Fuck yeah, I'm the Chosen One!

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-The....Chosen One?- I asked astonished.

-What does that even mean, being "The Chosen One"?- asked Jiho.

-Well...- Aera hesitated for a moment. -You wouldn't understand it-

-Can you explain it in a way that we'll understand it then?- asked Seonhwa.

Aera sighed, it was clear that she felt uncomfortable talking about it.

-See, in 1966, our orphanage wasn't isolated form the world in the middle of the woods.- began Aera. - It was in a city, like any other Orphanage. But everything changed in the year 1970. Suddenly, kids in our orphanage were getting killed at night by some strange pale figures, and people already reported us to the police because of paranormal activity, so we had to demolish the orphanage and escape the city.-

-And.... what does that have to do with being "The Chosen One"?- asked Seok.

-Don't interrupt me- said Aera in a cold tone. -Anyway, on 1971, one girl from our orphanage was kidnapped by these creepy figures and wasn't found until 1983. She was my daughter. And when she came back, she just wasn't herself anymore. She left some sort of curse on our orphanage, which I can't tell, when I wanted to take her to a psychologist. So, for the past 10 years, we've been looking for the Chosen One, who is impossible to kill, and able to finally release the orphanage from this curse.-

-Where's your daughter now?- I asked.

-Somewhere in a small village near here.- answered Aera.

-And that curse makes the orphanage so creepy at night, I suppose.- said Jiho.

-Not exactly.- said Aera, and then she turned her sight to me. -You'll get some privileges, Miss Park, which means, you don't have to follow any of the rules of the orphanage, and besides, you can go far away the border.-

-But why do get these privileges?- I asked a little confused.

-So if you find any clue, or have any plan, you're not stopped by the rules and borderlines.- said Aera.

"Fuck yeah, this is cool!" I thought to myself.

-And how are you so sure what she's The Chosen One?- asked Seonhwa.

Aera looked at me.

-You dived into that lake, right?- Aera asked.

-Yeah...- I responded.

-If you were a normal person, you would have died frozen the second you touched the water.- continued Aera.

-Really..?- I said.

-And that sword you found, here.- Aera handed me the sword that killed that creepy dude back on the boat.

-Thanks.- I said astonished. The sword was beautiful. It had rubies on it and was gold, but I believe not the real gold, because the sword was so light. Real gold is supposed to weigh a lot more than the sword. 

-Can I hold it?- asked Jiho.

-Sure.- I gave it to her, but the sword became transparent, and fell right through her hands.

She tried to pick it up, but the sword was sort of stuck in the ground.

-Shit, this thing's stuck.- said Jiho.

-Lemme try.- I said, and picked the sword effortless from the ground.

-How the fu...- said Seonhwa.

-More evidence that she's The Chosen One.- said Aera with a smile, and then escorted us out of her office with a look on her face as if we destroyed the whole place.

Gimishie OrphanageNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ