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I suddenly heard a whispering. I first didn't understand it, because I was half conscious, but then the message was clear, I heard it say:

"You want revenge, I can feel it in your soul. She tried to kill you without explaining why, and all you wanted was an answer to a question. You poor little thing. Take your sword, and seek revenge."

-Who's talking to me?- My voice sounded distant, like it didn't come from my own mouth. 

-It is I, your dear friend, the skeleton.- said the skeleton's voice. 

I sat upright. 

-Where are you?- I asked. 

-Behind you- said the skeleton.

I turned around, and saw my golden sword with rubies, held with the bony fingers of the skeleton.

-You look terrible- said the skeleton. -But your look suits my army oh so well.-

-How ugly do I look?- I asked, feeling my self-esteem go down into the lava.

-You're not ugly.- said the skeleton. -You look scary and tired, that's all-

He gave me a mirror, and I shrieked with horror. I looked like a monster! I had a bruised eye, my hair was wet and all over my face, my eyes didn't have an iris, it was all black, my lips were thinner than a stick. My skin had the dead color, and I was thinner than usual. My cheek was still bleating, but the blood wasn't red like always, it was black.

-You see?- said the skeleton. -You see what Aera did to you?-

-But why did she try to kill me?- I asked crying. 

-When you asked her about the key, Aera had memories. Memories of her daughter. Her daughter also saw a key that her friends didn't. She obviously told Aera, her mom, but Aera didn't take much note of it. At night, however, after she found the key, she was abducted by the Psycho Orphans, because they were interested in her power. You see, only those who have suffered mortal damage can see keys, and most important, they become invincible, they  cannot die, no matter what. Psycho Orphans want that ability. So they kidnapped her, extracted that power from her, and returned her to the orphanage. It takes about 12 years to extract such enormous power, and let's say that power was what kept the person healthy, and once that's gone, the person will be weak, vulnerable, with no way of surviving even the smallest papercut. Aera just didn't want another abduction like that, and she decided, stupidly, that the best thing was to kill you, but of course, that didn't work.- the skeleton sighed.

-So.. If anyone faces mortal damage, they will become like me?- I asked.

-Not everyone has the same luck- replied the skeleton. -Some die, some survive.- 

-But I've never faced mortal damage.- I said confused. -Why can I see keys?-

-You HAVE faced mortal damage, my dear.- said the skeleton. -The grief of loosing your father, and maybe never seeing your mom again, that shard that pierced your thigh, and that crack on your spine when you fell out of the car.-

-I didn't hear a crack in my spine.- I said.

-You didn't hear it, but I did- said the skeleton.

-You were there???- I was astonished.

-I'm always there when people face mortal damage, but I only come to those who I know will survive.- replied the skeleton.

-So... you're like the master of death?- I asked. -Like the reaper?-

-Exactly- said the skeleton.

A moment or two passed, and the skeleton talked again.

-Do you trust your friends?- asked the skeleton.

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