New way to go to school

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Normal P.O.V

Gah I gotta go school again , fuck my life. I can't wait for FRIDAY!
Now...clothes and morning shit to do....ugh...

"[NAME]'' My mum called from downsatirs about 20 minutes later.
"YES MUM? " I yelled back and kept silent to hear what she was gonna say.
Deerp!What? Friends? Okayyyy....?
"Um...Coming!!!!" I ran downstairs only to see the red haired dude that I met yesterday A.K.A Gaara , and with him was a boy with long brown hair. He was kinda cute.

"Good morning [Name]." Gaara spoke in his monotone voice and The brown haired guy nodded at me.
"Morning ." I gretted back and raised an eyebrow. "What are you and this friend of yours doing here Gaara..? "
Someone placed their hands on my shoulders. I tilted my head backwards a little to see non other than mom. "I called them." She smiled at me. " be more exact I called Gaara. And apparently he brought a friend along."
"And Gaara and his friend are here because you called him for what reason....?" I trailed off waiting for her to give me an answer.
" Remember for that friend of mine that I told you..?" Mom answered my question with hers.
I nodded my head.
"Well.. My best friend is actually Gaara's mother so I want you guys to get along like you guys used to when you were kids. You know , back in kidengarden~?"'s best friend...kiddengarden...Gaara..
"HOLY CRAP!!!" My eyes went wide. I actually could't believe. Gaara my...childhood...friend..
I Pointed a finger at him trying to hold my laugh. "P-Panda-kun!!!"
Gaara's eye twitched a bit. "Don't call me that." He looked away stubbornly while the brown haired guy was standing there awkwardly.
"But when we were kids you liked it. " I wiggled my eyebrows at him.
"Cut it out [Name]. " He groanded in annoyence. "Anyways , this is my friend Neji Hyuga. I thought to bring him along. "
"Nice to meet you." I said .
"The pleasure is all mine miss. " Neji ...fancy.. "Gaara informed me that we'll be going to the school together."
"Um..yeah But I usualy take the buss ya know..? " I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.
" Lady Tsunade called. " Mum said holding up her mobile phone. "You won't go to school with bus anymore since it's not too far away from our home. You can be there perfectly in time if you wake up a little bit earlier." She looked at me with a you-gotta-stop-being-lazy-face.
"Yes ma'am." I stuck out my tongue at her playfuly and she patted my head. "I think I'd be better if you go now young lady."
"K mum! See ya later." I grabbed my backpack and looked at the guys who waved goodbye at mum.
"So, you walk to school?" I asked Gaara and Neji.
They both shook their heads. "Actually no." Gaara replied.
"We skeat. " Neji added.
"Here." Gaara handed me a skeatboard and I took it. "I hope you know how t-"
"Yeah yeah I know Panda, I. Know. " I said and placed it on the ground. "Where did you find this one for me anyway?"
"It's one of my old ones...but I don't need it anymore so you can have it. "He said in a matter of fact.
"Shall we?" Neji broke the silence and we all noded our heads and headed to school.

Sasuke's P.O.V

I saw, from my back seat window ,Gaara and Neji at HER house. What the hell do they want there.. I swear that If they get in my way..I..
Ugh..what the hell.. I've never been interested in human female speces but she.. [Name] [Surnam] ..she's something else....

"Let's Go Toshiko. Take me to school please. I don't want to be late." I said to my driver and he nodded his head.
"Yes sir."

Normal P.O.V

"Soo you guys always skeat to school , right?" I asked.
"Yeah.." Gaara stated bluntly.
Damn , It's so boring and non of them starts a conversation. Uggggggghhhh.
"So um..Neji...are you related to Hinata-chan..?" I asked as I was skeating and looking forward.
"Yes . She's actually my cousin. Our fathers are brothers." Neji explained in a calm tone.
"Oh I see.. You kinda look alike. Mostly your eyes." I said in a matter of fact.
"Actually , all of Hyugas have the same eyes." Gaara said as he jumped over a bench .
"Woha that's cool."
I saw both of them shrugging their shoulders.
The other part of the road was really quiet. Non of us spoke but It wasn't an awkward silence at all. I felt good with those guys. I guess that I can make friends too after all.

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