Chapter Twenty-One

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~Kaine's P.O.V~

Our date started off horribly thanks to my dumbass self. But Rayne being the amazing woman she is, gave me a do-over. One I most certainly did not deserve, but one I would definitely take. The date, after that, was the best date I'd been on probably ever. We talked about anything and everything we could think of. Random facts about ourselves, goals, top 5 least favorite foods, normal shit. 

For once, I wasn't Kaine "the mafia boss's son" or Kaine "the multibillionaire", I was just me. I didn't feel pressure to keep my guard up with her, I could just be myself. We played stupid games like people did back in high school, we laughed more than I've laughed in my life. My smile with her was permanently etched onto my face. We munched on all of the food I packed and finished off the bottle of wine throughout the rest of our evening.

All in all, it was definitely a date I will never forget. If I felt like it was the right time, I would've asked her to be my woman. But, considering what she shared with me about her past with her piece of shit ex, I knew I needed to take things slow if I wanted to make her mine. I took her revealing that stuff to me as a step towards actually making that happen. 

In my eyes, she already was mine, but I wanted her to want to be mine as well and I knew with a traumatic experience like her last relationship that would take some time. I couldn't wait to find out more about that little bitch, Collin. He fucked up royally putting her through all of that and he was going to get what was coming for him. Karma is a bitch, but I'm way worse and what I have planned for him would make Lucifer himself look like a fucking fairy.

I checked my watch on my wrist and saw that it was almost midnight. I didn't want the night to end but it was a bit too cool outside for comfort and the blankets I packed only did so much against the cold. I didn't want to keep her out in it any longer than necessary, so I gently took her hand in mine and pulled her to her feet. 

She bent down to grab her shoes and her soft round ass was on full display to me. Knowing the boundary I had set for myself with her tonight, the temptation to grip the globes through her dress were strong. The desire to pull that dress up and fuck her where she stood until the both of us were reduced to panting and shaking was even stronger. I let out a small groan and winced, hoping it was too quiet for her to hear. 

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO BE SO DAMN FINE?  Stop acting like a horny little sixteen-year-old boy. I mean, yeah, she has the most perfect pillow soft ass I've ever seen... Or felt... Or had slapping back against my--

I could feel myself starting to strain against the fabric of my pants and shook my head to snap out of it. I subtly adjusted myself semi-hard erection before she could see. She stood back up straight with her heels hanging from her fingers and then looked at me quirking a brow. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought she bent over on purpose.

"Problem?" She asked, her free hand planting itself on her wide hip but a playful smirk on her lips. She knew exactly what she was doing to me.

"No problem at all, bambina. You're just too sexy for your own good." I shot her a wink and grinned at the small blush she seemed to always get. It amazed me how bold she could be when comfortable enough, but then she'd turned around and be shy right afterwards. She shook her head at me and brushed my words off.

 It was like she wasn't used to being complimented that much, like she didn't see just how beautiful she was. Like what I was saying was complete bullshit. I made a mental note to make sure to always tell her how beautiful she looked to me when I saw her. I fucking hated that Collin guy for what he'd done to her self-esteem. I didn't notice it yesterday, but the first day I met her, I felt her insecurities coming off of her in waves. I understood why after our date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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