I'm In A Big Shit!

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The boys dragged me inside the class and all the students were giving us weird looks.

My eye twitched in annoyance as Sasuke and Gaara put me in a desk and each of them was in each side of me. Sasuke on my right and Gaara on my left.

I felt eyes burning on the back of my head.  I turned my head to see all the girls  glaring at me. What the fuck is wrong with people on those days? *sigh*

I felt someone grabbing me by my chin and turned my head so I would see in front of class.

It was Sasuke. "Hey, what are you doing??" I said as he put his hand in each of my cheeks and turned my head so I was looking at him.

"You are really distracted for a big girl like you." He said in a seductive tone. .....The fuck....?

He smirked wildly at my confused face and then started leaning. WHAT THE FUCK?? IS HE GONNA KISS ME????

He out his lips near my ear. "Don't worry about those girls. I'm all yours.." He whispered and my eyes widen.

What the...?

"Good morning class!" The teacher ,who was a man with his hair in a high ponytali said entering the class. (pic.) "I was informed that we have a new student here. May you rise your hand please?"

"It's me !" I said and raised my hand.

"Ah, so you're the new student?" He asked smiling.

My eye twitched. "Yeah, that's what I said." I mumbled under my breath.

"Come here and introduce yourself in front of class." He said gesturing at me to walk at him.

I sighed and looked at Sasuke signaling him to move so I could go at the teacher.

Sasuke smirked and got up. I walked past him and rushed at teacher side.

I turned facing the class. Fuck! I hate when all the eyes are on me.

"My name is [Name] [Surname]. I'm new here. That's all. " I said sighing.

"Nice to met you. My name is Iruka Umino and I'll be your math teacher." He introduced himself.

I nodded my head at him.

"Okay, you may go and take a sit now." Iruka said and I looked at Sasuke who was smirking.

No way I'm going to sit with him.

I looked around the class and the only sit left was in the same desk as two girls. One has brown hair in two buns , while the other has dirty blonde hair in four pigtails. I smirked at Sasuke and walked towards their desk.

"May I sit with you?" I asked kindly.

They looked at each other and then smiled at me.

"Of course!" the girl with hair in buns said.

"Thanks!" I smiled an sat down.

"Okay class today we are gonna learn ..." as Iruka was talking I felt someone poking me with a pencil or something.

I turned my head to the right to see the girl with her hair in buns smiling at me. He pointed at a notebook that was in front of her.

She wrote down there something and so did the girl with pigtails. They gave me the notebook.

                                                   Hi girl! I'm Temari   >:)

                                             Hello!!!! My name is Tenten :D

I smiled and looked at them. Then wrote something and tossed the notebook at them.

                                           Nice to metcha!! I'm [Name] <3

                                                  Nice to met you too!


                                                   Yup!! Nice XD


                                                  XD XD XD XD

                                            What's your next class? Maybe we have the same.

                                               I have History -.-

                                                Oh, Me too.


We continued our little chat and Iruka didn't notice till the bell rang.

I got out from the class with Tenten and Temari. I noticed Sasuke still was glaring at me.

I rolled my eyes mentally and continued walking with the girls. Sasuke steeped in front of us. "May I take her for a little while?"He pointed at me.

Girls looked at each other and then at me. I give them the signal NO NO NO NO!!

They smiled at me and pushed me at Sasuke.

"Sure! All yours." Tenten said and winked at me.

"Just bring her at the history class before the bell rings or I'm gonna kick you when the sun doesn't shine!" Temari threatened Sasuke .

"Okay okay. Calm down pigtails." Sasuke said and grabbed my arm, and dragged me away.

"Hey you ass!!! What the fuck are you doing??" I growled at him.

Sasuke smirked and then laughed sarcastically. "I don't know. "

"What the fuck Sasuke??" I said trying to not yell cause many people were on the hallway.

I saw his face turning to serious. "Damn it..." I swore under his breath.

What the heck is going on???

I'm sure messed in a big shit now....


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