36. The Master Plan

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The silence was chilling even more so than the weather. Kay took a step back, leaning into Kyle, needing his heat as she watched his twin brothers staring each other down.

A part of her had expected Tom to make a joke by now, but this was something that struck him much harder than anyone could have anticipated. Kay couldn't even imagine how they felt, all of them.

Tom and Jimmy for finally finding their family which seemed a lot more real with twin brothers and a giant house right behind them, and Sam and Jerry having to compute the fact that they didn't know almost half of their family.

"This is impossible," Jerry whispered.

"We actually took a DNA test," Kyle said. "They're my brothers, and if you're also mu brothers, then you're obviously twins."

"We are obviously twins," Jerry said, his voice high and panicky. "What I find impossible is that we didn't know about them!"

Kyle tensed. "Do you really?"

"We knew about you," Sam said, his eyes never leaving Tom. "We didn't see you, but we knew you existed. But this? This is--"

"Fucked beyond belief?" Jimmy offered.

He sounded disgusted, and even if Kay couldn't blame him, the change in his demeanor hurt her on some level. She wanted Jimmy happy, not bitter and resentful. He and Tom deserved good things.

"I was going to ask if there were ever any clues, but I think you just answered my question," Kyle said.

Sam didn't answer, but took a step closer to Tom. Tom didn't move, waiting, watching.

"Clues..." Sam muttered. "Just this feeling that sometimes, I was someone else."

"Weird dreams," Tom said.

Sam nodded. "Yes, weird dreams."

Tom took his sunglasses off and Kay was a little shocked since she didn't think she'd ever seen him without them. But apparently Sam was allowed to.

"I..." Jerry shifted his weight, obvious pain and confusion battling it out inside him.

"You want to make excuses?" Jimmy asked, raising his eyebrows. "Why?"

"I didn't know--"

"Of course you didn't know," Jimmy snapped. "You were a baby. We were all babies. This isn't your fault. Not mine, or Tom's or Kyle's."

"Tom..." Sam said.

"Oh, right, we didn't introduce ourselves." Tom reached out his hand. "I'm Tom, your long lost twin brother because holy hell out lives are soap operas."

Sam took it and shook. "Sam."

"Oh, we actually know your names," Jimmy said. "And for a long time knew more than you did. I'm Jimmy, by the way. You already know Jessie, she mentioned we're together, and that's--"

"Angie," Tom cut in. "My girlfriend."

The affirmation had Sam's attention moving from his twin to Angie and he flinched the tiniest bit. "Oh, wow."

Tom's eyes narrowed and he looked more threatening than Kay had ever seen him. "What?"

"I can't believe you have a girlfriend. And she's... Hi, Angie."

Angie gave him a hesitant smile and waved.

"I take it you still don't have a girlfriend," Kyle said, now sounding amused.

"What do you mean still?" Sam asked, a bit of outrage sneaking into his voice.

"You have to come in," Jerry said. "We can't just stand here and do this without--" He cut himself off as if realizing the silliness of what he was suggesting.

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