiling, as he pointed to the dress:-Show everyone what you got!- then he got out for lettin me slip into the dress.

Some moments later I was behind the curtain of the stage, waiting for them to call me in:-And now let's welcome the last and newest member of the Hunters!! [NAME] [Surname]!!!-
As I got on the stage with the microphone in the hand, the crowd under us cheered, and I rushed fastly to my boyfriend that kept smiling at me confidently, as I got next to him, he hugged me and kissed me in front of everyone, sayiong in the mic that I was his as he was mine, and whoever wanted to complain, he better shut up.
And everyone did as we started the show.
Author note:
as promised, the modern AU for YumeNeeChan~Hope you liked!!~

I hope you like this story, and if you find something wrong please say it so next time I can get better! ^^


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