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Jake drops me off at my apartment and I set my stuff in my room.

"Sooyeon~ how was the trip?" Rei says as she lays on my bed.

"It was really fun. I wish I could've invited you."

"You can introduce me to them another time. Thanks for thinking about me though. So you hungry?"

I thought for a second, "A little food wouldn't hurt."

"Let's go to the convenience store then."

We walk arm in arm in the convenience store and I walk to my favorite candy. There I found Jungwon standing there also.


He looks up at me, "Hey Sooyeon! What're you doing here?"

"I'm robbing this store." I said sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny. Did you want something here?"

"Yeah pass me the blue raspberry flavor of that candy."

"You like this candy too?"

"My favorite!" I said looking at him.

"It's mine too. Here let me pay for your things." he says trying to grab the candy in my hand.

I swing it away, "No don't it's okay. I have my roommate with me."

"You live around here?"

I point to my apartment complex right next to the convenience store, "Right there."

Jungwons mouth opens wide and he looks shocked, "I live there with Sunoo hyung."

I slap my hand over my mouth, "No way..."

"Yeah I'll invite you over some time and you could bring your friend too!"

My mind starts to go to different scenarios. It's time that I change. It's time for me to step up. I stood there looking at my candy in my hand.

"Alright well imma go now. See you later Sooyeon-"


Jungwon turns around and stops in his tracks,

"What's up?"

"Let's hang out sometime." I said smiling. My heart was pounding through my ears and my hands started to sweat.

"I would love that." He said, smiling back at me.

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