Ten minutes of inner peace

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I suddenly heard some chattering, and I tried opening my eyes, but it's like they were sealed shut. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't open them.

While I was still trying to process what had just happened, I heard a spine-chilling scream. And my eyes were suddenly wide open. There I saw, the skeleton, slowly walking towards me.

-You got back your natural look, I see.- said the skeleton.

-I did?- I asked. 

-Right after you got your revenge- replied the skeleton.

I looked around, and saw Aera, Seonhwa and Jiho, all bloody and with no movement , just laying there on the floor.

-Why did I faint?- I asked the skeleton.

-Some faint, some don't, they just experience pain.- said the skeleton calmly.

I stood up, and didn't know what to do. Why couldn't I've just talked to them, and not actually kill them?

Suddenly Seok approached me, and hugged me. I just stood there, and decided to hug back.

He let go of me, and we just stood there, until Seok said:

-I need to talk to you in private, Jen- 

He made a sign so I could follow him, and we walked outside the Orphanage, to the cliff where I was thrown maybe a few hours ago, or maybe minutes ago.

-Here's where Aera threw you, right?- said Seok.

-Yeah..- I said, not wanting to remember.

-I know this cliff.- said Seok

-Have you been here before?- I asked.

-Since I was 9.- replied Seok calmly.

-I have been meaning to ask you about something.- I said remembering.

-What?- asked Seok.

-Why did the skeleton write TRAITOR in your forearm?.- I asked.

-He wasn't the one who wrote it- said Seok.

-Then who was it?- I asked confused.

-Let's say that there was another person with me, in the tiny room.- started Seok.- And he suggested to make an escape plan together, which I agreed to. So we started to make our plan, but the skeleton came and saw our whole plan in action, and I panicked, and fled, while the other guy got tortured and almost died. I couldn't escape the village, because I fainted, and next thing I knew, the guy was screaming at me and holding a knife, and I just felt the torturing pain on my forearm, and I screamed, and the guy just dropped dead on the floor. I couldn't even recover from this when the skeleton said that someone was here to rescue me. And I saw you, and well, you know the rest.-

-Well, this is interesting.- I said. 

After a minute silence, I spoke again.

-Why did you come here in the first place? I mean, to this orphanage?- I asked Seok.

-I was always a disgrace for my family, y'know?- said Seok . -I had to be perfect, or else my parents would yell at me. So I lived under the constant pressure that I had to succeed in everything I did, or the consequences would be big. So one day, when I failed a surprise test in my school, my mom threw me out of the house. It was raining at that time, and it was really unpleasant. I was super angry with my mom, and decided to leave the house. I walked for at least 2 days, until I stumbled upon this Orphanage, and they gave me everything I needed, and yeah, that's how I got here.-

-Oh, well I feel sorry for you.- I said. Now I knew why he didn't want to talk about his family when we asked him about it.

-Halloween is tomorrow, do you think we'll still celebrate it?- asked Seok.

-I don't think so. After I killed two girls and the owner of this place, I don't think anybody will enjoy this celebration that much.- I felt an immense regret while talking.

-You got a point.- said Seok.

-I've got an idea.- I said and stood up.

I walked over to the orphanage and entered the dining hall. Everyone was staring at me, but i ignored them, and just headed over to the bodies of Seonhwa and Jiho, picked the up, and carried them outside. 

I dug a deep hole in a spot where we would always hang out when it was free time, and first laid Seonhwa in that hole. After laying her in the hole, I used the excess dirt to cover her body, and did the same with Jiho.

I grabbed two rocks, and wrote on them with a marker I always had on me on them. Once they were done, and I stood up, It read:

"Here lie the bodies of Cho Seonhwa and  Kim Jiho, who could've been with me in this instant if it wasn't for my stupid choices."

I was feeling kinda sad now, and a tear might have trickled down my cheek. How could I've been so dumb to seek revenge on my only friends I had? Even though they talked trash about me, I could've just talked with them, and maybe give them a few slaps, but not actually KILL them.

I just sat there, thinking what to do now. I already lost two of my friends, I couldn't afford to loose Seok now!

I forgot just now that I haven't buried Aera yet. I stood up, when suddenly I heard screams and bangs from the dining hall.

-What now?- I asked myself. 

I stood up going to the dining hall, where all the noise was coming.  

Once I entered it, I almost fainted of shock. 

Aera was standing there, knife in one hand and her face the typical dead color, the giant blood stain in her stomach, and blood coming out of her mouth.

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