Chapter Twelve

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I closed my eyes, trying to convince myself that Id just imagined it. That there wasnt someone behind us when we were so close to getting out of that house unnoticed. Who was I kidding? Of course we couldnt be that lucky. Fate was not on my side, and there was in fact a man a few feet away. Not only that, he saw us trying to escape. I willed my body to turn around to face the person, and my stomach rolled when I realized just who it was. There Kaine stood, arms crossed over his chest and a thick eyebrow perfectly arched in amusement.

How does he make such a simple action look so attractive? No, stop. Murderer, remember? But damnit, why does he have to look so good? Why cant he be an ugly killer? Im so disturbed at how attractive he is to me. Even knowing what I know now, ugh.

Kaine.. I- He cut me off, with a raise of his hand motioning for me to stop before I could even begin. Its not like I knew what I was going to say to him anyway.

If you wanted to leave, all you had to do was call me. If I had known you two were awake, I wouldve just told my driver to get ready to take you where you need to go.

And why would I have wanted to do that? I woke up, not knowing where I was or where Sydnei was. I didnt know if she was okay or anything. I woke up in a strange room for fucks sake! Besides, you werent there and I didnt know what the hell to think. So I got up, found her and were leaving now. My tone laced with venom, as I crossed my arms over my chest. I was still scared to be around him, but he didnt need to know that. I put on my best tough girl act and prayed he couldnt see right through it.

Kaine? Wait, is this the guy youre going on a date with!? Sydnei glanced between the two of us. His amusement only grew and he smirked a little. It astounded me that something as small as that had my heart racing and my body humming with desire. I was disgusted with myself and tried to reel in my hormones once more. I cleared my throat before speaking again.

Yeah, he owns the club we went to. I dont think that date will be happening now, though. I muttered at the end, not taking my eyes off of Kaine for even the smallest second. Her mouth made an O shape and she stayed quiet hearing the hostility in my words.

I was surprised she didnt speak on it more, but was grateful nonetheless. I didnt want to have to tell her what happened while it was still so fresh in my mind. Although I didnt exactly see what went down, I knew it couldnt have been pretty and I didnt want to dwell on it. I just wanted to get us out of the massive mansion and back to our small little two bedroom house. Sydnei could feel the tension, thick in the air around us and looked back and forth between Kaine and I. He ignored me though and focused his attention on Sydnei, but the smirk was gone.

We met at the club, Im not sure if you remember. Its nice to officially meet you. How are you feeling? He asked her and the concern coming from him, sounded genuine as he spoke. I wasnt certain that it wasnt an act, though. He, like myself, couldve been putting on a front. I didnt believe that he was being sincere.

Maybe he wants to seem like he cares, so Ill let my guard down and then were his next victims. Not happening motherfucker.

I feel like Ive been hit by a truck and my head feels like it could explode at any minute, but Im still breathing. Ill be fine, once I sleep it off completely. I must have been super drunk last night, if I dont even remember meeting you and youre asking how I feel. 

He stared at her puzzled until his eyes caught mine. I shot him a look that said, dont you dare say a shit. The look was paired with a slight shake of my head and I knew he understood. I wasnt quite ready to tell her what happened to her at the club. I didnt know if I wanted to risk her hating me just yet. I wouldnt blame her if she did hate me, but I definitely wanted to put off telling her for a little while, at least until we got home. Once we were safe in the confines of our cozy little living room, Id tell her what really happened. Which meant I needed to say something before Kaine did.

Yeah, you were. Super drunk actually, but I was too, so its fine. The last few hours were pretty crazy from what I remember until we passed out. I guess Kaine was nice enough to bring us here and let us sleep it off for a little bit. Thanks for that by the way, but we really should be going now. I butted in before Kaine could open his mouth again. My nerves were all over the place and being in his presence was not helping.

Are you sure youre going to be able to make it home, Sydnei? You can stay as long as youd like. Kaine offered and I was becoming irritated with him. His little effort to keep us from leaving didnt go unnoticed by me and my fists were balled at my sides. If we didnt leave soon I was going to burst.

Shes fine, and were leaving now. I gritted out through clenched teeth. I didnt want to be around the handsome enticing man  anymore than we needed to be. I wanted to put as much distance between us as possible and to do that, we needed to walk out that front door and never look back. Regardless of how insanely and utterly sexy he was or how bad my body ached for his touch. Nope, we needed to leave pronto.

Actually Im still pretty nauseous. I feel dizzy still and Im so tired. Cant we just stay for a few more hours? Sleep this shit off and then go home? Please, Ray? She begged, her voice breathy and ragged. As I stared at her, I noticed her skin looked pale once more and dewy, like grass in an early spring morning. I wanted to say no, but I didnt want her passing out on me before I could get us both home. With a sigh of defeat, I slowly gave in.

Fine, but just for a few hours. She nodded, and made her way back towards the stairs. Her steps were sluggish and I was worried shed pass out right there on the stairs. Somehow, she started the journey up them without protest. She paused on the second step however, waiting on me to join her.

Rayne can I talk to you for a minute? Kaine asked, his eyes pleading with me to give him a moment of my time and I couldnt say no to him. I would hear whatever he had to say, then Id go upstairs with Sydnei and let her sleep for a few hours.

Go on up, Syd. Ill catch up in a sec! I called over my shoulder. I was pretty sure she heard me because she sluggishly started crawling up the stairs wed just come down. Once she was out of sight and I was sure we couldnt be overheard, I whirled around on him. My patience was nonexistant at that point and I was done with everything.

"Dont think I forgot what you told me. After she rests up a little more, were fucking leaving. I dont want to be around you anymore than is necessary. And keep your damn mouth shut about what happened to her. I will tell her, myself. She wont be hearing that shit from you. You understand? I hissed, my anger welling up and my balled fists were clenched so tight, I could feel the crescent-shaped impressions from my fingernails digging into my palms. It was taking all my self control, not to deck him right in his chiseled jaw. I knew better though, Id only hurt myself even more than I already had. My injured hand was already throbbing in protest and it would be dumb to injure my one good hand, but God did I want to hit him.

Rayne, just calm down for a second and let me explain— I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I was already regretting giving him that minute of my time.

Explain what? You-- I paused, looking around to make sure we were still alone before continuing. You murdered someone. Not that he didnt deserve it, but thats besides the point. You killed a man, and Im supposed to be calm? If you can kill someone that easily, whats stopping you from killing us? I don't know you and Im a nobody. Im standing in the house of a killer as a nobody. No one would even bat and eye if I mysteriously disappeared! But you want me to calm down? Are you shitting me? Thats the exact opposite of what I should be ri— I stopped mid-sentence when his rough hands grabbed me by the shoulders. I let out a yelp, scared at the sudden action.

Shut up for one second, please! He roared, stopping to close his eyes and take in a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he continued. Yes, I killed Zeke. But I promise you, you two are not in danger. I would never put my hands on you or your friend. In My line of work, I have to do some things Im not proud of and some things you couldnt even begin to imagine— I snorted unable to stop myself from interrupting him.

Line of work? Owning a club— I cut myself short, after receiving a hard stare from him. He let go of my shoulders, putting a little distance between us and pinched the bridge of his nose with his eyes squeezed shut and a frustrated sigh.

Look, Im not going to get into this right now. Lets just say, Edge is one of my many business ventures. Im a lot more than just an owner of a club, but you dont need to be afraid of me, bambina. I did what I did, to put a stop to some sick bastard raping women. And Im not sorry I did it. He said softly. There it was again, that word. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as it rolled off of his tongue. My bodys reactions to just his voice alone were becoming slightly more than embarrassing.

I should not feel this way about him. Im so pathetic. I mean this is truly disturbing..Has it really been that long since Ive been this attracted to a man, that even a dangerous killer can turn me on with something as simple as a smirk? I need fucking help.

Fine, Ill accept the reason you killed him.. But how do I know that we are safe with you? How do I know youll actually let us leave when Sydnei wakes up? H-How do you expect me to trust you at your word? We barely know each other, I mean we just met two days ago. You could be saying all this stuff to get my guard down so I wont put up a fight when you do decide to get rid of me and her. I muttered.

I switched my weight from one foot to another, and looked down fiddling with my hands. My brain was telling me that he couldnt be trusted. My heart and body, however, had joined forces and were on the opposing team. They told me that, not only could I trust Kaine, but that we were safe with the alluring mass of muscles and tattoos. With his dark hair, rippled arms, and green eyes that I felt would become a permanent fixture in my dreams.

My heart screamed that we were safe, but the logical part of me knew that him killing Zeke was not a new thing. He had secrets behind those emerald orbs. His very presence reeked of authority but underneath all of that, I could sense a darkness within him. Id seen a little bit of it at the club and it scared me down to my very core. I studied his face and my gaze trailed downwards, drinking in the rest of him. I couldn't deny how sexy he was, nor could I deny the puddle pooling in my panties the more I stared at him. How my body was reacting to just the sight of him, made me want to throw every bad thought about him out of the window; give in to temptation, just this once. No thinking, not overanalyzing. Pure heat of the moment pleasure. I blinked a few times, bringing my focus back on the conversation at hand.

Trust me, if I wanted to hurt you, we wouldnt be standing here talking. Im sorry for the way this night turned out and while I understand that it changes the way you see me, I hope that you will give me a second chance. I dont want you to see me as some monster. I have been honest with you about everything else up to this point. I want you to see for yourself that Im not a bad guy That Im not a danger to you or your friend. He murmured taking a small step toward me.

I stayed in place, holding my breath and he took another step forward until he was close enough for me to feel his breath on my face. I could smell a hint of smoke from a cigarette he had recently had and the scent on anyone else it would not seem so appealing. His hand went to my cheek, drawing small circles with his thumbs. Our eyes stayed locked on one another. I couldnt have looked away even if Id wanted to. When he realized I wasnt pushing him away, his eyes flicked down to my lips. My tongue darted out to wet them subconsciously. Noticing the small movement, he leaned in hesitantly. He was giving me time to pull away, to deny him. That was the moment I shouldve snapped out of it. I shouldve pulled away but instead, I began leaning in to meet him halfway until a voice broke up our little moment.

Boss—Im sorry, I didnt realize. Ill just come back later, boss. I took a small step back to collect myself.

I ran a hand through my tangled curls and cringed at the knots my fingers got stuck in. During my rush to get Sydnei and I out of the luxury mansion, I never stopped to take in how deranged I mustve looked. This man was about to kiss me, and I look like a black Bellatrix LeStrange straight out of Azkaban.. Smooth. From around Kaines thick frame, I saw a guy who I guessed was around my age. He was pretty handsome too-- Dark hair as well, lean body but you could tell he worked out, brown eyes, and a few freckles peppered his nose and cheeks. He was cute but he wasnt as good looking as Kaine.  The guy's eyes darted between us, stopping briefly on me with a intrigued look. Stop staring at me you weirdo, you've never seen a women before? Men.

Its fine, Jax. What is it? Kaine answered, not taking his eyes off of me.

Its uh Its a business matter, boss man. Im afraid its urgent. Jax said lowly. Kaine let out a sigh and finally glanced at him.

Give me thirty minutes to get her settled in. Ill meet you in the office. Jax nodded without another word and turned on his heel, heading back in the direction he came from. When it was just the two of us again, awkwardness settled in around us. Kaine cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head, but the distance between us remained.

Come on, let me get you back upstairs. I know youre  probably tired, its almost four in the morning and you only slept for two hours. He led me back to the stairs and rested a hand on my lower back as he guided me up them.

Sounds like everyone should be in bed. Arent you tired too?  I answered, following him down a hallway.

His house wasnt so scary to be in now that I wasnt as scared for mine or Sydneis life. The place was actually gorgeous and it gave off a warmness I had missed initially. I was a little jealous at just how beautiful the parts Id seen were, and it made me wish my own little apartment was just as nice. Whatever businesses hed had his hands in, mustve paid pretty fucking well. Must be nice to have way more money than you need. Im bartending my ass off, just to be able to eventually open up a bakery and Im still nowhere close to being able to do that.

Im exhausted, but Ill head up to get a few hours of sleep once I deal with whatever Jax needs me for. We stopped at the opened door of the room Id just attempted to escape from and he ushered me inside, following closely behind.

Who is he? Erm, Jax? I asked out of curiosity. I couldnt help my prying, as I turned around towards him.

He walked ahead of me and sat on the edge of the bed. Kaine ran a hand over his face, and as he sat there I could see the exhaustion. I wondered how much sleep he was actually going to get once he was done doing whatever. I took a seat beside him and he sighed before answering me.

Hes one of my employees and one of my best friends. He lives here too and helps me with some of my.. businesses.

Sounds like youre a busy man just dont work yourself ragged. You need a decent amount of sleep to properly function. I grimaced when I realized how much I sounded like a mom-- Sydneis mom, more specifically. Sorry, I didnt mean to sound so.. Im sure you get plenty of sleep. And you seem healthy.. In shape. I mean you look like you take care of yourself. I mean-- I-Im going to shut up now. My cheeks burned in embarrassment and I wanted to crawl in a hole. He chuckled and although it was so deep and incredibly sexy, it was at my expense.

I couldnt sit by him anymore. I jumped up from my spot and went to walk away but he reached out and grabbed my hand before I could get far. He spun me around to face him and pulled me closer until I was standing right in front of him. My breath caught in my throat as he released my hand only to place both of his on my waist. The contact of his rough hands through the openings of my dress had my body on fire. His hands were warm and brought goosebumps once again to the surface. My heart stuttered and I tried to act calm even though every part of my body was buzzing with the electricity it got from his touch and his touch only. This feeling was so foreign and new to me, I couldnt make sense of it. I wasnt sure if I even wanted to.

You ramble a lot when youre nervous.. Its cute, ya know? I kept my head down not willing to look at him. My thoughts were jumbled and if my bodys response hadnt given it away, I knew my face would. I was incredibly nervous and that was putting it mildly. This man had shown genuine interest in me since the moment he sat at my bar and I couldnt deny my interest in him either. He was intriguing and mysterious and I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to learn what else he was hiding and if he actually was a good guy, but I was terrified of what Id come to find out down the road.
I meant what I said, Rayne. Id really like it if you gave me a chance to prove myself to you. I want to keep getting to know you. I want to hear you speak to me in my native tongue more. Ive never met a woman who has spoke Italian so fluently who wasnt even Italian. Ive never heard it sound so sensual. I think your nervous babbling is cute and quirky and I want to see what other little things you do out of nervousness or excitement. Your quirks, your ticks, your likes, your dislikes, your dreams, your goals for the future.
And I want you to get  to know me, the real me. I want you to be able to learn all of those things about me as well. If you dont want to, I understand and Ill stop trying. But if you want to get to know me as much as I want to get to know you, then let me take you out tonight still. I know you dont trust me but I want to earn your trust. And to sweeten the deal, if at any time you decide you dont feel comfortable with me or you just arent feeling it, Ill take you straight home. What do you say? Will you let me take you out? I didnt respond, I stayed quiet while I mentally weighed the pros and cons of going out on a date with him.

If I go on this date, I could end up really enjoying myself. Itll be my first date since my engagement to Collin fell through. I need to get myself back out there, but is he the right person to start dating again with? What if it goes horribly? I suppose I can just text Sydnei to get me out of it, but he did say if I wanted to leave I could leave at any time Do I take his word for it? Should I take that leap? I really cant handle being hurt again this soon after my break up, but its been a year.. I cant sit around wallowing in self pity forever! You know what? Fuck it. Whatever happens, happens. I have never been this attracted to someone who is also attracted to me. And I might never have this chance again. Im not exactly anyones first choice normally, yet he wants to take me out. He wants to get to know me.. Okay, Im going for it.

Chewing my lip nervously, I nodded my head to him after making up my mind.

Yes what? Yes youll go out with me? He asked, and his eyes lit up. He looked like a little boy on Christmas. I couldnt help but giggle as I nodded my head again.

His hands circled my waist and his rested his head right below my breasts as he hugged me tight. After a moment, I wrapped an arm around his shoulders  and used my non-injured hand to stroke his hair. His scent was so calming and the hint of a cigarette was still lingering. He let go of me after another minute, and a thought came to my head.

Kaine? I asked.


Can I bum a cigarette off of you? I dont know where my purse is and Ive been dying for one since everything started with Sydnei.. I ended sheepishly, a small blush settling on my face.

Of course! Im  sorry, I left your bags at the club in my rush to get you two here. I didnt think about your cigarettes being in there. He apologized and I smiled.

He stood up from the bed and lead me over to the balcony attached to the room. He pulled out his pack of Camels and his zippo lighter in one fluid motion. We both took a seat at the small patio table, across from one another. Before Id even realized, he was holding out a lit cigarette in my direction. I took it, murmuring a thank you as I brought it to my lips. I inhaled a deep drag and rolled the smoke around in my mouth before blowing it out into the cool early morning. The menthol taste hitting the back of my throat was both welcomed and needed after such an insane night. Thank god its a menthol and not a light or a Camel Blue. Neither of us spoke, but the silence was comfortable. I was too lost in my thoughts to even try to spark up conversation as I flicked my ashes into the skull shaped ashtray resting on the patio table between us.

Although my mind was racing with the events from the past twenty-four hours, my nerves were settling with each hit of nicotine. I knew smoking was a nasty habit but Id been a smoker for years and it was the only thing that actually calmed my nerves. A breeze nipped at my bare skin and I ran my hands up and down my arms, trying to create some warmth.  I took one last puff from the last of the cigarette in my hand and then extinguished it in the ashtray. The chill in the air was settling in my bones, causing a shiver to run up my spine. I found myself wishing I had a hoodie or some sweatpants at the very least, instead of the short dress I had put on for the club.

Lets go back inside, I know youre freezing. I just nodded, following him back through the patio door. The difference in temperature, helped take some of the chill off but I still had goosebumps and rubbing my arms only helped so much. Did the cigarette make you feel a little better? Kaine asked as he stopped in front of the dresser. He kept his back to me as he rummaged through a couple of drawers before turning around, a few articles of clothing in his hands.

It definitely helped my nerves. Still trying to process everything, but my brain feels fried. I said with a sigh as I sat back down on the edge of the bed. He brought the clothes over and sat them beside me.

There are some boxers, sweats, and a t-shirt if you want to get out of your dress. Itll help you get warm.

Who do these clothes belong to? Are they yours? I asked. He let out a small chuckle.

Yes theyre mine, this is my room. I wouldnt give you some random mans clothes. And since you want honesty, I wouldnt want to see you wearing any mans clothing other than mine. A soft gasp left my mouth and I cleared my throat in an attempt to hide the reaction. The gesture was very nice and I eagerly picked up the clothing after unbuckling the heel straps around my ankles. I tried to ignore what he said but it was replaying over and over in my head.

Thank you. I murmured getting back to my feet. He took a few steps towards the door, and a part of me didnt want him to leave. I knew he had business to take care of but it didnt stop me from trying to come up with something else to say to keep him there. Even if it was only for another minute or two. Kaine. I called and he turned around.

Yes, bambina?

Two things. One, where is the bathroom?

Oh yeah, sorry the bathroom is through that door. He pointed and I turned in that direction, seeing a door that I hadnt noticed earlier right beside the closet and nodded. And the second thing? He asked.

If Im in here sleeping, where will you sleep? I blushed and felt so silly as soon as the words left my lips, but his face held a nervous look. I was pretty sure I already knew his answer, but still I waited. He cleared his throat before taking the few steps to close the distance between us.

I hadnt thought that far, honestly. If youre not comfortable with sharing the bed, I can sleep in a spare bedroom for a few hours. His eyes stayed glued to my face but I didnt have to think of my answer, it was automatic.

You can come back in here. Id never keep you from sleeping in your own bed. Plus I dont really want to be alone.. My voice barely above a whisper, but hed heard me. There were other braver things I wanted to say but lacked the courage to do so. What I really wanted to say was, I really want to be under you, on top of you, but Ill take what I can get.

He let out a breath and smiled, his dimples more prominent. His teeth were pearly white and straight and I found it hard to look away from his mouth. His smile was beautiful and alluring and after having his lips on my own a few times, all I could think about was kissing him again. Just grabbing his face and smashing my lips against his, our tongues doing an intricate dance together and running my fingers through his hair. I couldnt take my eyes off of those lips and as embarrassing as it should have been, at that moment I didnt care. I wasnt sure if he wanted the same, but still I started leaning in to him. He didnt move away so I took that as a sign and gently brushed my lips against his.

He snaked his arms around my waist once more and pushed his lips on mine in a heated, fiery, passionate kiss. It was feverish and frantic and heart-stopping. I dropped the clothes in my hands, the thought of changing moved to the back burner. All I could do was focus on the mind-blowing, mood altering, electrifying kiss we were sharing in that moment. The dominance radiating off of him from that kiss was enough to make my knees buckle. Instead of falling to floor like I had expected, Kaine tightened his hold on my waist.

Once I was upright again, the kisses grew more urgent and feverish. It was like he couldnt get enough of me, much like I couldnt get enough of him.  Our tongues danced and our lips moved in sync. There was no fighting for dominance, because he had total and complete control. My hands ran through his brown locks and his hands travelled lower to grip my thighs right beneath my ass. In one swift movement, he effortlessly lifted me from the ground and my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. His lips left mine to trail wet open-mouthed kisses down my jaw. He found a soft spot under my ear and softly nipped at it. A breathless moan left my mouth and he growled his approval.

He loosened his grip on my thighs and gently laid me down on his soft king-sized bed. My legs remained around his waist as hovered over top of me, his weight resting on his arms placed on either side of my head. I tugged on his hair a little and he groaned into my mouth as his lips found mine again. I could feel his bulge through his pants and I knew right then he was bigger than any man Id ever been with. His clothed length rubbed against my thong as my dress rose up to my hips. I shuddered in delight at the friction, but I wanted more. No, I needed more. I started grinding my hot core against him, warranting another sexy growl from the sexy man on top of me. He moved his hips away from me and I whimpered at the loss of contact. We pulled apart both gasping for air, his green eyes dark and hooded with lust. With such an intense look, I was putty beneath him. My thong was useless against the wetness gathering between my thighs.

I wanted him in that moment and I didnt care about anything else that had happened that night. In that moment, it was just the two of us in a cloud of complete desire; just pure hunger for one another and nothing else mattered. He lifted his body off of me, setting back and trailing a hungry gaze down the length of me. He took in my hiked up dress, my lacy thong, my heaving chest and me squirming under his gaze. He bit his lip as he took a hand and caressed my side, from my breast to my tattooed thigh. I shivered with delight, my exposed skin burning at his touch. I craved his hands in places he had yet to explore, and I was almost to the point of showing him just where I needed his attention.

Sei così bella, Rayne. Vorrei non dover tornare nel mio ufficio. Vorrei poter stare qui con te. Voglio divorarti in ogni modo, baciare ogni centimetro quadrato del tuo corpo. (You are so beautiful, Rayne. I wish I didnt have to go back to my office. I wish I could stay up here with you. I want to devour you in every way, kiss every square inch of your body.) He rasped out and I wanted the same thing.. More than he knew.

My breathing hitched and I closed my legs, clenching my thighs together to try to somehow relieve the pressure building up at my core. He noticed the dilemma hed put me in and smirked as he spread my legs apart. His calloused hands against the soft skin of my thighs was thrilling and causing the puddle pooling in my panties to make itself known. He eyes traced over the lacy thong as he bit back a groan. I bit my lip at the sound, he was driving me crazy without even doing anything to me.

Dio, lo voglio anch'io... Voglio assaggiarti e sentirti in ogni modo possibile. Ma so che hai del lavoro da fare. Mi dispiace di averti tenuto. (God I want that too... I want to taste you and feel you in every way possible. But I know you have work to do. I'm sorry for keeping you.) I murmured, trying to keep my voice steady. I really hoped that hed stay a little longer. If he left me a soaking wet mess on his bed, Id explode from the buildup alone.

I groaned as his hands rubbed my thighs; so far, yet so close to where I was aching and throbbing with the need for him. He teasingly placed wet kisses on my inner thighs and I was a panting mess. He knew exactly what he was doing to me, I was desperate and yearning for him and he reveled in knowing that. My aching desire was turning him on, just watching me writhing underneath him.

If he doesnt touch me, Im going to lose it. Ive never needed to be touched so badly in my life. I just need to open my mouth and say the words.

Please, Kaine. I whimpered, hot and aching. I could feel his smirk against my skin. I knew what I needed to say, but I couldn't form a coherent sentence with him positioned right where he was. His head looked so perfect right in between my legs and I knew my panties were destroyed. He looped a finger in the waistband of my thong and if he didnt take them off soon, I was going to rip them off myself. He was getting painstakingly close to where I needed him and I just needed him to go a tiny bit further down.

Per favore cosa? Dimmi cosa vuoi che faccia bambina. (Please what? Tell me what you want me to do, baby.) He whispered, his breath fanning my skin.

I took my bottom lip between my teeth. His accent and the words rolling off of his tongue were creating these strong electric currents, that were tingling all throughout my body. I was buzzing with need but I was shy, too shy to say what was on the tip of my tongue. It had been a while since anyone had asked me what I wanted; itd been too long since Id been with a man or even a woman for that matter. I felt out of touch sexually, but he was awakening parts of myself that I forgot had ever even existed.

He took my silence for an opportunity to lick a trail up the length of my inner thigh and stop right where the lace of my underwear began. My breaths were uneven and ragged. My desire, evident. I needed Kaine, it was out of my control at that point. I was a slave to my hormones and even if I wanted to, I wouldnt have been able to stop without some type of a release.

Toccami. Per favore, toccami. (Touch me. Please, touch me.) I breathed, begging, pleading, growing.

I needed him more than Id ever needed anything. I needed a release from the pressure building up within me and I needed him to give it to me. The anticipation was almost too much to bear, my body was burning underneath his heated gaze. But I knew right then, I had said the magic words. His restraint had reached its limits, judging by the tightness in the crotch of his pants and my stomach leaped in excitement. 

Your wish is my command, babygirl.


A/N: I know, I know, I am super late on updating and I am so sorry!!! I've been really down in the dumps lately and I know it's not an excuse but I needed to work on myself before I continued working on this story.
For anyone who has ever visited my profile, they will see that I am a mommy to an angel. He would've been five this year and they say time heals all wounds, but not this one. Five years and it still feels like the day I lost him. My best friend just recently told me she was pregnant and I was pretty upset. My situation was a fucked up one that no one could see coming, so I had my son when I was 18 weeks pregnant and he did not survive. When people close to me get pregnant, I get jealous and upset because my experience of pregnancy was ripped away so suddenly and out of nowhere. I want so badly to experience that feeling again and I know I will when the time is right, but it will also require surgery on my part in order to carry a baby to full term. That's what I've been struggling with lately. So I'm very sorry for not updating sooner.
I still have a 5 year old little boy but he is not mine biologically like i've stated in a previous author's note and I love him with everything in me, but it's not the same. He doesn't call me his mom and thats okay because he calls me his TayTay and I'm okay with that.

Question: Is any of you guys a parent to an angel baby?

What are you all thinking of the book so far?

Also, anybody else a Russ fan? Heard his new album yet because I love it! Its been on repeat at my house all week!

I tried to make up for not upddating by giving you guys a pretty lengthy chapter, so I hope you enjoy!

Thank you all for the reads and votes, y'all are seriously the best.

As always, any vote/comment/add/share will be greatly appreciated!


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