Crushing it p2.

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Mila watches the father and son duo from behind them. She hadn't talked to Hiccup once since he had this great idea to being Stoick around and have him complain to the dragon riders and her.

What surprised Mila the most was the fact that Stoick had been nothing but nice to her. With the occasional teasing about her being his son's so called girlfriend. She has no idea where that had come from.

"Incoming! Yeah!" She hears Tuff shouting at someone. "Fire, fire! Use all the weapons! Start blasting!" Tuff shouts.

At what? Where is the dragon? Did she miss something or did they catch it and it's now escaping? Mila is so confused since she can always hear people talking from a distance.

Not that the dragon riders know that, they had respected the fact that she didn't want to talk about the fireworm incident and tell them when she was ready to share that with them.

Mila screams while she ducks away from the incoming blasts from the other dragon riders. One of the shots gets to close and Rex abruptly stop with flying, sending her falling backwards.

"Aah!" She screams while falling through the air. "Rex!" She shouts before she sees the ground coming at a rapid pace towards her.

"Mila!" Hiccup shouts after her. "Hey, it's us. Cut it out!" Hiccup shouts.

It wouldn't be the first time for her to fall a great distance. She can barely take out her knives and use them to slow her self down from falling to the ground by sticking them into the stone wall that the other riders made.

She breathes out a sigh of relief before looking up at the sky to see Hiccup landing onto the ground with Rex looking frankly around himself to see if he can find her. She quickly starts to climb down the rock wall.

"Oh, okay. Sorry about that. Nice to see you, chief. You're looking very fit. Your hands seem to be rough, and well-worked. Anyway, welcome to Rumblehorn hell." Tuffnut says.

"Mila?" Hiccup shouts worriedly.

The last couple of feet, she decides to jump down. With a thump she lands onto the ground and puts her knives back into their holster.

"Mila!" Hiccup says before she gets pulled into a tight hug.

"I'm unharmed, don't worry." She says to Hiccup before taking her to the others.

"You weren't kidding about having dragon problems." Stoick says while Hiccup casts his eyes unknowing to Mila at her.

"Is anybody hurt?" He asks Astrid.

Mila wiggles herself free before she goes to calm Rex down a bit from his moment of fear. She knows that her dragon only got spooked for a moment by the fires and didn't mean to have her fall. But despite that, he still looks guilty like he had broken her favourite shoes.

"Well, sort of." Astrid says before everyone turns to Gobber.

"Hello, lovies. Who'd like some figgy pudding?" Gobber says looking a bit dazed and delusional. He wiggles a shoe.

"What's wrong with him?" Stoick asks confused.

"Well, chief, you can start with the peg leg. And then you add in the hook and the bad breath, weird neck. I mean, look at his neck." Tuffnut says explaining his nonsense to the chief.

"He'll be fine. He got hit by a watchtower." Snotlout tells the chief.

Mila can already feel that pain. That doesn't sound all to nice if you ask her. A little too painful.

"Ah, you're killing me. Who knew you were such a card. Ho ha ha!" Gobber says laughing at Toothless who was standing on his behind legs.

The poor dragon quickly runs away from Gobber and hides behind Mila. Who gladly gives him some gentle strokes under his chin.

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