Take me away

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When I woke up I was changed into a white short sleeve v-neck shirt, and some white shorts. To be honest, the clothes were kinda scratchy. But I got grippy-socks, so I guess it's all good. I sat up and looked around the room I was in.

Not much was in the room, a desk, a bed, a chair, and a window. The room looked depressing. I got up and tried to open the window, but it was sealed shut. "Damn it" I said.

I sat back down on the bed and started at the walls. That was until a lady came in and sat at the chair. "Hello y/n how are you?" I looked at her and looked back at the wall "I know you probably don't want to talk to me but I'm mrs. malita, your psychiatrist" "I don't need a psychiatrist"

"We heard from a friend of yours that you were seeing some men that do bad things to other people. They think you have gone insane" "so what if I'm seeing the men, it's my life. Besides they love me and I love them"

"Y/n it's not healthy to be in that type of relationship, they could kill you" "so what? What if I don't care if they kill me?" "That's why you are here" "I should be with them, not here."

"But your not going to be with them, never again" "they'll come for me, I guarantee it" "they don't love you, your delusional" " no they have shown me multiple times that they truly love me. If they didn't I would have been dead a long time ago!" I screamed at her.

She sighed and got up. She just looked at me and walked out. I huffed and turned to the wall 'who the fuck does this lady think she's talking too?' 'I don't take shit from no one' 'they will
Come for me' 'they adore me' 'there obsessed' 'I'm there's' 'they will protect me forever'

2 men came in and hand cuffed my hands behind my back. I gasped as they picked me up and took me to a room right down the hall. In the room was a bed with machine's all over.

I was strapped to the table with my hands at my sides. "UGH, LET ME GO NOW!" I screamed at them. "No, we have asked people around town what they thought of you, they all think you got some screws loose in your head or something. So we're here you fix that and make you come to your senses"

The men stood back at the door as the lady grabbed some cloth and tied it around my head tightly, it was in my mouth keeping it slightly open. She grabbed the machine and rolled it over to her side. She then grabbed two things connected to the machine, and turned it on.

The machine was kinda loud, she looked over at me smirking. "Don't worry this will hurt a lot" she said as she pushed the rods to my head. I closed my eyes and bit down on the cloth, ringing was all I heard as memories flashed through my head of the killer klowns and I.

She slowly pulled the machine away and turned it off. I was so tired I could not open my eyes. "Take her back to the room, when she wakes up, take her too room B19." "Yes ma'am" the guard said.

I was picked up and carried to my old room. The man layed me down and left the room, locking it behind him. I knew I was gonna need the energy so I fell asleep.
~𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡~
When I woke up I was being carried to room B19 when the door opened I was so shocked to see all the men in the room and the machines my mind went crazy and I passed out from shock.

When I woke up I was back in my room. I had a huge migraine, I felt like throwing up. I looked to my side and saw a trash can. I sat on the ground and put the trash can in my lap, I stuck my fingers down my throat and pushed on my tongue. Vomit came gushing out of my mouth. I leaned over the trash can and let my guts spill.

After about 4 minutes of endless vomiting, I felt I had no more to give and sat back. I noticed the little white things in the vomit, 'dear lord I'm gonna have to wash my hands for weeks' I said to myself as I picked up the little white thing in the vomit.

I looked close and saw it was a pill I could not identify. There were multiple colors of pills in there. From what I saw about 7. I realized they were probably trying to poison me or worse. 'What kind of mental hospital is this?!' I was grew the pill in the trash and went to wash my hands in the little bathroom I had found literally 2 seconds ago.

When I was back I put the trash near the door, and sat on my bed. 'I hope they come for me' I said thought. After staring at the wall for 5 minutes the door to my room was busted down. I looked over and saw the men I love most.

Rudy and shorty came through the door, I ran and hugged them both. "Omg I was hoping you would come!" I said smiling. "Of course we would, you're out mate. We will always find you." Rudy said to me "awww" I blushed. We heard yelling down the hall "ready to go love?" Shorty said to me. "Mhm" just as I said that was icy picked me up and flung me over his shoulder.

They walked and Shot people coming at us with the cotton candy guns. And even put some in balloons. When we were out Rudy told bibbo and fatso there were cocoons and balloons in the halls for them to grab. They left for the bodies and Rudy motioned me to get in the car. He opens the door for me and I got in.

And holy shit there is a lot more room in the car than you would think. I sat next to slim as Rudy and shorty came into the car. There were about 12 different klowns in the car, slim was on my left and Rudy was at my right. Some of the klowns were talking to each other. I rested my head on slims arm.

He looked at me and wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me closer. The bodies Were in the trunk and the balloons were on the car, bibbo and fatso go tinto the can and we drove off. Slam was driving the car.

ITS CRAAZZY! KKFOS x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now