crushing it p1.

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Mila groans softly while sitting up, rubbing her eyes. She had always been a bit of a deep sleeper but since she got heightened senses, she can even hear the smallest things.

"Give it back. It's my blanket." Mila hears Tuffnut say while sleeping.

A thump from where Snotlout is sitting has her look over to him. He shoots awake with a scream before he rubs his head.

"Why do we have to be the ones to stay up on Rumblehorn watch? Hookfang, I'm talking to you." Snotlout tells his dragon.

Mila gets up onto her feet and walks over to an angry Snotlout. Who didn't like to be on Rumblehorn watch in the first place. Mila snickers when the dragon rolls his eyes. Before going back to sleep.

Mila sits next to him onto the wooden deck, overlooking the area. Since the problem with the Rumblehorn, the gang had decided to sleep in the clubhouse. Mila at first stayed in her hut because she wasn't very comfortable with them since the fireworm incident and they found out about her little secret about a glowing chest.

"I can take over for a while?" Mila says to the sleepy Snotlout.

"Keeping me awake is fine too." Snotlout says before he sighs. "We're never going to stop this crazy dragon from tearing this place up." Snotlout complains while hanging on his fists.

"Of course we will." Mila tries to stay a bit positive. Despite feeling as hopeless as Snotlout had sounded.

Mila hears a couple of sounds, she knows it's the contraption that Hiccup had made while Mila had a couple of times told him that it wouldn't stop the Rumblehorn.

Within second Hookfang is firing at the butt of Snotlout. Who's bottom catches on fire like it always does with those two and screams as he gets up to run to some water.

"Ah! Intruder alert!" Snotlout screams while running passed the twins. "intruder alert!" He shouts again.

Mila snickers at the pants on fire before she gets up onto her feet, just in time to feel Rex butting her and asking for some scratches under his chin.

"Ow, ow, ow!" He shouts while Mila notices how everyone is waking up from the commotion around them. "That's the third time this week!" He screams while dragging his butt over the floor in front of Astrid while trying to get rip of the flames.

Before he gets up and jumps into the watering station just in front of Astrid. Astrid shields herself from the water splashing into her face.

"Aaw....sweet relief." Snotlout shudders at the cool water.

"The Rumblehorn! It's headed for the eastern beach." Hiccup says to them while pointing to the map.

Mila mounts her dragon before the rest does too. She's nervous since she hasn't gone on dragon related stuff yet and every other time they were going towards the Rumblehorn, he was already gone.

"Come on, you guys!" Hiccup says before they all shoot into the air.

Mila follows them, a nervous feeling in her stomach as she isn't the best choice of coming since she has no clue with she is doing or what she is suppose to do when they do see it.

It takes a couple of minutes flying before they land on the dirt by the eastern beach. Astrid and Ruff have both lanterns in their hands before Mila climbs off. She finds the Rumblehorn having a bit of a too human shape in the dark.

"Finally, we got it!" Hiccup shouts, climbing off his dragon. "Everybody stay back." Hiccup says moving his hands in a motion that shows everyone to stay behind him.

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