The End. This time for real.

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I woke up, dazed by the bright lights.

-She's awake!- said someone.

-What happened?- I asked confused and tried to sit down, but a boy, who I recognized as Seok, pushed my shoulders so I would lay down again.

-You can't sit down, not until your ribs have healed a bit.- he said in a soft voice that made my stomach get filled with butterflies.

-But what happened?- I asked again. I didn't even know where I was.

-Well after you became unconscious, we carried you to the orphanage hospital, where they did some surgeries on you and got that knife out of your stomach. But the anesthesia worked a little too good on you, because you stayed asleep for 3 days.- said a girl with curly hair.

-What happened to Aera?- I asked.

-She turned to ashes, so we just put her ashes in a sealed box and buried it in the orphanage gardens.- said Seok.

I suddenly felt really cold and started to shiver. I heard whispering next to me.

-Meet me on Sunday at the edge of the cliff alone. Bring your sword.- the voice said. I suddenly recognized the voice. It was the voice of the skeleton.

The cold sensation left my body, and I was again at normal temperature.

I suddenly felt tired, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

I woke up the next day, feeling way better and stronger. And this time, I was allowed to sit and even leave the hospital.

As I was leaving, I encountered Seok.

-Hey, I see you're doing better.- he said.

-Yup. I can finally walk again.- I answered.

-Listen. I need to tell you something. it's serious.- said Seok suddenly in a deep tone.

-What is it?- I asked confused.

-I...- said Seok, reddening in the face. 

-What's wrong?- I asked. What was he trying to tell me that he was so ashamed of it?

-I... like you... a lot.- he finished saying, and I noticed how his hands were shaking violently.

"Oh shoot. He had to tell me when I lost interest."

-Umm.- I said. I really didn't want to hurt his feelings.

-It''s okay if you're not... you know... interested in me...I really don't mind.- he responded.

-I AM interested in you, but I really don't want to take our friendship to more than friends. At least not know. Can we just wait 'till this whole scandal clears up and this orphanage turns back to normal, and most importantly, 'till we're a little bit older? Please?- I said. I wasn't really interested in him, but I thought that in a few years he would probably also loose interest and the problem would solve itself.

-Ok. I think that's a good idea.- said Seok with a relieved tone in his voice.

-Friends 'till now?- I asked opening my arms for a hug.

-Friends 'till now- he answered and hugged me tightly.

I completely forgot for how long we were hugging. All I knew was that it was for more than a minute.

Sunday came, and I made my way to the cliff with my sword, and just sat there and waited. It was quiet and peaceful outside. Everyone was still sleeping. Pretty reasonable, since it was just 4 am. I decided to wake up early to avoid running into someone.

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