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"Wanna go to the beach?"

"Jungwon it's like 6pm."

"Come onnn let's have fun. We've both been busy with work and we never got to spend time with each other after we got married." He says, wrapping his arms around me.

I groan, "Fine. You win."

We reached the beach at 7. We lay the blanket on the sand and Jungwon lays his head on my lap. I run my finger against his hair as he starts to close his eyes. I sat there watching the sunset. It was beautiful.


"Yes honey?"

"Do you by any chance remember the first time we met?" I said looking down at him.

"At Jay's beach house."

Right. Why did I even think he remembered? But maybe... "Do you...remember if we met before?"

Jungwon sits up and looks me in the eyes, "We bumped into each other in the hallways."

A smile creeps up my face, "You remember?"
Jungwon scoffs, "Why wouldn't I? You were the most gorgeous girl I have ever met."

My cheeks start to get tinted pink. Jungwon grabs both of my hands, "Every time I pass by you in the hallways my heart would beat faster and faster. I never realized why until I met you at Jay's beach house. I realized you were the one who I loved. You were the one I wanted to spend my life with"

Jungwon pauses for a moment, "Do you remember the hallways?"

"Of course I remember. I just thought you didn't." I said looking down at our held hands.

"Hey look at me." I look up at him.

He squeezes my hands, "I remember. Okay?"

I nod my head, "Okay."

He rubs his thumbs along my hand, "I love you, Sooyeon."

I smiled and gave his hand a little squeeze, "I love you too, Jungwon."

And to think this all started as a simple hallway.

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