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The sun finished setting so Jake and I went back into the house. Everyone was already sitting in the living room. As we entered everyone turned their attention towards us.

"Hi everyone this is Sooyeon! The girl I've been talking about."

Everyone welcomes me and I say hi to them back. I looked over at Jungwon. He seemed...sad.

I looked over at everyone's expression and it seemed like it was a normal occurrence.

"Well hello Sooyeon! Come join us in the circle."
Jake sat next to Sunghoon who was sitting on the floor and I sat next to Sunoo who seemed to be the only one sitting on one of the couches.

"Hi again Sooyeon. I'm Sunoo if you forgot." says Sunoo smiling brightly. I smile brightly back, "Well hi Sunoo! Do you go to SNU too?"

"Ah no I go to Yonsei. Only Jungwon goes to SNU here. Niki goes to Yonsei also and the other four graduated."

My mouth forms an O, "I see. So are you the same age as Jungwon and I or..."

"No no I'm a year older than you guys. Yeah. I'm an upcoming senior." I look over at Jungwon.

He sat further from everyone and played with his sleeve. I can't help but look concerned. Sunoo leans into my ear and whispers, "Don't worry about him. He's just a little heartbroken."

I look at him confused before whispering back at him, "Why?"

"He recently broke up with his girlfriend of almost a year. He was in love with her or well...his words not mine."

I slowly nod my head.

"Okay! Imma go prep the grill now." says Jay standing up. Sunoo stands up also and gestures to me to go with him. Once we're outside I take a sniff of the salty air.

"Thank you Jay for letting me come." He turns to me. "Of course no problem! I'm happy that Jake invited you actually. He's been talking about you non-stop so how could I not want to meet you." I smiled at what he said. "Well I'm excited to meet you all too."

"Sunoo, Sooyeon, can you grab the meat from the fridge?"

"Got it!" We both go grab the meat in the fridge and hand it to Jay. "Thanks you two." Jake peaks his head outside, "Sooyeon wanna go for a walk?"


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