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Another day, another class. I step out to find Rei waiting for me again.

"You are so slow."

I roll my eyes, "Say that to everyone that's in front of me." We link arms again.

"Wanna go eat? I'll pay again." She says smiling at me.

"Next time I meet your dad I'm going to go on my knees and thank him for feeding the both of us."

Rei laughs, "Do that in the summer when I take you to go visit Japan."

I smile at Rei. In the corner of my eye I see the boy that I bumped into the other day. I hesitate to raise my hand to say hi to him but hesitate for too long. He walks past me and I put my hand back down to my side. I put my attention back to Rei trying to pay attention to what she's saying but I can't seem to be disappointed.

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