Naruto Uzumaki

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Normal P.O.V

So we fine arrived at school.
At the gates were waiting Naruto , Hinata and Kiba .
Naruto had a big goofy grin , Hinata playing with her fingers and blushing beacause of Naruto. She's all over him.. poor girl..
And Kiba who was patting a really big dog.

"Yo guys! " I greeted at them with a big smile on my face.
"Heyyyyy [Name], Gaara and ...Neji.." Naruto said finally and I raised an eyebrow at him. What's with those two?
Hinata smiled sweetly and waved at us a little , while Kiba cracked a 'Morning guys' because he was too 'busy' playing with his super big dog.
We all walked inside the school gates and I turned my attention towards Kiba , curiousity killing me. " What about your dog? What if it leaves or someone take it. I mean , why did you leave it at the gates? Why did you took it at the firs pla-?" Kiba placed his index finger over my lips to hush me and smiled.
"First of all 'it' is a he. Second , don't worry about Akamaru. He comes with me in the morning and returns back home by himself. He's been doing this since he was a pup. And if you're thinking if he'll come back when school hours finish the answer is yes, he will."
"Interesting.." I mumbled to myself and licked Kiba's finger since he wasn't pulling it away.
A blush appeared acrros his cheeks and he quickly looked away , and wiped his hand on his pants.
I cleared my throat , quiet embarrased for what I just did and cracked a "Sorry .." In a low tone , kinda like Hinata's usualy quiet and soft one.
I heard him mumble "It's alright.." More about to himself.

I walked to my first class with Hinata and Naruto. Apparenlty the three of us had the same class. Sciene , with this really pale teacher, long black hair and werid looking eyes , who later on I learned that his name was Orochimaru.
I was writing down some notes, when I heard some giggles from behind me.
I turned my head to see this girl from yesterday with pink hair , but there also was a girl with red hair and a blonde haired one. They were whispering who-knows-what to each other and giggeling madly like little kids who just won a lollipop.
They were sitting two rows behind us, and in front of them (right behind us ) was sitting Sasuke , who narrwed his eyes at me , and two other guys.
A dude with white hair and another one with oringe hair.
Naruto noticed them too. He sighed and turned back to taking notes...or better 'drawing' stuff on his notebook .
That's kind of suspicious...
Hinata gazed at Naruto with a worried look.
Okay...? What's going on here.?
The bell rang.
Awesome! Now I can discover what's going on.

"Uh Naruto..? " I touched his shoulder and he hummed in responde while picking up his stuff.
"What's with.. you and Sakura..?" He looked at me and blinket. "You were looking at her...weird earlier.." I said awkwardly.
"E-excuse me.." Hinata said and run out of the classrom.
Naruto watched Hinata as she run away and then tured his attention back at me. "What's your next class?"
"Um..P.E I think." I checked my schedule to make sure and nodded my head. "Yes P.E"
"Cool me too . Let's skip it."
"Skip it? "
"Yeah , Guy sensei won't even notice it. He never actually does because he's too busy expressing all his youngth or something. " Naruto said as he was walking out of the class , followed by me.
"So.." I trailed off as we walked out of the school building and sat on a bench.
"Well , you want to know what's happening so I might tell you I guess." Naruto mumble.
He doesn't seem hyper as Hinata said..maybe there's really something wrong with him today.
Naruto let out a little laugh and smiled sadly. "Sasuke , Sakura and me were really close friends. My mum and Sasuke's mum are best friends so we've known each other since forever. But we are getting really distanted lately..Sasuke is...I don't know he has changed ..It's like he isn't interested on our friendship anymore." Naruto stated.
"I understand.." I looked at the sky and mumbled. "What about Sakura?"
"I...I had a crush on her but...she always went for Sasuke ..So I just gave up even tho I still like her one year ago."
"One year ago?" I raised an eyebrow.
Naruto laughed a little. "Yeah I was able to get over it..After our frienship changed. It was never the same. Sakura's obbsesion with Sasuke grew and she grew appart from me as well. I all changed you know..I still hang out with Sasuke but it's not the same. It's more awkward than fun." He lookd at me . "You get my point?"
I nodded my head in agreement.
I got his point..I just didn't know what to say.
"It was really fun tho...All that time...but I feel really bad that It's all only a memory now. "
We heard the bell rang. Oh wow, time passes fast when you have something interesting to do.
"Well then. " Naruto got up and offered me his hand with a big smile pasted accros his face. "I guess we can't take back what's once lost."
I placed my hand on his and he pulled me up. "I think so too but you can find new things and try to not lost them again."
Naruto laughed and messed up his hair a little. "I'll keep that in mind."

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