An Absolutely Awful Liar

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Season 1 Episode 3: Art of the Swoon

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Season 1 Episode 3: Art of the Swoon

A new wing at Somerset House
is to be opened today, where several
attractions will be on display.
Like the lovely Miss Marina Thompson,
newly recovered from her mysterious
illness and expected to finally rejoin
the season. Of course, there is today's
royal attraction aswell, Prince Friedrich
of Prussia. His highness has come
to our shores in want of a fine Fraulein.
Could this be the reason a certain
language tutor has been seen visiting
Cowper House all week?

Beatrice, Percival and Esther arrived at Somerset House for the latest soirée of the social season. Many carriages could be seen to line the driveway of the vast property as all influential families within the ton were in attendance. Once their carriage halted and the doors drew open, Percival stepped out onto the pebbled pathway. He turned his attention to his family behind him, helping his mother and sister out of the vehicle. The family then strode towards the growing group near the entrance of the house, taking note of the prince surrounded by masses of debutantes.

Finding reason to escape the incessant girls around him, Friedrich moved to greet the family passing by. Since they were being approached by the prince, the family paused to exchange pleasantries with the male. "Your highness." The trio spoke in unison as they moved to bow and curtsey to him.

"May I ask of your names." Friedrich pried, desiring to know which family had rescued him from the mounting crowd.

Beatrice answered this time, gaining the man's attention. "Sinclair, your highness. My name is Beatrice. Accompanying me is my mother, Esther, and my brother, Percival."

Beatrice Sinclair was certainly the most beautiful woman Friedrich had spoken to. Despite regularly meeting hoards of debutantes pining for his attention, he was sure he had never encountered her before. He would not have forgotten a face as dazzling as hers. Yet this only interested him more, for she was one of the few ladies in attendance who was not desperate to win his favour.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Sinclair. Perhaps you could accompany me around the house?" If he were to spend his day with anyone, Beatrice seemed to be the most desirable option. She likely would not be attempting to gain his favour all afternoon either.

Beatrice looked to her family for permission. Truthfully, she had hoped to spend the afternoon with Eloise and Daphne, but one could not refuse a Prince. Prince Friedrich did not seem to be exceedingly intolerable either, in fact he seemed like a perfect gentleman. A rare trait in any man, let alone one of royal status.

Upon receiving a nod of approval from her mother, Beatrice promised her afternoon to the man. "I should enjoy that, your highness."

"It is settled then." Friedrich mused; a cheerful grin sported his appearance. "Would you care to explore the house now?"

Sinclair (Anthony Bridgerton)Where stories live. Discover now