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Hiking at night would be too dangerous for his lady; so they hike in the jungle in the morning as superheroes just in case there's danger in the jungle. Cat Noir brought his bow and arrows since his cataclysm would be too dangerous.

"Are you sure you got the right directions, Kitty?" Ladybug asked Cat Noir.

"Of course. Dracula gave me this ancient artifact of the location of the Vampire's Heart. It's like a GPS" Cat Noir said.

"Good. My, this jungle is amazing" Ladybug noticed several birds flying.

"And dangerous too. Thank god I can sense danger like a big dog" Cat Noir said, aiming his arrow for danger.

"Yep, though gorillas are usually docile they can get defensive and one single punch can kill a human," Ladybug said.

"But it can't kill a vampire," Cat Noir said.

"True" Ladybug replied.

"Look out!" Cat Noir senses a snake above.

Ladybug dodged from the giant snake. It wasn't venomous but its bite can be very painful, especially getting squeezed to death. Cat Noir bared his fangs to challenge that snake. The snake hissed and opens its mouth, ready to bite him.

"Bite on this!" Cat Noir used hypnosis on the snake.

The snake got into a trance as he hypnotized it, "Move aside" The feline vampire commanded it.

It did as he told him by slithering away, "Thank you, Kitty" Ladybug got up.

"Glad we didn't get swallowed alive. Come, stay beside me, milady" Cat Noir said.

"Okay, python snakes really creep me out," Ladybug said.

"But not to me. Spiders are what I hate" Cat Noir said and hiked at the trail.

"I see. I'm glad our suits protect us from the irritating mosquitos" Ladybug said.

"Yup." Cat Noir said and scratched the tree with his sharp claws to leave a trail.


An hour later, the two stopped near a large tree to rest, "Phew, how long until we arrive?" Ladybug sat on a branch.

"Very much long. Dracula warned me that there are monsters guarding it. No human or vampire can survive it" Cat Noir said.

"But together we can fight them," Ladybug said.

"Yes, but it ain't gonna be easy, milady" Cat Noir said, picking out some fruit.

"Think of it like from the video games" Ladybug picks out a fruit too.

"Oh yes, but in real life," Cat Noir said and ate the fruit since he's hungry for some food than blood.

"Yummy" Ladybug enjoyed the taste of the papaya.

"I never tasted papaya," Cat Noir said and let out a little belch.

Ladybug just giggled at her boyfriend, "Yep, ready to go again?" She asked.

"Always ready my purrfect lady" Cat Noir offers a hand like a gentleman.

"Good kitty" Ladybug got up and they keep going.

"Shhhhh. What are they doing there?" Ladybug hides with him.

"I don't know, maybe they are poachers or something" Cat Noir whispered.

Cat Noir uses his vampire supervision to see up close to who these men are. By the looks of them, they have guns and they don't have dead animals in the jeep so they are not poachers, "Mercenaries"

Prince of Darkness 2Where stories live. Discover now