chapter 7

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Sweat dripped down Dre's face as he drippled the ball down the court. After dodging the the two players from the other team out of the way he finally made the shot to victory. The crowd roared in excitement because, dre won the game.

Dres team mates jumped up on him causeing him to fall. They were all so happy that they won the game. This game wasn't just any game either. This is a game where the recruiters come out to see who they would like at their college. Even though dre had already been excepted to Tennessee they would still like to observe him.

"Lyndon b. White" the man said shakeing Dre's hand. He was from LSU .

"Its nice meeting you sir" dre said with a smile.

"We would love it if you came and toured our college" the man said shaking his hand once more before walking away.

"Oh, my gosh dre I'm so happy for you" nique said running up to dre and almost knocking him over.

"Dang, calm down nique nique but, thank you" he said smiling hard. He felt happy that even if his mom wasn't there nique would be there.

Dre walked off and made his way into the locker room. Even though he won the game he still felt dirty.


Nique waited on dre as she sat in the bleachers. He was her only way to the game so she didn't mind waiting. As she sat there scrolling through Instagram one of Dre's closet friends approached her.

"Sup nique" josh said sitting next to her.

"Hey" nique said looking up from her phone .

"Sooooo..." Josh trailed off.

"So" nique said laughing.

"You wanna know something dre hasn't told you" josh said.

"What is it josh"

"Well he might or might not like you but, you didn't hear this from me" josh said beginning to get up.

"Now why the fuck would you tell her that lie" dre said scareing them both. Even though he was telling nique the truth he didn't want her to know yet.

"I'm not ly-"

"Go nigga" dre said highly annoyed that josh would even tell nique that.

Nique sat there wondering was what josh said true? Did dre really like her? Only her mind could wonder which was the truth but, she quickly shook that feeling off.

"You ready to go nique nique" dre said takeing her out of her thoughts. She just nodded as they made there way out to the parking lot.

As they drove there was an orchard silence giving them time to think. It kind of felt uncomfortable to nique but, she wouldn't speak up. Nique just decided to ask the obvious question of the night.

"Dre would you lie to me"? Nique said looking in dres direction.

"No why"? Dre said looking very confused.

"Well do you like me" nique said playing with her fingers. She was very nervous, dre was her best friend and even even though she kind of felt the same way awhile ago she didn't want to change them being just friends.

"No nique, I love you and all but, that's because you're my best friend. It would be weird as hell if we ever were together" dre lied. He just said that because, he didn't want nique to know the truth.

Nique laughed" I agree, that would be extra wrong because, I've always thought of you as my brother" she said laughing a little more before stopping. She kind of felt like dre was lying but, she didn't want to ask him.

Pretty soon they pulled into the driveway and went in. Like always niques mom was working the late shift so her and dre decided to call it a night. The vibe felt to orchard for them to be around each other.

Dre winning the game?

Nique almost finding about dre being in love with her?

The orchard vibe

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