you are enough. 26

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Alexia's Perspective

"Wake up." The voice was non existent to me as I shoved my face further into the pillow and curled up further. I was not ready in the slightest to wake up and I had no plans of moving, regardless of whoever was in my hotel room trying to wake me. "Babe, wake up." In addition to the repetition, I could feel a soft circle being rubbed into my back. It was nice, and truly wasn't a great wake up attempt as it only urged me to get more comfortable and drift back off into sleep. "I have food, Lex." My head shifted towards Luke, now that I could register that it was him.

I was still in his bed, I knew it. I had never left last night. In fact, I remember falling asleep right after I threw on his tee shirt which I was still in. A wave of embarrassment crashed over me that I fell asleep before he could kick me out. But when my eyes squinted open, and I peered up to see his eyes staring back down at me, I couldn't help but feel calm. He looked soft, his hair was only a bit messy and his lips were extra plump. He had the sweetest little eyebags sitting on his face, and I thought they were adorable. He couldn't have been up for long.

"What time is it?" I croaked out, letting the back of my hands fall over my eyes to block out the stream of light that had flooded in through the window.

"8:30," Luke said easily.

My eyes popped open at that and I looked at him with an absolute incredulous expression. "Are you fucking with me?" He shook his head no simply. "I get it, I fell asleep in your bed but you didn't have to wake me up at 8 o'clock in the fucking morning just to get me to leave." I was annoyed, of course. I understood, I genuinely understood. I intruded on his space by falling asleep in here last night, but that didn't mean I wanted to be woken up so early when we go to bed so late.

Luke laughed. He laughed at me. I'm sure he was getting a kick out of this. My hair was probably stuck up in every possible direction, my face was surely puffy and I'm fairly certain I could feel a dribble of drool drying onto my lip. I'm surprised he hadn't laughed sooner, actually. "Who said I wanted you to leave, Alexia?"

I blinked up at him. And then I blinked again. "You don't want me to leave?" I asked slowly and quietly, the feeling like an asshole seeping into my veins. He shook his head no. "Then why'd you wake me up?"

"Here, just get up and eat first." I listened to him, kicking the covers off as he shifted to let me stand. Luke's shirt was long enough to fall past my thighs and not reveal the fact that I was still pantyless from last night. The man has one hell of a torso. I looked around to see that there was food, plenty of it. There was a bowl of berries on the table, and two plates decorated with perfectly delicious looking breakfast meals. Eggs, and bacon, and even pancakes.

"Luke, what is this all?"

"You fell asleep pretty early last night. So I did a little research about how you mentioned your period was irregular." My heart practically stopped. He researched my fucking period problems? I hadn't even done that. I've just assumed that tour stresses me out and causes me problems. Most girls aren't lucky enough to have no problems with their periods anyways, so I've always figured I was right on track. "Your cycle is probably irregular because we're on tour and there's absolutely no regulation or routine," he says exactly what I know. "That's not healthy though, Alexia. So we're starting with a full meal and then we'll go down to the gym together-" I laugh out loud, interrupting him.

"The gym? Okay Luke, you've lost me." I'm still chuckling as he shakes his head at me as if I'm the ridiculous one here. Luke has known me since my teenage year and I can assure he knows that I am the least athletic individual in the world.

"Lex, you think I'm joking. But I'm not. Working out is not only good for performing on tour, but it helps regulate your body and you need that right now. Eat up, you won't be so tired if you eat."

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