18: the night you gave me butterflies

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"...It's an event, we throw it every year, and I can bring friends."

"Okay! Sure."

"Sure, you'll come?"

I unlocked the door.

"Yes, I'll come, just please get out of my house!"

We both laughed as I pushed Brian outside.

"Wait" he turned around. "Wear something fancy. It's kind of black tie."

I frowned.

"Black tie?...Okay. I'll try and find something."

"You'll look great" he smiled. "Later Amanda James."

"Black tie huh?"

I looked in my wardrobe of clothes, the day after me, and Brian played vinyls and sighed in disappointment.

I had nothing to wear.

Most of my clothes were inside, but some still pooled out of cardboard boxes on the floor.

"What am I supposed to wear?"

I didn't own many dresses because I didn't wear dresses a lot. Only on occasions. But tonight was an occasion, right?

I pulled out a black dress with sequins on the ends from when I was like fifteen. When I tried it on, I looked absolutely ridiculous.


"Mom", I turned as she opened the door.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Um...Going through my clothes?"

Lily suddenly appeared and widened her eyes.

"Oh my god, Amanda you're wearing a dress!"

"Go away!"

"She's definitely going on a date with Brian Mckenzie."

"Lily, shut up. I am not."

"Girls, girls, calm down. Amanda, what are you getting ready for?"

"I'm meeting Brian, yes, but it's not a date. It's for a dinner party at his house."

"Another party? Wow, that boy sure is popular."

"Mhmm. And he said it's black tie and I don't know what to wear."

"Are you going to the dinner party because you like him? Admit it, Amanda, admit you like Brian Mckenzie!"

"What is with you today Lily?", I pushed her away.

She rolled her eyes and walked out of my room.

"Alright," my mother began to look inside my wardrobe. "Let's find Amanda something suitable to wear."

My mom picked out a blue satin dress with half sleeves, that I was supposed to wear to a wedding last year, but never did. Then she gave me a sparkly belt of her's to go around my waist. I wanted to wear my beanie, but apparently, that wasn't smart enough, so I wore a black velvet headband instead.

I stood in the mirror, looked at my reflection, and smiled.

I had to admit, I actually looked kind of nice.

For me.

"Do you like it?" mom asked.

I grinned. "Yeah, mom."

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