Part -11-It's Christmas and december 30

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Taehyung saw you putting the blanket on Eun Sik.

Taehyung liked the way you care for his friends and family.

Taehyung: Thank you, Y/N-shii. I was about to come and check on Eon jo and Eun Sik. You are faster than me.

Y/N: It's okay. You don't have to thank me Taehyung-shi.

It's 6 AM in the morning. It's Christmas.
Y/N: Merry Christmas, Taehyung-shi.
You kissed him.
Taehyung: Merry Christmas, my love!
Y/N: Let's celebrate Christmas today.
Taehyung: Oh, no. I thought to celebrate Christmas at exactly 12 AM. We all forgot about it enjoying karaoke.
Y/N: Yes. Don't worry. We will celebrate it today. I ordered a small portable Christmas tree and some decorations.

Eun Sik woke up and listened to your conversations with Taehyung.

Eun Sik: Daebak, a small portable Christmas tree sounds so cool. We can take it home. Y/N is so intelligent.

Taehyung: When did you wake up?
Eun Sik: I woke up when you started talking to Y/N about putting the blanket on me. 😂

Taehyung: You....!!!

Y/N: Eun Sik-shi, here have your hangover drink.

Eun Sik: Gomawo, Y/N-shii..
Y/N: Eun Sik-shi... Don't call me Y/N-shi... You are older than me. Call me Y/N-aah or just Y/N.

Eun Sik: Okay. But, you have to call me Oppa, okay?

Y/N: Eun Sik-shii... how can I?
Eun Sik: Okay, Y/N-shi. I will call you Y/N-shi.
Y/N: Arasseo arasseo... I will call you Eun Sik Oppa.
Eun Sik: That's like my good sister.

Taehyung: Sister? Brother and sister? So early..? Nice.

Eun Sik: Taehyung-ah, don't make my sister cry... Never! Y/N-ah, never hurt Taehyung.

You nodded and Taehyung said, OKAY.

Eon Jo woke up and you gave her a hangover drink. You all got fresh and had breakfast.

Christmas arrived at the door.
You brought the Christmas tree inside. It's so small and cute.

Y/N: Tada!! Here is our Christmas tree..!
Eon jo and Taehyung: So small..?
Eun Sik: Yaa, Taehyung-ah, Eon jo-ah, we are leaving tomorrow. It's better to have a small one and take it with us.
Y/N: You all just wait and watch how I decorate it.

Everyone helped you in decorating and finally the Christmas tree is ready.

Y/N: Now, don't you think this small one is cute?
Taehyung, Eon jo, Eun Sik: Whoa!! It's so cute, tiny, and beautiful.

Y/N: Then whom do you have to thank? *in a smart and funny way*

Eon jo: Of course, to Y/N.
Eun Sik: Only thanks? No treat for having Taehyung as your boyfriend?
Taehyung: Yaa, Y/N. Your boyfriend is an idol.😎 I want a party too.

Y/N: Huh... idol? Okay. 제 남친는 아이돌이야. (My boyfriend is an idol). You ask my idol boyfriend to become a normal man for a day. 😒

Taehyung: Yaaa... It's not 제 남친는 아이돌이야. Learn Korean properly. So many grammatical mistakes...

Y/N: Okay. But how about becoming a normal man for a day at least? 😒

Eon jo: Oppa😂
Eun Sik: 😂😂 got a punch, Taehyung-ah?
Taehyung: Yaaa... arasseo arasseo. Let's have a party here in the suite. Tonight!

Everyone agrees to that and you had a small party-like thing in the suite.

Eun Sik was talking to someone on phone.
Eon Jo was editing her vlog video she shoot.

My Boyfriend Is An Idol (제 남친는 아이돌이야)Where stories live. Discover now