It's ok

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me and Nat decided to share a room so I moved into hers. I woke up next to her like I have been for the last three weeks. this morning I woke up with a headache, I got myself into my chair and went to the bathroom to get some Tylenol. "y/n?" a half asleep Nat called out "I'm in here" I called back "are you ok?" she asked walking into the room "yeah just needed to use the bathroom" I lied not wanting her to worry "ok" she smiled "lets go eat I'm starving" she smiled at me "ok" I smiled back

we were in the kitchen eating cereal when tony and Bruce walked in tony looked at me then went and pored a cup of coffee. the headache came back I winced in pain and Tony's eyes shot over to me "you ok y/n?" he asked "yeah I'm ok" I almost whispered on leaving to go back to the bedroom once I was back I went into the bathroom and threw up everything I just ate. I took some more Tylenol and went to PT.

"Nat?"  "yeah?" "can you help me shower?" "sure" once we got out she helped me get dressed and in my chair. we went down for lunch and saw tony in the kitchen "hey y/n, any feeling in your legs yet?" he asked while making a sandwich "why do you care?" I asked jokingly "there is a mission you would be good for" I thought he was joking but he looked serious "oh" suddenly I lost  my apatite "I have to go meet with Bruce" I looked down and left the room, I sat outside the door for a moment to compose myself "Tony what the hell!?!" Nat yelled "what?" "you are acting like an asshole!" Nat yelled "well I didn't mean to" "really? are you sure?" she spat "yeah" he said leaving he looked at me and kneeled down to my level "y/n I'm- its ok" "what?" "you said sorry, and its ok" "oh, yeah thanks" I said leaving to go meet Bruce for real this time.

" I have been getting headaches and nose bleeds, why is that happening?" I asked concerned something bad was going on "its probably nothing but I can do some tests" he smiled looking up from his computer "ok thanks Bruce"

turns out it was nothing but I still didn't tell Nat. I went down to the kitchen to get an apple, they were on the counter, just out of my reach. I grabbed the counter for support and pulled myself up I was standing for a moment but my hand slipped and I fell to the ground, I was alone and it was really early "shit y/n! are you ok?" tony ran over to help me "how long were you on the floor?" he asked concerned "only a few minutes, I'm ok I can get in  my own chair" I groaned "can you stand?" "almost" "then no I wont let you get up on your own" he smiled

Natasha x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now