The big fight

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We just stared at each other for a while, until Aera started laughing.

-You think you could kill me, Jennifer?- asked Aera with a creepy voice.

-I lost my mind.- I said. 

-And you wanted a cruel revenge, I see.- said Aera and pointed at the blood stain in her stomach. 

-Look, you can go and TRY to kill the skeleton, who was the one who gave me the idea.- I said. -And it's also your fault, because you threw me off a cliff and didn't even explain why, so basically, you're the reason why this happened.-

-I just did what was best for you.- said Aera. -I didn't want you to go insane like my poor daughter did.- 

-But you've said it so many times!- I said. -Nothing can happen to me, 'cause I'm The Chosen One!-

-Just because you're powerful and all that doesn't mean you can't go insane!. -shrieked Aera.

-But I can defend myself.- I answered.

Aera suddenly turned paler (if possible) and started walking towards me. I suddenly heard something fall right next to me, although it wasn't a body, it was my sword. I saw it as I turned to see what was the thing that made that noise.

I grabbed my sword as quick as possible, and just in time, because the next second Aera had grabbed a knife, and tried to stab me, I put my sword in front of me and tried to resist her strength, I didn't expect so much power from a barely alive person.

I managed to get her and her knife out of my face, and she toppled backward. 

-Oh, so you want to fight, don't you?- said Aera with a whisper.

-Look.- I started. -I just came to say I'm sorry, I was gonna bury you, but then you somehow became undead- 

-And let it stay that way-  growled Aera.

We stared at each other, I was gripping my sword, incase Aera started attacking all of a sudden.

-Are you scared?- Aera asked with a high-pitched voice.

-No- I lied. Of course I was scared.

-Then fight me.- said Aera moving closer to me.

I started walking towards her, which I think took her by surprise, because she became rooted at the spot, and her eyes widened.

-Are YOU scared?- I asked her with a triumphant feeling.

-Not at all.- She growled again, picked up what it seemed to be a little stone, and muttered something before letting fall onto the ground.

Everything happened so quickly I can't even remember what was the first thing that attacked me.

Suddenly hundred weird creatures came out of the stone, some looked like stags, but with blood eyes. There were ghostly figures with black eyes. And all of these creatures ran towards me.

I tried to lash them with my sword, but the creatures threw my sword of my hands and sent it flying to who-knows-where. At this point I just thought that I need to make it out alive, but I was outnumbered by a lot I would say. And without my sword it was a little hard. There were at least 20 of these creatures, one more powerful than the other.

The ghosts had sharp knifes, and I couldn't count how many times they scratched my body in attempt to stab me. Then these stags. Every time I looked at these creatures in the eyes I would stay rooted in the spot, and I had to pay the price. One stag came charging at me with such force that it sent me flying across the dinner hall and I crashed against a wall. 

I couldn't move. I was in so much pain, my vision was getting blurry, my ribs were probably broken, and I just saw the ghostly figure walking towards me with the knife.

"No, please, I don't wanna die like this, not today, someone please help me..."  I was thinking desperately, but no one came, and the ghostly figure stabbed me right in the stomach. 

I heard Aera laughing, and my blood started boiling. I wouldn't let her think that I was weak and that she won. NO.

I gathered all my strength to stand up, but the pain in my ribs were just too much. Suddenly something hit my head harshly. My sword. 

I felt the pain in my ribs going away. I just had to make sure I didn't breathe in deeply. I grabbed my sword and threw it at Aera. 

Aera wasn't probably expecting this, because she didn't even have time to defend herself.  The sword penetrated her already bloody stomach, and she kneeled, wheezing and holding my sword. I ran and pulled my sword from her stomach and decapitated her, without even hesitating.

I just saw her head rolling on the floor and the creatures dissolving into thin air. I breathed deeply with relief.

But I forgot that my ribs were broken, and the pain was so much I shrieked. I suddenly had a terrible headache, and my vision went black. I could only hear some screams.

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